Ch28-Vampire Buddies

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AN: Warning:Mild language.

Bella's POV

I was currently at the big house waiting impatiently for Mr.D. Honestly, people should start calling him Mr.Dick if he's goona purposely be one.

"Where the hell is he?" Percy asked outraged.

"I'm sure he's coming. Sit down." Chiron said calmly.

"He had better be, or I'm goona kick his ass." I muttered, earning a glare from Chiron.

Finally the god rolled through the door, wearing a purple jumpsuit . Purple. Grapes. Wine god. Right.

"Where the hell have you been?" I demanded.

"I was talking with a nymph in the forest." He replied cooly while fixing his hair.

"Hmph.Just talking my ass." Annabeth said and crossed her arms.

"Alright, first order of buisness.We must retrieve the fleece because we need it to heal the barrier.And so we need a quest to be done.We have our first champion here." Chiron gestured to me.

"I choose Percy and Annabeth. We need to get the fleece and heal the tree and then get Jacob back." I stated.

"Isabella-" Chiron started.

"No! We will get him back.We can use this to our advantage. Use the fleece first and then give it to him.Right?"I said and him and Mr.D exchanged looks.

"I suppose" Mr.D said.I nodded."But, bring some of the vampires with you."

"What?" I said." They can't come . They're inexperienced. Plus, it will not go well if I'm around them."

"To bad.They go."


"They go and that's final."

"Fine . Let's go get ready." I said and turned on my heel and walked out.

Jacob's POV

Where am I ?

Everything is all dark.

What happened?

I remember . . . .

I lunged for the wolf.

"Jake no!" Bella screamed, but it was to late.

The thing flung me into a tree and I remember pain and then I was swallowed by darkness.

What happened?

"Your dead." I deep voice said behind me.

AN: V. & C. Please.Love u guys! Hope you liked the chapter!


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