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And Then You Pulled The Rug, I Was Getting Kind Of Used To Being Someone You Loved
Clarissa POV
"Lesso? Lesso?!" I hear my own voice scream. I'm running. I don't know where I am going only that I must get to her. I know that she is running out of time. I know that I'm running out of time. So I am running toward our last moment. Toward my last chance to say what I never got the courage to before.
     When I get to her, I kneel down in the blood soaked  dirt. I can't see anythingCan only see her gasping next to me. It is only when i start leaving toward her that I see she is whispering. She looks so paned. I bend toward her lips longing to have been able to have kissed them before.
    "Clarissa. Clarissa, I'm sorry."
And I find myself laughing. I feel the rushed breath. I hear the sweet sound like music and I laugh harder. I laugh harder because why should she be sorry? Why should she be sorry in the one moment where I actually have courage? Why should she be sorry in the moment she's dying?
    "And and it's leonora." She continues. This makes me stop laughing. Stop BREATHING. She's never let anyone know her name. She always said it was a weakness.
    "Leonora Lesso? It's beautiful." I breathe. And it is.
    "Clarissa, I want, no I need you to be my weakness. I need you." I feel my eyes start to well up and tears sliding down my cheeks but I don't care. She'd always been the first and only one to ever say that emotion was a weakness.   Even now, on her death bed she was the first to say it. We both knew it. It was an unspoken rule.
     "And what's your name?" The violet eyed girl said disdainfully. I'd just bumped into her. It was my first year teaching and I honestly assumed she was a student. She looked so young and barely elder than myself.
    "Clarissa. What's yours?"
    "Mine is none of your business. It's a weakness to tell people who you are. You're name is the first step to showing them your cards. And then it's your desires. And then soon enough they know so much about you that they practically are you, and then it's over!"
I sigh next to Less, next to Leonora's lips remembering. It was an unspoken rule and yet she was breaking it. She was breaking it because she knew that I knew her so well that I practically WAS her.
    "Leonora I've needed you as my weakness since the first day on that stupid bridge. Do you remember?"     
    "Yes. We were both so naïve Clarissa. Both so eager to prove our worth. We didn't realize that we were the same side of a coin. I've spent my whole life trying to realize what that means and I've finally figured it out.
Leonora mentally sighed. It was that little Happy ever girl again. Why did they have to keep running into each other? This time, they were on halfway bridge. The ever girl Clarissa (though she would never  call her that) was standing in-front of her near inches from running into her. She stoped and sighed at the ever girl.
    "And who do we have here again?" She said sweetly. Clarissa blushed and stammered out an apology.  Suddenly, Leonora wanted to tell her it was ok. Wanted to let her guard down, but that went against everything she believed. That would be her first weakness. So she didn't. She screamed at Clarissa until she backed up and actually started crying. Only then did she stop. Only then did the ice around her heart toward Clarissa start to thaw. And from there, it was a slow but worth it escalation of feelings.
And now, after all that time, it was over. Leonora could feel her time running out. Could feel it in the blood trickling from her wound. Could feel it in the slowly weakening feel of Clarissa's hand squeezing hers. Clarissa! She was running out time to say what she needed to say to Clarissa!
She leaned up toward her, grasped her hand, and with her last breath weakly murmured, "I love you Clarissa."
Clarissa drew back. She was gone. All that time, and she was gone. She couldn't move. She couldn't speak. Sophie and Agatha had to Carrie her back to the good tower. Even then, when she was safe and warm in her bed, she couldn't stop shivering. She could still hear the week and shuttering last words of Leonora.
"I love you Clarissa."
For weeks after, both students and staff tried to get her out of her head. They tried talking, yelling, bribing, and any other manor of ways they could think of. They were all in vane. Clarissa was getting so used to always having Leonora as her rock that now that the rug had been pulled out from under her feet, she didn't know where to stand.

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