Ch.49- Hugs and Kisses

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Clarisse's POV

We walked deeper into the park,letting the cyclops lead us with his sense of smell. I grabbed Jackson by the arm,and yanked him beside me,towards the back if the group.

"How do we know he's leading us in the right direction?!" I hissed.

He tried to to shake off my grip,but I held fast. He'd always been weaker than me anyway. I'd beaten him at everything. Most of everything. It was Bella that always bested me.

"Cyclops have a great sense of smell. Other cyclops reek,apparently." He replied.

"Whatever. The cyclops had better not screw this up for me." I said and released him.

"You? This wasn't your quest to begin with, and Tyson knows what he's doing." He snarled and walked off towards the front.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. We finally stopped in front of the largest ride of the park which was a huge roller coaster that went inside the mountain.

"There's only one working cart." Annabeth said.

We all looked at each other. The cart fit only four. There were six of us.

"I'll stay behind." Annabeth volunteered. She pulled out a bugle of some sort with the crest of Athena. "It's a war horn. Blow it if you need me. Us."

The big vampire,Emmett, had walked to stay beside her. He crossed his arms and spoke," I only came along in this whole trip to protect Bella. I know now that she doesn't need protecting. Besides, I don't know how to fight a cyclops. Even with my abilities I'll be at a disadvantage."

Bella walked towards him and pulled him in for a hug. More like he pulled her but whatever.

"Yes,yes, it's all hugs and kisses, can we go now?" I asked,annoyed at there wasting of time.

I climbed into the rickety cart, the cyclops sitting beside me. I tried not to wrinkle my nise. It wasn't that u disliked him, he just smelled bad. Really bad. The way annoyed cyclops do if they don't shower regularly, which, is something cyclops never do.

Percy and Bella climbed in behind us, and Annabeth pulled the lever letting roll away. We moved at a brisk pace. Slower than I'd prefer,but fast enough to get us there in a jiff.

It was silent u til Percy and Bella began singing one of those annoying songs you hear in an elevator or a . . Well amusement park ride.

I was not amused.

"Shut up!" I shouted. They shut it.

But no because I had yelled at them,but because the cyclops lair had come into view.

Two words.

"Oh. Shit."

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