Ch.39- Suprise. Yay.

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AN: This is Bella's sword. Not as nice looking as Percy's but still as lethal.

Percy's POV

The boat tipped over,and we fell out and into the dark abyss.

"AHHHHHHHHH" Our screams echoed off the fark walls as we rushed towards the bottom of the pit.

I searched for Bella and Annabeth. I saw Jasper wrap his hug Annabeth from behind,Emmett doing the same to Bella. I guess they could see what was ahead with their special sight.

I felt bug,rough arms enclose around my chest. Tyson.

"Do not fear,brother,I've got you!" I heard him yell.

The Cullen's turned their backs towards the bottom,Tyson falling suit. I heard the sound of moving liquid gradually become louder as we neared the bottom.

The impact of hitting the water or whatever it was wasn't as painful or uncomfortable as I thought it would have been.

I'm pretty sure it was because I landed on Tyson,who easy sturdy,strong,and definitely hard,but still soft. I heard him groan and rolled over.

After getting up, I helped him get to his feet which almost made me fall again,after he almost ripped my arm off. No biggie.

I walked over to Annabeth and Bella,my eyes immediate searching for any injuries. There were none, of course. I knew I could count on the Cullens to keep them safe.

I looked at both of them. "Are you two aleight?" I asked.

They nodded and shrugged. Of course.

Bella's POV

After checking to make sure everyone was alright,thanking Emmett and Jasper several times (both of which only grinned and said "Edward would rip us to shreds if we let anything happen to you. And you would rip us to shreds if anything happened to your best friend.)

"Okay guys. I'm guessing what we just fell down was the throat. So we must be in the stomach. Let's see if there's a way out fo here." I said.

I turned,ran into a vampire,and screamed.

It was a really girlish scream,and I wasn't proud of it,because I mean, I'm me. But how would you react to running into a vampire who is supposed to be at Camp Half-Blood which is thousands of miles away.

"What the hell are you guys doing her!" I practically growled at the three Cullen's in front of me.

"We couldn't let you do this alone." Alice said. I watched as Jasper ran over to her,hugged her,and pulled her aside for what I hope is a major 'I'm so fucking mad at you talk'

"I didn't really do this for you, I just wanted to see Emmett. " Rosealie said making her way to the late vampire who easy steaming.

That left one vampire left.

I walked over to our boat that had fallen a good sixty feet away from us, him following closely behind.

"Bella? Look, I understand that your angry," He said while I searched through the recage. Angry? I'm furious. "But we wanted to make sure you guys were okay and we want to help."

I finally found what I was looking for. My sword. I unheated it,and nd swung it at him.

He dodged it just in time.

"What the hell Bell!" I chased him,which didn't really work because he has vamp speend,do I settled for throwing the sword at him,which clipped his shoulder. He hissed.

I get my body being picked up by Emmett. I screamed ay him.

"I DO NOT NEED YOU TO LOOK AFTER ME!! JUST WAIT!! I'M COMING FOR YOU!! YOU . . .YIU . . YIU BLOODSUCKER!! I'M GOONA -" I stopped be a another person's yelling cut through mine.


I froze,as did the other demigods. I know that voice.

I turned to Alice. "How exactly did you guys get here?" I asked her and she merely looked at the ground.

Wiggling out of Emmett grip, (more he let me wiggle out) and ran towards the yelling.

I stopped I front of a dark,scary looking war ship that was littered with zombies on its deck and other places.

At the front of the shio, there stood, in all her unholy,bitchy, glory,

Was Clarrise.

AN: So I decided to update early because we are chillin' in the hotel right now because it's raining. :( Anyway,hope you liked (especially the plot twist ;) )

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