Ch. 13- Like Training Newborns

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Percy's POV

I walked towards the training grounds. I found bella, sparring with Ednerd.

She was winning, but not because she was a better fighter( although that was big part of it too), but because he simply refused to come after her and fight back.So his butt was being whipped pretty bad.

"Edward! Fight back! You'll never learn if you don't! Now, come at me!"Bella yelled.

"But-" He protested, but she cut him off.

"Come at me!" She hit his head with her sword and he flinched.

He lunged with his sword.He aimed for her head, but she ducked and kicked his side.He rolled to the left just as her sword came down where his right shoulder was.She parried and counter parried. They rolled and ducked.He got a good hit to her ankle, but, unlike Achilles, she didn't fall.She stumbled back,but kept going.

She tackled him, and surprisingly, he fell back.He rolled and pinned her down with his left hand and had his sword at her throat.They were both breathing heavily.

They seemed locked in a trance, stationed in that position.I coughed, not liking it one bit.They jumped and Bella shoved him off.He helped her up and was about to apologize, but she stopped him with her hand covering his mouth.

"It's training, I'm supposed to get hurt. Trust me I've had worse.You did well and I'm proud.Take five."

He smiled.

I personally wanted to slap that smile off his face, but it would hurt me more that it would him.

"Just wanted to see how you guys were doing. How's it going?"

Bella had a mixed expression.It was a look that said great, but not so great.

"Well, they're all doing good, especially Jasper and Carlisle. Although, all Emmett and Rose wanna do is kiss, but they're still both pretty good.Alice using her super speed to the best of her ability and it's working pretty good. Edward and Esme won't fight me , so that was a problem.I swear,training this family is like training newborns."

"I bet."

An arrow wizzed past my head putting the Cullens on defense mode.I turned to find Annabeth, with a bow in hand, gesturing to me.

I said my good byes to the Cullens and Bella, except Edward, whom I still hated and wanted to kill.I walked away, but not before casting a smile in Alice's direction which she gladly returned.

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