Ch.17- Unexpected Journey

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Jacob's  POV

I ran at top speed through the woods.I had to see if it was true. If she was really gone. I finally stopped at the edge of the forest by the Swan Residence. I couldn't smell nor hear her.

I phased back and put on some pants. Then I inhaled deeply and pounds my fist against the door. Charlie answered, as I suspected he would.

"Jacob.What can I do for you? Is Billy here?" He asked while peering behind me.

"No sir, I'm alone this time.Um . . . I need you to tell where Bella went. Or give me an address or her new number cause she's not answering her phone and she always picks up when it's me."

He looked hesitant to respond, as if he was hiding something.

"Charlie,you know you can trust me."

He sighed."I do, Jacob. I trust everyone down there at La Push. Bring the pack. "

I stepped back astonished that he knew of the pack.Did Bella tell him?

No because I never even told her. Maybe the bloodsuckers did?

I nodded slowly."I will."

He shut the door ,and I ran full speed into the forest then phased mid-jump.

"Sam! Guys! We have a problem!" I mind linked.

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Bella's POV

Another day of training gone by.

I sighed. I'd been here for three weeks(Note: Bella left after her eight months of depression) and my schedule had been full . With the Cullens arrivng, training, fightinh with Clarisse, traing the Cullens. And nkw, I have Jacob, my wolfy friend calling me.

Great just great.

I walked into my tent to find Percy already fast asleep. I brushed my teeth and changed into my one of Charlie's old ahirts I had brought with me.Even if he wasn't my birth father, I still loved him.

My phone beeped and I saw I had twenty three missed calls and forty seven messages.All from Jacob,.

Why didn't he just give up already?! I'm happy that he misses me enogh to care where I am at, it makes me wanna hug him, but at the same time I'm annoyed he won't just give up, and let it go, it makes me wanna kick him in the face.

Why is the world so complicated?!

My phone beeped again. I shut it off, then rolled over to go to sleep.I was aware of someone watching me, that someone being Edward.Our relationship was . . good. It just wasn't as strong as it was.

What is happening to me?

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Jacob's POV

'What is it Jacob?' I heard Sam think back.

I relayed my conversation with Charlie in my head.All my brothers howled in rage.They sped off towards me and we gathered in a small clearing near Bella's house. (Note: Leah and Seth aren't in this yet because they didn't phase until eclipse and this is new moon)

"Sam! What do we do? The humans know about us!"Paul yelled.

Jared nodded."Our secret has been discovered.But first , we need to know how.Neither Charlie nor Bella new of our existence"(Note: Bella left after Jacob phased and stayed away from jacob never told her.He didn't have to though, she knew from camp Half-Blood)

Sam looked at me.As did the others.

"Jacob? Did you tell Isabella Swan?"

I shook my head vigorously. "No! I wanted to, but I didn't! From what Charlie says, she ledt during the weeks I stayed away from her.I was with you guys the whole time."

Sam slowly nodded."Paul, alert the council of our problem.Jared, Jacob, and I will confront Charlie Swan.Clear?"

We all nodded,but Paul looked pretty mad at the fact that he had to stay behind.

We walked up to the hoise and Sam knocked.Once, again, Charlie opened the door.

Hsmiled when he saw us.

"Come on in, boys."

We entered and sat in the living room.Charlie sat across from us.

"I know why your here Alpha Sam.Your here because you want to know how I know about you werewolves. I also know about vampires."

We gasped , but let him continue.

"There is a special camp at Long Island, called Camp Half-Blood. Are any of you familiar with the Greek Myths about gods havinh affairs with humans and creating half-bloods, demigods?"

We looked at him blankly.

He sighed."Well,Gods would come down to Earth and have affairs with mortal women and the women would give bieth to a child.A child that was half human,half god. Bella, is one of them."

We looked at him suprised.Bella, a demigod? That means that Charlie's not her father or Renee isn't her mother.

"Who's her . .um . godly parent?"

"Posiden, God of the Sea.She is very rare, a child od the big three, Zeus, Posiden, and Hades.Moving on, they train at this camp to fight monsters.Ancient greek mknsters that humans can't see because of the Miat.A magical barrier that prevents mortals from seeing these things. Any questions?"

"Yes.How do they, including you, know about us?" Jared spoke up.

"They know of all mythical creatures."

"Are they a danger to humans?" Sam,of course would ask this question.

"Not the children, the monsters maybe, but if the children can illuminate them, then the humans will be safer"

"When is Bella coming back?" I asked.He looked at me with sad eyes.

"From my knowledge, she's not coming back.To Forks at least.Perhaps back to Phoenix. "

My heart broke into a million pieces. I had just got her back and now she was gone.I looked at Sam.

"Thank you Charlie. "

Charlie nodded in return and showed us to the door.Once outside we began to discuss what to do.

'We could blow it off and leave hem be, but then we wouldn't know if Charlie was telling the truth, that this camp and it's residences are not harmful to humans.So, my decision is that we go and observe this camp."

We nodded.Paul came out from behind a bush and was red in the face.


"I k ow,now paul calm down." Sam ordered.

"Jacob and I will go, while you Jared and Embry stay here.Jared is my third in command so he is in charge.We should be back within a few days.Notify the council of my desicion."

He then phased as did everyone else.

"Jacob, let's go!" I didn't hesitate to follow.

"Bella, we're coming!

AN: Hope you guys liked it, Jacob's in the story now.What will happen next?! Vote, Comment all you like.Thanks for reading.I will update soon.


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