Ch.40- Stomach Ache

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"What the hell are you doing here?!"

"You're little boyfriend and his family wanted to find you and I agreed to help them as long as I got to come along. So here we are."

I glared daggers.

"Oh don't be sad Belly. You get Eddy back don't you?" She said in a baby voice which succeeded in making me angrier.

I felt Annabeth pull me back before I could ram my sword into her eye.

"Nice ship." That was Jasper. Of course.

"Thanks. My dad had a lot of this stuff left over from the wars and stuff." Clarisse replied.

"Clarisse,this is not your quest. Leave
Go back to the camp. And take your cargo with you." He said and motioned towards the Cullens.

"Oh I would . . .not. In case you haven't notice,we're trapped! In the stomach of freaking SCYALLA!! We can't leave." She yelled.

I froze when I realized she was right.I looked around,seeing broken boats,and armor laying abroad in the dark water.



"Everything that disappears in the Bermuda Triangle ends up . . .here." I said.

"See! There's nothing we can do. We've tried everything. We're going to be digested. Gods of Olympus!! I did not come all the way out here just to be eaten alive!!"

There's gotta be something we can do.

"Might as well get on." Clarisse said.

We climbed aboard the war ship. I followed Clarisse until I noticed something.

"Are your crew . . .Umm . . . "

"Zombies?" Annabeth finished for me.

"Yeah but they don't like that name." Clarisse replied.


I watched as Clarisse went over to the zombie who looked like the second in and or something.

"Is my gun ready?!" She yelled

"Yes locked and loaded." He replied.

"Wait Clarisse?" I stopped her.

"What umm what's your name again?"

"Jasper ma'm, are you goona shoot that thing with the gun?"

"Yeah." She replied in a duh tone.

"Can you steer a ship?" I asked.

"Oh no, I just finished drivers ed, of course I can steer a ship!!"

"Then why don't we give her a stomach ache? Escape through the gut."

"That's a good idea assuming it doesn't kill us first!"

"You steer,I'll shoot."

She nodded and ran to the wheel."All hands below deck!"

"Be carefull, Jazz." I heard Emmett say. The rest of my family said the same thing as they went below deck. I recited a kiss from Alice and a light growl.

"You'd better come back to me or I'll rip you to pieces." She smiled and left. Percy patted me on the back.

"Be safe,man. " I nosed to him and the cyclops. Bella hugged me.


"All right!! Yes! It's all very touching but we are being digested here!! Hurry it up!" Clarisse yelled cutting her off.

With an eye roll she left,shutting the hatch behind her. I climbed up to the gun and sat,getting ready to launch.

The boat tipped backwards but I held strong. I am a vampire after all.

"Watch what you eat." I said and shot all along the side of its stomach.

It made a deep rumbling sound,and I watched as an opening showed.

"Go!" I yelled at her.

We charged forward and I joined her in the small cabin where the wheel was. Shutting the door, I wat he'd as the windshield cracked a bit.

"Remember that this was all your idea!" She said as we burst through the whole and into open water.

"The glass . . .we're not going to make it!" She said.

"We will! Come on . . ."

Just then we reached the surface of water with a jolt.

"We did it!" Me.

"I did it!" Clarisse.

Shaking my head, I opened the door and pulled Alice into a hug.

"My hero." She said smiling.

AN: Sorry for not updating! Hope you liked it! I changed Percy's part to Jasper because I felt bad about not giving the much action. So please vote and comment!! Thanks!


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