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Bella's POV

My breathing quickened, and I felt my blood run cold.

Why do these people insist on tormenting me further?

The one place I thought I was safe . . . . I'll kill them. I hate them. They left me. I'll. . . . . No. I was speaking out of hatred. I would have to deal with this. As soon as they figure out I belong here, they'll leave.

I flashed them my most pleasant smile.

"Okay." I said through clenched teeth.

"All of you are the last people I want to see, but it seems I have no choice, so, I'm going to be nice to you all . .or at least try, but this changes nothing between any of us."

I turned to Chiron."Where are you putting them?"

" Dr. and Mrs.Cullen will stay here, in the big house. The rest will stay in your cabin."

I turned on my heel and stalked off to my cabin. The Cullens followed.It was a very silent we reached Percy and I's cabin and I turned to them.

"This is my cabin, Posiden."I said gesturing to the building behind me.

"Thank you for agreeing to let us stay in your cabin, Bella. " Alice said with a smile.

"It wasn't really my decision. I share it with my half-brother, his name is Percy."

Edward stepped forward with a frown on his handsome face."Wait so you share a cabin with another boy? Alone?"

"Yes, there a problem?"I raised my eyebrows.

"That's not very -"I cut him off.

"First, what I do and who I hang out with is none of your concern. Second, I know what's best for me, so I don't need you to tell me what to do. Third, this is how things roll at Camp Half-Blood. Don't like it? Then leave."

"Follow me "I opened the door and said "Now there are some rules in this cabin. Rule one: There will be no sexual actions in this cabin or anywhere on the camp boundaries. Rule two: You guys will have to learn how to fight because even your inhanced senses can't kill a monster in this world. Rule three: You leave mine and Percy's stuff alone, . . . . .oh and no hunting in the camp or on camp lands."

I walked out the door and called back "Make yourselves at home."

I was fumming, though it didn't show, and I did not need any one pushing me right now. But of course someone did. You can only guess who it was that pushed my buttons.

Yep, Clarisse.

I headed toward the infirmary and was almost to the door but an arm jerked on my shoulder. I spun around and shoved the hand away. Clarisse stood smirking at me.

"What's the rush, sea witch?"She sneeered at me.I noticed her posse had returned, they all snickered at the mention of sea witch.

"First off, I'm not a sea witch, second don't any of you ever touch me again, third, leave me alone"

"Awwww, is little Bella gonna run to her little brother?" She laughed.

That was when I exploded. I punched her in her face. Hard. She yelled a stream of profanities at me then swung her fist. I dodged and summoned water and it sprayed her from head to toe. She was mad now. She drew her spear.

Oh so that's how this is gonna be. I thought.

I drew my sword and swung. She dodged and stabbed at my leg. I moved away just in time. My sword's hilt came in contact with her ribs and she cried out in pain. I slammed my sword hilt onto her head, and watched as she crumpled at my feet.

The crowd that had gathered erupted with applause.Even Chiron. He wheeled himself over and looked at me accusingly.

"Starting fights are we?"

I smiled."More like a suprise training excersize."

"Well done."

Clarisse had risen and was standing ther glaring at me.

"This isn't over Swan! You just wait until capture the flag."

I smirked."Okay, Clarrise, but maybe you haven't realized this;I'm the best at capture the flag and have nevered lost a game, and I have the Athena cabin on my side, so good luck whipping my butt."

Her eyes widdened and she hobbled off towards her cabin.

"She is really getting on my nerves."I said to Chiron.

"Unfortunately, I can do nothing about it."

"I kmow."I started towards the infirmary and was once again interrupted.

"Wow Bella, you kicked that other girls butt!" Emmett yelled.

I smiled at him. I had missed him. And Carlisle. And Esme. And Jasper. And Alice. Maybe even Edward.

Okay I missed them all. I don't really hate them, I just don't understand why they would leave me. I felt, empty without them.

That is, until I came here.

"Yeah, it was nothing.Clarrise is a pain"

"He's right, nice job, Bella." Jasper commented.


"Bella, are you hurt? Do they have a doctor here?"Carlisle sounded concerned.

"I'm fine, and yes we do have a doctor, more than one actually. I was just heading over to the infirmary. Would you like to join me?"

"I would love to." He replied.

Rosalie, hands on hips said, "You go on ahead, Alice and I are going to hangout with those girls over there". She cocked her head over to the Aphridite cabin. I laughed.

She looked at me confused"What?"

"That's the Aphrodite cabin, goddess of beauty."

"There's a goddess of beauty here? Sweet!" She raced off at vamp speed with Alice in tow.

Emmett chuckled.

"That's my Rose."

An idea popped into my head.

"Hey, Em, Jazz, why don't you go train with the male campers? You guys would be good opponents."

They brightened up at this statement.

"SWEET!!Come on Jazz. We haven't had a good fight in a while." Emmett practically dragged his brother towards the training field.

"TELL THEM BELLA SENT YOU AND THAT I SAID TO HELP YOU. "I yelled, although there was no need.

"Esme, why don't you go visit the Athena cabin. I have a friend named Annabeth who loves architecture" I told her.

"Really?" I nodded then spotted Annabeth.

"Hey Annabeth, over here!"She jogged over to us.

"Annabeth, these are the Cullens, some of them anyway. Annabeth."

"Pleasure to meet you." She smiled.

"Anyway I as wondering if you would please show Esme around your cabin? She liks architecture too."

Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree."Sure I'd love to, come with me."

We watched as they walked away. I looked around. It was just me ,Edward, and Carlisle

" I guess it's just us then, follow me" I walked toward the infirmary for the third time.

Maybe the arrival of the Cullens wouldn't be so bad after all.But I could not forgive them for what they did to me.

AN: Told you guys I would update soon. Please vote and comment. I need to hear what you guys think. Thanks to all of you for reading my story.
-Autumn ♡

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