-Law P2-

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Author-Chan is going to see Deadpool soon, so she is gonna try and get this done before then~ :3


Your arms were folded over your chest, as you glared at the male with the sterling-silver eyes sat opposite you, calmly sipping a cup of tea.

Your right knee bounced up and down from your annoyances, foot tapping rhythmically against the floor. But despite your negative-warning-signs, Law continued to stare blankly out the window; you know, as if he hadn't just forced you into bailing on school, and come for some quality time with him.

Pfft, 'quality time'. There was many things wrong with that. One, it's not exactly quality time if he's completely ignoring you, and staring out the window. Two, it was school hours. If you were caught, you were done for. And, oh yeah, he was your bully.

Sighing heavily, you shrank back in your chair. If this is the lengths he was willing to go to, just to keep his secret from getting out, then you almost felt bad for him. But who would feel bad for such a dickhead? You were trying not to.

Your lengthy and loud sigh caught the male's attention, and he turned to you, setting his mug down. He tossed a brief glance at your own mug, which had barely been touched, and pursed his lips.

"Oi. (Name)-ya. Are you gonna drink that, or what?"

You looked at him, irately.

"Why? Do you want that, too? Along with my dignity, patience, and mental stability? Tch, go ahead. I'm not thirsty."

Well that little outburst certainly caught his attention.

"... Mental stability.. ?"

He echoed quietly, looking at you in confusion. His face, to anyone else, was a picture of pure, attractive innocence. To you, it was just annoyingly ignorant. And worthy of a nice smack.

"Yes, Law. My mental stability. Did you honestly think that when you were degrading me, shoving me around, and spreading rumours, I would come out the other side completely fine?"

Tears began to well in your eyes, and you sat up a little straighter in your chair. In that moment, Law had no idea what to do.

"Well I haven't. My self confidence is shit, and the mental image I have of myself, is worse than you can even comprehend. You've fucked me up, Trafalgar Law. You've really fucked me up!"

You exclaimed, palms resting on the table before you. You hadn't realised that during your outburst, you had risen from your chair, and the entire cafe you had stopped at, was now staring at you.

One of the barista's came over to you, telling you to either settle down, or leave. And you certainly knew which one you were picking. Hiking your rucksack up off the floor, tears streaming down your cheeks, you shot Law a look of pure hatred.

"To think...I actually liked you."

You whispered in disgust, and shook your head, briskly leaving the cafe, where Law was left; receiving looks of both sympathy and disapprovel from those seated all around him.

The bell on the door rang as you left, and you didn't even flinch at the violent rain beating down on your head. You thought it was a rather appropriate weather for your mood.

The tears that slid down your cheeks mingled with the droplets of rain hitting your body, creating a fiasco of misery upon your face. But you didn't hide it. You were in no mood to try and mask your misery.

The loud splashing of feet within the rain sounded behind you, but you thought nothing of it. Simply passing it off as a child, enjoying the dim weather. Much as you did as a child.

However, that thought was quickly fed to the dogs, when a warmth enveloped you, and body pressed against your back. Thin, but by no means weak, arms encircled you, and you gasped in alarm. Your bag tumbled to the floor, splashing water onto your legs.

The instinct to thrash whoever was holding you away struck immediately, but when your eyes fell upon the familiar tattooed knuckles of the very male you had just stormed away from, you paused. A frown twisted your lips, and you relaxed somewhat, even when a head rested on your shoulder.

"This is pitiful, Law..."

You muttered bitterly, not impressed with his all too stereotypical attempt at possibly earning your forgiveness. To you, all he had accomplished was keeping you in the cold all the more longer.


He whispered, and something in his tone, which sounded somewhat like pure desperation, had you resisting the urge to turn, and wrap your arms around him.

"I'm sorry..."

The raven mumbled again, and you sighed.

"It'll take more than that to-"

"I know."

He cut off, and you remained silent. As much as you were reluctant to grant him any form of forgiveness, you were intruiged to know how he'd try and get it.

"I know, I-... What I have done to you is despicable... And my reasons for doing it, are stupid and irrelevant... I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to go and spread what you heard about me, I wouldn't even be mad; in fact, I deserve it... But you're not going to, and the fact you aren't, even after all I put you through, is the kindest gesture I've ever been granted... So let me make up for your kindness,"

He stated, pulling back, and turning you around in his grasp, holding your shoulders tightly. He was shaking from the cold, rain clinging to every expanse of his skin. The usual rings beneath his eyes seemed even darker, and the look of absolute self-loathing in his eyes, was almost enough to have your own widening in shock.


Law trailed off, his grip loosening, as if one look at your face was enough to expel all hope he had at redemption.

You stood silent for a while, simply looking into the eyes which you both loved, and hated. Before your head bobbed into a nod, and you looked down.

"You don't deserve it, and I'm pissed at myself for giving it to you, but... I'll let you try... As far as things go now, I still hate you... But I'll let you try and fix that..."

You whispered softly, your soaking wet hair, falling into your (e/c) eyes. He nodded rapidly, pushing the strands of hair from where they fell, and retreating your bag from the floor. You glanced at it, frowning.

"Its soaked..."

Law focused his eyes on the luggage-carrier, and sighed at the realisation that it's contents were likely destroyed. But he realised, that wasn't actually too bad.

Because now he had an opening to get you another, and replace all that was inside it.

His first stepping stone to earning your forgiveness.

Tada! Okayz, that's done, now! Hehe! Up next is either my Luffy lemon, my Marco-shot (trying something new) or my Young! Roger x Reader! :3.

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