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Sleep talking,

Again don't know which day of Tagatha week it is lol
Agatha loved sleep. Well, let me rephrase  that... Agatha loved sleep when she wasn't being torn away from it by loud annoying laughter  But before we get to that, let me take you back to 10 PM that night.
Agatha had been looking forward to this all day. She'd had so much work and so many people to talk to and just felt so stressed that day, and all she wanted to do was sleep. She crawled into her massive bed...
Couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned for two hours before turning over to look at the clock on the fireplace, it was 12-05 in the morning. She sighed and grabbed a book. Her final thought before drifting off into sleep was, I wonder what Tedros is doing right now.
Tedros had so not been looking forward to this. Sometimes there were just not enough hours in the day. He'd been working all day and just wanted to either talk to his friends, see Agatha, or both, but nooooooo. His advisors had all told him to sleep. So here he was, fretting over everything he hadn't done that day at 10-30. This went on for 90 more minutes before he finally grabbed  a notebook and a quill off his nightstand and started writing.
Two and a half hours later, his whole notebook was filled with tiny poems such as,
My dear Agatha shines like the sun, yet is as dark as night.
My heart yearns for my dear princess. cold as ice, yet warm as a blazing fire.
He shut his notebook with a snap. (So corny.)  He thought sourly. Agatha'd kill me if she ever found out. Speaking of Agatha, he should go see her.
No he shouldn't, if she was asleep or anything, he didn't want to wake her. Plus, as much as he hated to admit it... he was scared of her when she was mad.
But he really missed her. He finally decided to just go in and see.
     Agatha was ripped from her slumber by a very loud laugh. When she looked up to scowl at whatever advisor, maid, etc that it was she was met with the grinning face of her soon to be husband.
    "Tedros? What are you doing. It's three in the morning. And you know we're not supposed to be in the same room together." Tedros smiled slightly. As much as she tried to hide it, his princess was such a rule follower.
     "I know, but I couldn't sleep. So I came and here and, and." He started laughing again.
     "And what?" Agatha asked.
     "And, and, and, you were s-s-s-sleep talking." Tedros said through his laughter.
Agatha's face immediately turned red.
    "Wha-what was I saying?" She asked nervously.
    "You-you-you were saying... saying...
"Tedros come here. Teeeeedddddrrrrrroooooooossssss stay with me."
And-and-and then you sa-sa-sa-said
"I want foooodddd. Mooooommmmmmmm noooooooooo. Don't take Teeeeeedddddddrrrrrrrooooooosssssssss!"
And then you woke up." Tedros finished, his laughter had died down a considerable amount."
Agatha blushed. She knew she loved Tedros (and food) with all her heart, but he didn't need to hear her sleep talking about it!
    "Are-are you mad?" Agatha asked shyly.
Tedros nudged her over and curled up next to her.
     "No love. How could I ever be mad about something like that." He said softly. "You're so sweet and loyal. I love you with all my heart and always will."
Agatha smiled and kissed him. They fell asleep in each-other's embrace.

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