Ch.37- Phase Two

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Bella's POV

I looked at Annabeth.

"Annabeth, you and Tyson get to the safety boats okay? Em,you and Jasper take out anyone in their way. Percy,you and I will keep the rest of Luke's goons and possibly Luke himself,off their back." I explained hurriedly.

They nodded and we let Emmett and Jasper go first with Tyson and Annabeth. I looked at Percy,drew my sword . .

And we were off.

I heard grunts and screams from ahead and smiled. Emmett and Jasper. I can always count on them to cause a ruckess.

I dodged an incoming arrow and swung my sword into another man. Slashing at a bar tender,I ducked and rolled to the side as a jet of water shot past my head. Percy winked at me and I glared. Boys.

I turned to see Jasper being held down by several men and saw one of them raise their sword for the killing blow.

I ran and jumped over the pool, landing a few feet in front of him. I kicked and slashed and punched until he was free and more bodies littered the deck. He nodded and raced off towards where Emmett and and the others were preparing the life boats.

I saw Tyson drop one of the motors into the sea and Annabeth screamed something at him,but I continued. I couldn't worry about them right now.

Luke ,the old basted ,strolled out from his cabin,turned,and said to Percy who was on the roof of the yatch.

"Dude,get off my roof."

Percy lunged forward,but missed because of a hell hound knocking him out if the air. I saw him get up and start to fight.

Luke turned and smirked. That smirk . . . . it really pissed me off. I concentrated on the pool. On the water. I channeled all my anger. The water moved. It curved and coiled into what looked like a serpent. I clenched my fist.

And shot it straight at Luke.

It shoved him off the boat,and I watchdd,satisfied, as it kept pushing him for miles.


I turned and saw the rest of the gang on their boat speeding away. Percy was riding a tidal wave,so I quickly conjured my own up and we rode together towards our friends.

"Well that was refreshing." Jasper said smiling.

I laughed." Indeed it was. Indeed it was."

AN: I felt bad about not updating for a while so I wrote another chapter. Hope you guys liked it! Vote and comment if you dare . . .


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