Ch. 31-Short On Drachmas

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Percy's POV

The cab lurched to the side as we all began to panick.

"We're goona die!" I screamed.

"Oh relax"One lady said"The prophecy said you'd live till you were sixteen."

"At least one of you." Another said.

This made me pause."You know the oracle?"

"Oh yes . She's an old friend.We go back eons."She shrieked with laughter.

"Then you know about the prophecy?"Bella asked.

"Oh sure, but we're not saying nothing'"

At that moment the red headed one hit the middle lady, the one with the eye. The eye went bouncing . . . .right into my lap, unfortunately.

"Eye, eye, eye!" I bounced it towards Bella,who bounced it to Annabeth, who bounced it to Emmett, who about crushed in his hands.

"NO! WE NEED THAT!!" The ladies shrieked in unison.

I took the eye from him and held up away from their reaching claws.

"What do you know about the prophecy? " I asked them.


"Not until you give me answers."

"GAHH 30 31 75 12!!"

"What?" I asked them.

"Percy, you have your answers, now give the nice ladies back their eye." Annabeth said and gave them back the twitching sphere.

"Hmph, nice girl."The red head said.

We narrowly missed a mail box, did a uey around a flag pole, ran off the road at least six times, before Annabeth happened to mention.

"Percy, I think we're a little short on drachmas."

The damn cab lurched to a complete stop.

"What do you think we're running here? A CHARITY?!" The ladies snarled."OUT!"

We piled out and watched as it sped away.

"Well" Grover smirked."We're not in Florida. "

"No.We're in Washington" I said.

"Washington? You mean Olympus? "Tyson said."Hail great Zeus! We need your help! We're trying to save our camp and rescue our friend Jacob, but forgive our tresspasing . . ."

People were starting to look at us funny, so I covered his mouth.

"We're not in Olympus. "

"Might as well be,here lies the same stuck up people lookin for power."Grover commented.

"How the hell are we supposed to get to Florida?" Jasper asked.

" But first we need some money." Bella said and started walking towards an atm pulling out a shiny gold card that said "Demigod Card"

Real creative.

While she got the money, we went and ordered some drinks from Starbucks.

Grover's POV

"Yeah I want four cappuccinos with an extra shot of nectar." I said to the lady and her eyes flashed green.

She told the guy my order in ancient greek and I watched as he assembled the drinks with his eight, yeah I said eight, hands.

"What is nectar?" Tyson said while staring at his cup.

"if you haven't had,you haven't lived." I told him.

Tyson's POV

I slowly drank the liquid with what the goat man said had nectar in it.The warm liguid slid down my throat like honey and left a sweet sensation in my mouth.

"I've lived."

Percy's POV

We walked bsck to meet with Bella, Gtover trailing behind us.

"I love having abrother." Tyson said.

"You know we're not actually real bro-"

"I know and that's what makes even coo, er!"

"Yeha I-"


I heard Grover yell behind us and spun around.He was struggling with a bunch of guys.

"Grover!" Annabeth yelled and ran at the first guy who threw her aside.

I drew Riptide and ran at them.They went into an alley and I followed but by the time I got there, they were gone.His crutches were the only thing left.

Annabeth walked up next to me."Was that Chris Rodriguez? "

"Some other campers must have turned to." I told her.

We met back up with Bella and Emmett.

"Where's Grover?" She asked.

"Luke's goons took him." I said and she lloked away.Grover was a good friend and my best friend.

"Come on.If we find Luke, we find Grover.And I know how." She said and we followed her to a UPS store.Only, when I looked at it, it wasn't UPS it was OPS.

I looked at her questioningly.

"Olympic Postal Service. "

AN: Sooo sorry I haven't updated in a while . I've been really busy with school and homework.Please vote and comment, and I hope you liked the chapter!


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