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Yo! Sorry if you lovelies thought this was a chapter, but recently I've been thinking you guys should know a bit more about me! I don't know why, but I kinda...Just...decided....anyway, yeah! So here is some things about me!

My name is Jenna ;)

I'm blond, but my hair has weird strands of silver and brown in it? All natural.

My eyes are a weird hazel, with a bit of green, and yellow surrounding the pupil XD

I'm not gonna say my age, you won't believe me!

I'm a huge tomboy otaku who adores FallOut Boy, My Chemical Romance, Nirvana, Imagine Dragons etc.

My fave colour is Navy Blue!

Since Sabo, I've kinda become obsessed with dragons? I don't even know...

When I was a kid, I used to think I was allergic to badgers, cause the first time I saw one (On T.V may I add) I sneezed.

I have a cat, (well family pet) called Smasher. And a hamster, (who's alllll mine) called Gandalf!

I have an older brother.

I'm kind of a big dork.

I always where a beanie, skinny jeans, baggy t-shirts etc. (Ya know what, basically what Kuzan/Aokoji wears when he ain't a marine)

I used to do marshal arts and came within 2 belts of a black before I had to stop. (Because I kept braking bones. -apparently-)

I once jumped off a battlement at a castle to avoid get grass thrown at me. I have hay fever- walked away with only a broken toe. I went to starbucks and mcdonalds before finally deciding that I should probably go to hospital....

The guy who was chasing me with the grass at the time is now my boyfriend.

I once accidentally bust someone's nose because I happy slapped them too hard.

I once broke someones hand by accident because I missed what I was going to hit, and hit their wrist instead.

I get nick-named Link by some people because my ears are kinda pointy...

A while ago, me and my two friends decided we would each represent one of the ASL boys. I'm Ace because I'm the oldest, boldest, most stubborn, and tend to have a hot head ;)

The song that best describes me...is probably Make It Up-Sam Tsui.

My ultimate dream in life, is to become an author. And should I make enough money, buy a boat and sail the world. With no strict destination. Should i come across anyone who wants to join me on my travels, they're more than welcome.

So yea...that's basically me. An OP quote that best describes my outlook on life? Well... I have 2.

"When the world shoves you around, you just gotta get up, and shove back. It's not like someone is gonna save you if you start babbling excuses!"-Roronoa Zoro.


"I'm not interested in living forever. It's enough if I can live through today!"-Portgas D. Ace

(The song at the start is, currently, my favourite song. Sorry its nightcore version...but...Law. )

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