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Knight in Shining Armer
The fire blazed through the walls of weapons and training mats. Tedros pounded on the metal doors of the armory in a vain attempt
to break out. He'd been training for his ever ball proposal when a fire had broken out in one of the trashcans along the walls. It hadn't reached him yet, but it was getting close. Just when he was starting to  despair and rely on his, not very good, magic,  someone fell from the ceiling. What he could see of their face looked confused in the orange light of flames. They looked around and, seeing the state of the room, casted a very strong weather spell and created a rain storm right above the fire.
    "Well come on then." Said the raspy, all knowing voice of Agatha. Agatha!? She was the one that saved him!? It was bad enough that he'd been saved by a lady  but out of all of them, her!? For the moment, Tedros decided to just be grateful that he'd gotten out of the fire, but he'd need agonize over it later. He didn't know how to feel about Agatha. He'd been so rude to her for, what reason? After her beautiful change last night, he couldn't remember the reason he'd hated her so much. He was scared to tell her that now. She probably still hated him and all of his friends and if she did she'd have good reason for it.

Agatha had been crawling through the air vents to get to the evil school again when she'd accidentally put her hand over a loose grating and fallen through. At first, all she heard was the ringing in her own head, but then she'd heard the unmistakable sound of moving fire. Without a thought to why it was there, she created a storm to combat the flames. Even though she wanted to leave this school, that didn't mean that the professors, and more specifically professor Dovey, would appreciate seeing it ravaged by flames. Only after the fire had been put out did she notice Tedros pressed up against the doors.
Agatha still didn't know what Tedros thought of her. After her revelation in the mirror last night, she didn't think he hated her any more, but she didn't think he liked her either. And forget how Tedros felt about her, how did she feel about Tedros? He'd been so rude before, but last night, when he'd smiled at her... She didn't know how to feel. He was only nice to her after she'd found herself which suggested that he was rather shallow, but she'd never been exceptionally nice to him either. she'd actually been rather prickly now that she thought about it. She made the resolution to actually try to make an effort. if it was rejected, at least she'd know for certain where they stood. But before she could try, Tedros spoke first.
    "Thank you for... erm, saving me." He said tapping his foot nervously on the marble floor.
    "Oh uhh, no problem. Listen, i'm sorry for being so cold."
Tedros looked genuinely shocked. "Why are you apologizing. I've been so rude to you for no reason. If you hate me, I don't blame you. I've put a target right on your back."
Agatha smiled.
   "Would you like to start over?" She hesitantly asked.
     "I'd like that. Hello Agatha of woods beyond, i'm Tedros of Camelot. Would you like me to have a former maid of mine escort you back to your room?"
Agatha sighed. "I appreciate the kindness, but if this is gonna be a reoccurring thing, you've gotta stop with the rich prince thing." Tedros smiled a real smile, something he hadn't done for a girl in a long time, and picked up his sword to pick the lock on the door. The two evers walked out of the armory playfully bumping hips and doing their best impressions of "haughty rich person."
10 years later
    "And I fell through and actually ended up saving him. That's how we met." She ended her dinner party anecdote and Guinevere laughed.
    "How've I never heard this story!?" She said through giggles.
     "Because that's not how it happened!" Tedros said coming over.
    "Yes it is!" Agatha said incredulously.
    "You did not save me! I'd have been  perfectly fine on my own!" Squawked Tedros.
    "No you would not have! You're just too proud to admit that i was your knight in shining armer... in the armory."
The two walked off together bumping hips, and The scene actually very closely resembled a moment at school.
    "For the record, I
save you." Agatha said firmly.
    "Oh I know." Tedros said. "I just had to get you alone for a second to do this."
He then very swiftly pulled his knight in shining armer in for a very sweet kiss.
A/N not the best thing i've ever written, but i was in the car for 4 hours today trying to write this haha. I'm so sad that there's only one more day of Tagatha week! It'll probablly be a very short oneshot because I have my busiest day of the week on Mondays.

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