Ch.11 -Battles

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Edward's POV

It took both Percy and I to pry Bella off Clarisse. She was about to choke the girl to death.Not that I would have minded, for she was being very rude.

When we finally peeled her off,and dragged her outside, she had cooled off.

"Sorry. She just really gets under my skin sometimes."

"No sweat, Bells. I would have done the same thing." Percy said with a grin.I glared at him.He was encouraging Bella to get into fights.

"Bella, I understand that this Clarisse is rude anyoing, and-"

"Self-centered, irresponsible, idiotic."She interupted.I sighed.

"Yes, but the point is, is that just because she gets on your nerves does not mean you should atrack her and-"

"You're not my father, or even my boyfriend! You can't tell me what to do and what's best for me! So just buzz off!" She yelled and stomped away. I stood there dumb founded. I had only been trying to help.

Percy walked off with a glare and saying "Look, I don't like you, so don't let me giving you advice give you any ideas, just leave her alone, so she can cool off. I know Bella, and she doesn't need anyone to look after her."

I sighed.


Bella's POV

I can't believe that vampire! Uh! He thinks he knows what's best for me, and that he can tell me what to do.I can take care of myself so he needs to mind his own beeswax.

I walked off towards the training grounds, and saw Emmett battling it out with a camper from the Hephestus cabin.

I reconized the camper as Joshua Tanner.He was tall, dark skinned and had short black hair. He was pretty buffed up, but so was Emmett , so I figured this fight would be I interesting so I stuck around to watch.

Emmett blocked a blow from the hilt off Joshua's sword.He swung around and kicked his knee, making the boy unbalanced. I knew he wasn't using his full strength because that would break the boy in half.

Josh's sword hit Emmett's side and he grunted at he force that the blow sent back to him. Emmett carried himself and his sword with ease, as if he was born to fight with one.A good hit on the head with his sword butt and his opponent was out.

Emmett looked at the fallen boy and then at me.He had a huge grin on his face.

"Woo! That was awesome! My bro here, is pretty good, we've been at it for three hours on the same fight! So what's up Bella?

I quickly explained everything while he put his weapon away.

"So if a floating thingy appears above your head, then you're claimed?


"So, Josh was telling the truth then? A red symbol appereared above my head and he said it was the symbol of Hephestus."

I was shocked.So Emmett was claimed by Hephestus. Should have guessed it.

"Cool.You get work with fire and dangerous tools"

He lit up."Awesome! Hey, where is everybody? Still at dinner?"

I nodded. Then I remebered a conked out Josh.

"Hey, let's get this boy to the infirmary."

I grabbed one arm and Emmett the other and together, well, mostly Emmett, since the boy was not light, hauled him towards the infimary.I saw Percy running towards us yelling something I couldn't understand.But the look on Emmett's face was priceless.His look amused.


Percy's POV

(AN: Didn't see that one coming, did ya?)

(Goes back when percy went back inside the dinning hall after dragging bella out with Edward)

As I walked inside, I could see a crowd begging to form around the Aphridite table.

Another fight! Who is it now? I thought.Although I knew who it was before I got there.

Alice and Clarrise were facing off.Clarisse had her spear in hand, and Alice was bearing her teeth.

I looked to Chiron for help, but he had not moved.He watched the situation closely, as if studying something. He focused on Alice as she dodged every one of Clarrise's atracks ,and I watched amazed, as she didn't even flinch as the spear hit her shoulder.

She brushed it off as if it never even touched her.But when she saw the rip in her shirt, she went crazy.She growled at Clarrise and lunged. She punched and kicked and clawed, but never bit.

When she was done,Clarisse was a figure hunched over, bleeding, and brusied.Two nymphs took her away and the crowd, except for the Ares cabin of course,cheered for Alice. As did I.

I was beginning to become quite fond of the small vampire. The Cullen's quickly filed out at the sight of the blood.

I left and saw Bella and the huge vampire carrying Joshua towards the infirmary.I was trying to encase my laughter . But I also knew that what Chiron saw, would change everything.

AN: I will be having more Percy povs in the upcoming chapter. Thanks for reading and please vote and comment.

-Autumn ♡

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