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Bella's POV

I raced to the Aphrodite cabin. When I got there, I practically rammed the door, only to find a squealing Alice, with a jumping Rosalie. Yeah, jumping.

They were admiring the huge closet that took up more than half the cabin.

"I can't believe you guys have this much clothes, and they are all designer outfits!" Rosealie said in disbelief.

"Dito!I mean, I thought I had a lot of clothes, and -oooo is that silk?"

She picked up a dark blue sleeveless dress, that had ruffles on the end.

"Bella!This is perfect for you!Can bella have it?" She asked.

"If you can get her to wear it.We tried to get her to wear some of these but no luck." One of the girls said sighing.

"I have my ways. Don't I Bella?"She smiled evilly.

"Unfortunately, you do."

'Yay!" Her and Rose started to look at some more dresses while I snuck out so I wouldn't have to try on any. I walked over to the lake and sat down, with my finger tips in the water.

Hey dad, if your listening, what's up? How is everything in Olympus? Must be having fun. Why don't you ever respond? I thought.

"What are you doing?"Edward came and sat down beside me.

"I'm talking to my dad. "

"Oh."He look like he wanted to say more but didn't.

"Can I help you with something?"I asked annoyed by his very presence.

"Yes. I do. Isabella Swan, since the moment we first kissed, I vowed that I would protect you, no matter what. I know it will take some time for you to forgive me completely,but I just east you to know that I love. I never really stopped."

"And the words you said in the woods?" I asked still looking at the water.

"I lied. I knew I could never leave and that you'd never let me unless I made you think I didn't want you. Bella, I left to protect you. My world, is no place for humans." He said.

I got uo and wrapped my arms around my middle. "Edward, when you left me, it was like my heart and soul were ripped to shreds. It hurt . . .so much. I slipped into oblivion for seven months. I didn't talk, unless I had to, I didn't eat, I could sleep.y dreams were plagued with thoughts of you. Everything reminded me of you and it hurt."

"I know and I'm sorry. I caused this pain. And I vowed I'd never hurt you either. I understand if you've moved on and want to see other people
But I want you to know that no matter what, I will always love you. Forever." He said, placing his hands on my shoulders.

I didn't stop him when his cold lips pressed against my forhead. I sighed.

"Is forgive you, Edward. But I don't know if I'm ready to be in a relationship with you again. Maybe in a few eeeks, I don't know."

"I'll wait as long as it takes." He said. Icould see the hope filling his eyes

.I wanted to take him back, but knew I had better see ify hearr could take it. I spun on my heal and walked to my cabin.I looked at the sundial beside my bed. It was half past six.Dinner was at seven.I lay on my bed and gazed at the sun.

Well, this is as good as its goona get. I thought. And I couldn't ask for more. I had all I needed. Everything.

I heard footsteps behind me and met Percy's green eyes.They looked worried.I turned my torso towards him and asked"Hey Percy, what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?"He asked trying to look confused, but I knew him well.

"For one thing, you look worried, and for another, you're looking at me as if I might break down suddenly or something, so what's up. Come on tell big sister what's the problem"

He sat down beside me."I'm worried about you."


"Well, I saw how hurt you were when you talked about them. Plus, you looked like you wanted to rip their heads off when you saw them again."

"I'm fine, and I forgave them. There was nothing to really forgive to me you know? But I'm not back with Edward. Yet.

"You're too nice. And forgiving. I know everyone deaeves a second chance but still. Anyway, if you're sure your all right then fine. I heard you fought the Queen of Idiots today."

"Yeah I'm fine, and plus, I kicked Clarisse's butt."

He laughed and hugged me.When we released each other,we walked towards the dining hall.Campers were crowded around the Cullens.

Oh lord what now?It had better not be about fashion. I thought.

But it was nothing about fashion.Not even close.

We slipped through the crowd and found all the Cullens looking up at the glowing symbols above their forheads. My jaw fell to the floor.

These symbols meant that they had been claimed by the gods, their parents, but I knew they had no godly parents.

Aw come on! I mentally complained to Zeus for allowing this to happen.Thunder rumbled.


Alice and Rosealie both had the symbol of Aphridite above their heads. Of course. Where as Esme and Jasper had the symbols of Athena. Carlisle had suprisingly, the mark of Apollo.

But Edward's was the most suprising of all. Above his head, floated a glowing Triton. The mark of Posiden.

Oh crap.

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