Ch.51- He Rises

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Bella's POV

Luke walked down from his ledge.

"Well done." He said smirking.

We looked around to find that we were surrounded by demigods and monsters all armed.

"Really appreciate you guys getting the fleece for me. I'll take that." He said pointing st the fleece.

"I don't think so" Percy said.

"Suit yourself." He said and grabbed a crossbow from one of goons.

He shot an arrow that should have hit Percy in the chest. In his heart.

But it didn't.

Instead, it went through Tyson's heart. We all watched horrified as he turned to Percy and me with the arrow in him.

"You'd do it for me." He said.

And then he fell over the cliff.

"No!" Percy and I screamed at the same time and rushes to grab,but it was too late. He was gone.


They led us to their camp. We saw Kronos' coffin on an alter at the center with a fire beside it.

They tossed us to the ground,our hands bound.

"Percy if Kronos comes back then that's it. It's over. Percy? Bella?" Grover said.

I didn't really hear him. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Tyson was gone.

"I never called him brother." Percysaid.

"Me neither. "

"I let Luke have the fleece. I destroy Olympus. " I said.

"It's on me just as much as you." Percy chimed in. "I tats just like the Oracle said.

"Oh forget the Oracle,Jackson. Swan. Jeez. You're worried about your destiny? Then for God's sake write a new one. You're angry at Posiden for ignoring you? Then show him why he shouldn't. You're upset about Tyson? Then make sure he didn't die for nothing." Clarisse growled

"Man up. Put your biggie panties on." She said.

I lifted my head and looked at us. We were tied uo. Doing . . .nothing. We weren't even trying to break free.

"What I'm saying is, is that we're with you. Both if you. Give the word."

"Percy? You're the leader. Lead us." I told him.

Percy's POV

They were depending on me. I had to do this.

Luke walked towards the coffin,the fleece in hand.

"You were betrayed by your sons. Hear now the words of a son betrayed by his father. I bid you. Rise." He said and placed the fleece over the coffin like a table cloth.

At first nothing happened. And then the coffin began to glow. A red mist and green sparks began to flutter around it.

Meanwhile, I got my pen out of my pocket and uncapped it. Iotioned to Grover.


"Try not to cut them off. I like them."

He spread his hands a far as he could, and I sliced his rope with Riptide. He cut bindings and everyone elses. As I got to my feet, I noticed my blade glowing,the same color as the coffin.

"I have to get to the fleece." I took off.

My friends were left to deal with Luke's goons that began charging at them. I ran and dodged and kicked and rolled.

I made it to the fleece but was intercepted by Luke. He knocked Riptide from my hands.

He pinned me to theground,his hand cutting off my air supply.

"You can breath underwater,but can you breath like this?" He said.

He grasped Riptide and was about to finish is me,before he was stoped.

By Tyson.

"Hi brother." He said. He picked Luke up and threw thirty feet away.

He helped me uo and I couldn't help it. I hugged him.


"The water. It healed me. I guess I really am a son of Posiden." He smiled.

I turned to look st the coffin that exploded, throwing Tyson and me back.

Luke's goons left my friends and raced to see Kronos rise. He began to fir, massive thing of rock and fire.

First,his hands formed,then his torao,followed by his legs,and gruesome face and horns.

"Master! I have brought you back!" Luke had risen and began walking right up to the God.

"It's Luke Castellan! Your great-grandson!"

"Perfect." Kronos said and picked Luke up. And uo. And up. And finally,

He tossed him into his mouth. And swallowed.

"Ew! Okay I know that did not taste good." Grover said from behind me.

Everyone began running all at once,but the huge God caught up with us easily. He snatched uo demigods and ate them like there was no tomorrow.

I grabbed Riptide and charged at the God. Once again, I was stopped by Luke's 'pet'. I saw Clarisse and Bella get to safety.

My best friend Grover wasn't so lucky. Kronos scooped him up and ate him,horns and all.

"Grover!" Clarisse yelled.

I dodged the monsters poisonous tail the best I could,but soon I was on my back. The monster lunged . . .

And was hit by a massive piece of Kronos' foot.

I moved away fr being squished and slashed at the gods foot. He cried out and knelt down as his foot disentergrated into a mist that was the color of the sea. The most returned to is box like water to a drain.

"The cursed blade." Kronos said.

'The cursed blade shall reap. This was my father's sword."

I latched onto a piece of the god that rose above the ground. It carried me uo snd closer to him where I slashed and stabbed.

"You wanna know who gave me this sword? The god that killed you with it in the first place. My father! Posiden!"

Then I ran and jumped . . .

And stabbed my sword into his heart.

He cried out and began to disentergrate into mist. Everyone he had eaten, fell from his stomach.

Grover fell to the ground,where as Luke, the bastard,fell into the cyclops layer. Polythemus will be eating good tonight.

As the last of Kronos returned to his coffin,Luke's followers fled, runing faster than ever.

"Percy!" Bella said smiling.

She stoped running and waved as if we were playing in the park. Luke's pet crept behind her and got her with its stinger.


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