Zoro x Reader. Strength.

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Song~ Superheroes- The script

(Sorry, had to use cover. something about SME crap? Ah, I dunno.)


The body of the (h/c) haired girl slammed into the wall. Shattering bones in her body, and knocking the wind right out of her. Slumping to her knees, she doubled over, gripping her stomach.

"Tch, weak. Kill her."

The leader of the group spat, turning his back to the girl. The one he had commanded to do so, froze. He trembled with fear in what he was about to say, but swallowed. And spoke.

"S-sir, we've done e-enough... Is killer h-her necessary?"

Whipping around, the large man grabbed his subordinate by his collar, and hoisted him into the air. Effectively cutting off his air supply.

"How dare you question me?! When I give you an order, it should be in your best interest to follow it!"

The man currently hanging from the air, clawed at his master's arm.

"I...just don't think-"

"S-stop it, kid..."

A pained voice choked from a few foot away. All heads slowly turned to face the girl, coughing up blood and onto the cobble floor.

"Listen to me, kid... Your boss I right... It's in your best interest to do as he says. Kill me,"

She began, looking up with a grin as she whipped her own blood from her chin, with the back of her hand.

"I won't hold it against you."

She sighed, falling into a sitting position, and leaning her head against the wall. A long pause occurred after that. She tipped her head forward, raising an eyebrow.

"Not gonna do it?"

She coughed, shuffling around.

"Guess I'll just anger your boss into doing it then."

She mused to herself, coughing a bit. She thought up some insults in her head, but they left before she could say them.

The truth always seems to anger people...

She thought to herself, and then, she began.

"Alright, listen to me and listen good. I'm gonna give you a valuable life lesson, boys. You can beat down whoever you want. Whether it be a low life like myself, or Gol D. Rodger himself. But that doesn't mean you're stronger. You see, sometimes it takes more strength and smarts to realize when not to fight. It's at that point, when you have won. So you see boys... But not fighting you, right now,"

She smiled to the sky.

"I've already won this fight."

Suddenly, the loud clashing of steel rang within the alley way where this had taken place. Quickly followed by whimpers and screams of pain.

Her head once again fell followed, her eyes being greeted by a head of green hair. She chuckled.

"Took you long 'nuff."

The blond cooed. Zoro growled and sheathed his sword, walking over to the girl and picking her up. She hissed in pain, making the swordsman mutter and apology.

They began their walk back to the ship.

(Name) knew that they would get lost sooner or later, but she didn't mind. She had been in pain enough times to be able to block it out easily.

"Ok, lesson two."

Zoro grunted, glancing down at the woman in his arms.

"Just because you know someone will come save you, doesn't mean you get to act cocky."

(Name) laughed, leaning her head against his chest. Nodding, she hummed in amusment.

"Yes, I know...but with you, you never quite how long it will be before I'm rescued. So I'm allowed have fun."


She giggled happily, swinging her feet childishly.

"My direction isn't that bad..."

She heard a voice grumble, making her scoff.


"Yeah, really!"

"Ok then, wanna tell me why we just went left, when the docks are right?"

He stopped, grumbled some more, and turned to go the way he had just passed. She laughed and snuggled closer to the swordsman.

Another silence filled the air, the only sound being the crunch of Zoro's feet against the gravel path, and the lapping of the waves against the shore, which was growing in volume.

She felt a head drop to her ear, kissing her cheek.

"How much pain are you in?"

He whispered gently, the hand looped around her back, gently rubbing her side.

"It's bearable."

She whispered back, smiling up at him. He shook his head and sighed, looking forward to ensure he didn't trip.

"How are you so strong?"

He questioned, making (Name) raise an eyebrow.

"You get beaten bloody more than I get lost, and you still haven't broke..."

Zoro trailed off, frowning slightly. Sighing at the question, which had actually be asked many times, yet never answered, she decided to reply.

"You have to learn to be...when you live life like I did."

The (h/c) retorted simply. Zoro looked down at her with a sympathetic look. He knew about her past. About being ridiculed for having a pirate father. She was always on the run, and always had people after her head.

He kissed her cheek again.

"I love you, (Name). You have more strength then any woman I've ever known. It's noble, and it inspires me to be stronger than I am. I'm proud of you."

The swordsman stated, making (Name) smile.

"Thanks Zoro... And I love you, too."

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