Ch.22-First Lesson

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Jacob's POV

I woke to the feeling of cold water being splashed on my face.

"Ahh! What the heck! That's cold!" I yelled while jumping up.I looked at my 'attacker' and saw Bella standing there smirking with her hand holding water.In thin air.How did she do that? I don't wanna know.

"Wake up! Your late for training . Here's a tip, be on time and you won't have to sleep with a sword." She said and then walked away.

I sighed.She really is going to make my stay here a living hell.I got up and grabbed some cut off jeans and stayed without a shirt. After brushing my teeth and hair I headed out towards what the people here call the training grounds.

I found Bella at the far corner of the field, sparring with the blond haired Cullen, Jarred, or whatever the leeches' name was.I watched in aw as she parried and counter parried and swung her sword and moved her feet with ease.The Bella I was seeing was not the shy, clumsy girl I had grown up with.

The battle ended with Bella knocking the sword out of the Cullen boys' hand.She smiled triumphantly.

"Better luck next time, Jasper." She said while smacking his shoulder.

"I can only hope." He replied. He walked away with a smile towards Bella and a glare towards me.I growled as he past me.

I turned back to Bella and caught the sword she threw at me.I held it in my right hand with a tight grip.

"Come at me" She said.


" You heard me"

"No, I won't attack you with a sword!" I turned away, my back to her.

She didn't reply.She only used her sword to knock mine outta my hand and then grab my arm and judo flip me onto the ground, which hurt by the way.

"First lesson, never turn your back on your enemy.Second lesson, don't hesitate. " She said and she returned to fighting position.

"Come at me"

*Seven Hours Later*

I groaned as her sword butt came down on my shoulder and she knocked me from my feet.

"Jesus, Bells, can we please take a break? We've been at this since six am and its two o'clock . I'm tired and hungry.Are we done?"

"Stop complaining and go already.But be ready for tommorrow. " She said waving me off.

"Thank you."

She really did mean it when she said she would make my stay here terrible.

AN:IM BACK!! Su mer camp was fun and awesome! Hope you luked this chapy . I'll update tomorrow. Vote and comment please.I k ow it's shirt, byt I'm tired cause I just got back like, two hours ago.


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