Ch.12- Deals

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Bella's POV

I watched as Percy reached us breathless.He was smiling, laughing , and gasping at the same time.

"What's so funny?"

He calmed himself.

"Sis, wow? Pipsqueak back there can kick some major butt!!"

He laughed again.

Pipsqueak? Alice. Of course.

"You mean Alice? Dude, I've known for a long time not to mess with her.She may be small, but she packs quite a punch. Who'd she beat up?"

This time he laughed and pointed towards the infirmary doors.Two nymphs were carrying a passed out Clarisse across the ground.

I smirked.Of course it's Clarisse.She deserves it.But I didn't want to go in there if she was there. Conscious or not.

"Hey Percy. Take Josh here, to the infirmary. I don't want to see her."

"No problem Bella."He looped an arm around Josh and he carried him away.

I started walking towards the dinning hall.I was about to enter, when Chiron came up to me, followed by the Cullens.They all looked pretty scared of him and kept a safe distance.

I laughed and said" Don't worry, he won't bite, unless you bite him first"

Chiron and I laughed but the Cullens stayed serious.

"Bella.Come to the big house with us, we need to talk.All of us."

"Is this about them being claimed, because had I nothing to do with that.By the way, Emmett was claimed by Hephestus. "

Chiron nodded then walked towards the big house.We followed closely behind.I felt Edward's breath against my ear.

"Any idea what this is about?"

"No clue. "

We entered the house and sat down in the den. He turned to us.

"I have been watching all of you very closely. I see you all have very special abilities"

"Yes. We vampires have some talents " Carlisle spoke.

"Yes.And you see, these talents are very useful in battle, and given your speed and strength along with that, you would make a good warrior. So,I'm offering you a deal.You all stay here and train and fight for us. We tell no one of your existence and house you and you can stay here with Bella."

I smiled.Of course I was proud to of the Cullens.I knew they were special and would make amazing warriors the minute I found out what they were.

I frowned.

"What does that have to do with me?"

"You, Isabella, are the best warrior in this camp. So, naturally, I would pick you to train them.And if you do, then you will be highly respected here at camp and perhaps in Olympus itself.I have spoken to the gods and they agree with this deal and that you will train them.So what do you say?"

I looked towards the Cullens who were looking at Carlisle, all with excited grins on their faces.

"Alright, we'll train and fight"

The Cullens, even Rosealie jumped up in joy.Chiron turned to me.

"If you do not want to, I could ask Percy"

"Percy is not really liking the Cullens at the moment so I wouldn't even try. I'll train them, but I do not want any role on the council here at camp,understand? I hate politics. "

He nodded. "Well that's settled then.You start tommorrow at training time.You are dismissed. "

We got up and walked out.We walked out with smiles on our faces and a pep in our step.This was gonna be fun.

AN: Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting . Love ya'll

-Autumn ♡

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