Ch.18 -Visitors

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Bella's POV

I dived under water again, and marveled in the feel of the ice cold water against my skin. I was swimming in the lake.

I swam to the bottom and sat on the lake floor. I relayed everything that had happened.A lot had happened.

I wondered about my family.How Charlie was doing, Renee and Phil. Jacob.

Jacob. He was running through my mind like a facet you couldn't turn off.

Drip, drip,drip.

Jacob, Jacob, Jacob.*

Meanwhile . . . . .

" And they just walked into camp? Just like that? What about the barrier?"Chiron asked.

"Yes, just like that as if they were strolling through a park.There must be something wrong with Thalia's tree.Send someone to go check on it." Mr.D said with a worried tone.

"I'll send Annabeth to check. She was closest to Thalia, second to Luke."

"What about them? "

"The werewolves claim to know Isabella,we should call her up here.As for the cyclops . . . we'll see about that."


Jacob's POV

We stood outside the massive gates of this so called camp.I was a little uncomfortable, because, one, we don't know what we will find, and two, there was a cyclops standing next to me.

Yes. A cyclops. And his name is Tyson.Yes. He has a name.

I remember he scared us both half to death when we saw him.


We trecked through the thick forest.

"No wonder no one can see the camp.This forest is thick and dark."

"You got that right" I replied.

A twig snapped to the left of us and we jumped into alert position, ready to strike.

The bushes russled and I growled.Then out came the most peculiar creature I have ever seen.A teenage boy, with one eye.

I didn't see he had one eye, until I phased back.

"Ahhh!"I screamed.

"Ahhhh!"He scramed.

"Ahhhhhh!"We screamed.

"You're a cyclops! "I yelled.

"And your a naked man- dog!"He yelled back.

"Alright,calm down, both of you.Now,my name is Sam and I am an alpha of a werewolf pack.Who are you?"Sam said in his alpha voice.

"I'm Tyson, a cyclops."The cyclops, well, Tyson said.

"Ok,Tyson.Where are you going?"

"Well, I was walking in the forest when this green symbol came up to me, and it started moving and so I followed it.It led me here."

"Well,this is where we're going. Would you like to travel with us?"

"Very much. I've never met a man-dog."

"Well, I've never met a cyclops . Let's go."

End of Flashback

The gates towered over us ,and we walked right through them.

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