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Soooo... I misspelled the title again.
Fishy Love
(ReaperxTedros) requested by @Severyna7
I'm so sorry that this took so long to get out! I've been writing since 12 last night trying to finish this because I finally got an idea and finished this.
If you're still reading I'm so sorry. I feel terrible!

All his life, Reaper loved Tuna fish. When he was pretending to be a house cat, he'd hiss and nip at Agatha and Callus relentlessly until he got it. But now that he was king, that was no-longer necessary, and therefore, the thrill of digging into a bowl or can of the delicacy was lost on him... That was, until Tedros.
The king in question was in a happy marriage to the love of his life Agatha. They were hopelessly in love. In fact, they were SO in love that Tedros allowed her former house cat Reaper to visit the palace.
It happened on a weekend in mid June. Tedros had noticed that Agatha was acting a little homesick and had asked her about it. Agatha had replied that she missed things she used to do. For instance, collecting bugs, chasing her mother and cat through the Gavaldon graveyard, etc etc. Tedros had looked and felt uncomfortable the second he'd heard the word bugs,
but had let her keep talking. When she was done, he asked if there was anything he could do to help.
She'd sighed and thought for a minute. After a while her face lit up and she said that maybe Reaper visiting would cheer her. So Tedros had written to the king of the nomes at once requesting his presence in his kingdom.
As Reaper arrived in Camelot, his first thoughts were, (ohhh this is... fun), followed by, (Agatha better be here. Reaper quite honestly DIDN'T like Tedros. It wasn't just because he was kicked around by him, or that he'd came and swept up Agatha, but that he thought that he owned and was entitled to everything. A few years ago, Reaper thought that he was improving, but then he got everything with his kingdom under control and now he was a pompous rich kid again. He didn't even know why he'd been invited here by Tedros, but he was about to find out.
Tedros had to be honest with himself, he was mean to Reaper. He realized it on the second night that Reaper was in the castle.
The previous day, Tedros and Agatha were sitting in one of the many parlors of Camelot's castle when they'd received news of a carriage belonging to the kingdom of the nomes arriving at the front of the castle. Upon hearing this news, Agatha jumped up and ran past the very startled messenger to the front of the castle. Tedros had given the messenger an apologetic look before racing past her himself and following Agatha to the front of the castle.
Tedros met Agatha about half way to her destination and when she'd seen him, she'd started blushing and slowed down.
"Sorry I've been acting so... Sophie lately. It's just I've been a little homesick and well... Reaper's here now and I'm just so excited!" She said with a little jump. Tedros smiled and took her hand.
"You're fine. I know how hard this queen business has been on you. shall we walk?"
Agatha mock curtsied. "We shall my king."
When Reaper saw Tedros standing with Agatha, he was taken aback. He'd expected him to be his usual not so charming self. That is, dripping in expensive clothes and accessaries, but to Reaper's surprise he was in a pare of faded jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. Reaper didn't know what to say at first so he just arched his back and hissed. Agatha snorted when she saw the look on her princes face, (a mix of terrified and angered). She clutched his arm in an effort to keep him from crushing the cat, but that wasn't necessary. Tedros took a deep breath, gathered himself, and crouched down to Reapers level.
"Welcome to our kingdom. It's... it's an honor to have you here." He managed. Both Agatha and Reaper looked taken aback. Tedros HATED Reaper. He hated anything to do with Agatha's past life, but here he was crouched down on the front path of the palace, in jeans and a sweatshirt, talking civilly to Reaper. Agatha thought nothing of it other than Tedros was just doing his duty as a king. Furthermore, when Reaper stepped closer to the couple, he came toward Agatha. Ha!
Agatha bent down and scooped him up, excitedly chattering all the while about how she'd missed him dearly and other things of the sort. Tedros looked on    awkwardly until finally he just left the two friends alone to catch up.
It was a few hours later, and Agatha had finally put Reaper down. It wasn't like he didn't like being near Agatha, he just didn't like the way she always held him. With her boney arms and tight grip, it was always so uncomfortable to be jostled around in her grip.
Reaper walked around the castle trying to find a room where he could just be alone to preen for a while. He had been walking for a long while now and thought that he had finally found the perfect room for the job. However, he was so engrossed in what furniture was in the room that he wasn't paying any mind to who might be in the room... That is until he bumped into a pare of hard, gold boots. He looked up the legs that were attached to these boots only to see the face of a very posh king  staring angrily down at him. Reaper watched with a mix of amusement and anger as the prince stood up and lifted a hand as if to hit Reaper. He casually walked closer to Tedros's legs and scratched him. Not enough to do real damage, but enough to get the point that Reaper was not in the mood across. Tedros, angry now turned on his heal as if to leave, but something stoped him. Reaper was laying down now in the middle of the floor and scrounging for something.  Tedros looked down taken aback. He knelt down so that he was at the cat's hight and looked into his eyes intending to give the cat a stern talking to, but when he saw the tired, yet curious look in his eyes, his gaze turned into curiosity.
     "What're you doing?" Tedros asked.
Reaper looked at Tedros as if he expected something from him. Tedros waited for the cat to speak when it finally dawned on him. Reaper couldn't speak without a spell. He looked around slowly, trying to remember the spell. He was just about to give up when Reaper walked to patch of dirt on the floor and wrote the words in the dirt. Tedros performed the spell and waited expectantly.
     "You're an idiot aren't you?" Reaper said stretching his back.
Tedros didn't know why, but he was more amused than angry.
    "And why is that?" He asked playfully.
Reaper looked at him confused by the change in tone. Hours earlier, he've gotten a smack for that. Now, Tedros seemed like he actually wanted to talk, and so the cat obliged.
    "You can't remember a basic spell that you've seen your wife perform about a million times." he said.
    "And why should I need to? We hate each other." Tedros said.
    "Well maybe we should change that little king." Reaper knew he was pushing it, but he wanted to see how good of a mood the prince was in. Tedros looked genuinely confused so Reaper kept talking.
    "Look. Agatha loves both of us. Obviously in very different ways, but the fact remains. So we'll obviously be seeing a lot of each other. I think it'll be better for everyone if I feel like I have a reason not to scratch your eyes out every time I see you."
Tedros smiled actually liking the idea for once.
    "Ok. Where do you want to start?"
    Tedros and Reaper had been talking for hours when they realized the time. They'd talked about both trivial and deep matters. Reaper had told Tedros about his hatred of dancing, stories about Agatha, and most of all, his love for tuna. He thought he'd be annoyed by Tedros within the first five minutes, but he'd found himself enjoying, and even welcoming Tedros's topics of conversation. He'd told him things that he'd never even told Agatha.
    "Oh my gosh! When did it get so late?" Tedros asked looking out the window. The sky had gone pitch black, and the sounds outside had gone quiet long ago.
Reaper rose from the couch that the pare had been sitting on and joined Tedros at the window. He was about to say something when his stomach let out a long low growl. He hadn't eaten all day. It wasn't that he wasn't hungry, it was just that nothing sounded good. He wanted tuna, but the pleasure of eating tuna was that he had to annoy someone for it. Now that he could just ask for it, the pleasure was gone.
Tedros looked at him with a smile tugging at his lips.
    "Would you like something to eat? If I'm not mistaken, you mentioned having a love for tuna fish?" Reaper looked down embarrassed but agreed all the same. He knew he had to eat at some point.
When the pare got to the kitchen, they were surprised to find Agatha sitting there. She looked up from whatever she was making and gave the pare a look of shock and what Tedros thought was... envy? The two had been walking very close together and had smiles on their faces. Agatha had obviously noticed this because she asked, "When did this happen, and what are you both doing up so late?"
Tedros didn't miss the note of disdain in her voice. He was surprised that she was bitter about them getting friendlier. He'd thought she'd be happy that they didn't hate each other. His shock must have shown because when he answered, "I could ask you the same question dear, and we were getting to know each other.", Agatha had crossed her arms and stormed out.
Reaper looked after her, worried. He didn't understand what had made Agatha so mad. It was almost as if the roles of Agatha and Tedros had been switched or something. Agatha was the one getting mad and jealous over everything while Tedros was now nurturing and kind.
While Reaper was lost in his thoughts, Tedros had dragged a bowl out from a cabinet and filled it with tuna. Reaper thanked him before walking up to the bowl and quite literally gulping it down. He hadn't realized how good tuna was until he'd been rewarded it without having to ask. Tedros had given it to him simply because he'd mentioned liking it, and that was more than anyone else had ever cared to do. With a jolt, Reaper realized that he was doing the unthinkable, the despicable, he was falling in love with Tedros Pendragon, and he wasn't hating it.
The next morning, Tedros and Reaper had both risen early. They met each other in the corridor just outside Agatha's bedroom.
    "Oh, good morning Reaper!" Tedros said surprised to see him this early.
     "Morning king Tedros." The cat answered with a mock bow.
    "Ya know, depending on how long you're staying for, you'll have to learn to do that a lot better. there's a ball coming up." Tedros said. He had been trying to make the cat squirm with distaste, but to his astonishment, the cat smirked.
    "Well, I'll have you know that I actually, can dance believe it or not."
    "Oh yeah, then how'd you like to prove it? Right now in the ballroom." Tedros said. He was trying to act playful, but he was actually eager to see if the feline actually COULD dance. After, last night, he'd lay awake in his room contemplating a strange feeling. He'd enjoyed his chat with Reaper, but had he felt something more? He'd felt a flash of protectiveness for Reaper when they'd ran into Agatha in the kitchen, he'd felt a warm jittery feeling when Reaper had brushed against his leg while walking that was not all that different from the feeling he used to get when he'd hold hands with Agatha. He'd sat bolt upright as he'd suddenly realized that he was in love with Reaper. He was not in love with Agatha.
     In response to his question, Reaper had rapped his tail around Tedros's hand and dragged him to the ballroom.
     "Nice king Tedros." Reaper laughed as he was spun around in Tedros's arms. They'd been dancing for a while now, and Reaper felt that he'd proved his skills long ago. He'd thought that Tedros would've stoped,  being the lazy king he was, but no. He'd kept swinging and spinning around the room and
Reaper was finding it harder and harder not to admit his feelings for the king.
Finally, after a long, fast song had ended, a slow waltz had started. Reaper decided that he'd had enough and was going to come out and say it. However, that turned out not to be necessary because Tedros had decided to make the first move already.
He got into position for the dance and scooped up Reaper.
"Lovely form." Tedros said.
"Oh is that a complement? Well if you're gonna be nice, I guess I have to too. Nice moves." Reaper said trying to be smooth
Tedros tightened his grip on Reaper and they started spinning faster.
"If I'd known you could dance, i'd have done this sooner." Tedros said with a laugh.
"And if I'd have known you could be nice, I'd have actually talked to you sooner. Agatha's nice but she's not a sparkling conversationalist if ya haven't noticed." Reaper said hinting at his intended topic of conversation.
"Yeah she's kinda dull at times." Tedros said without thinking. He didn't know where this had all come from, but he was definitely feeling more for the cat than he ever had for Agatha.
Apparently Reaper had noticed this and was happy about it because he scooted closer to Tedros and said, "Ok, I think I've proven that I can dance. You're turn." and so they danced, and just for the fun of it, threw in some cheesy pick-up lines. By the time they were done, they were both blushing, elated, and official... at least to them. Agatha could never find out.
  The next morning, Tedros realized he hadn't seen Agatha in a long time. He knew he had to keep up appearances even if his heart wasn't truly in it, so he went to find her. he had been looking around for a long time and couldn't find her anywhere. He finally decided to ask a guard if he'd seen Agatha.
"Excuse me, have you seen the queen?" Tedros asked a passing guard.
"Oh yes! She went out to the front garden with Reaper." Tedros felt a flash of jealousy run through him. Agatha was with HIS boyfriend probably doing something that his boyfriend hated, and he wasn't there to help. He thanked the guard and rushed out to the front garden.
When he got there, he was met with the sight of his wife doing some sort of dance with her former house-cat looking equal parts thrilled and terrified in her arms. When she saw Tedros, she let go of Reaper with one of her arms and pulled him in to dance which in turn put Reaper in an even more precarious position on Agatha's arm. Tedros, noticing the cat's discomfort promptly scooped him up and glared at Agatha.
    "Just because your cat Is here doesn't mean you can suddenly start acting like an idiot!" Tedros shouted.
"Oh he's fine. We did this all the time! don't worry about it."
Tedros could feel himself getting angry. He only realized his feelings hours earlier, but they were already endgame.
"And did he ever look comfortable when you did this?" Tedros fumed. Agatha's face fell.
"Exactly!" Tedros said cutting her off. He then cradled Reaper even closer to himself, and walked away wordlessly.
When they were inside, Tedros put Reaper down and went to the kitchen. His boyfriend deserved some tuna.

I'm gonna do a part 2 with Agatha's reaction. It won't take as long as this one did because I'm actually motivated now kind of. Also, I have consistent wifi now.
Thank you for reading and please comment. I need to know that someone's still liking this.

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