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I'm very sorry about the short entries for Tagatha week. I've been sick since the 8th and trying to write in between has been crazy. With that being said, today I was finally able to go back to school, music lessons, and dance so today's is even shorter. Thank you for reading and an especially grateful thanks to @Severyna7 for commenting and giving me so much encouragement and support not only on these oneshots, but in general.

Dancing shews
school for good, Agatha and Tedros's first year-
Agatha pushed through the gaggle of glaring girls and laughing boys. She needed to get to her next class before she failed. If she failed... well she didn't know exactly what would happen, but it would involve not going home and that was a notion that she was not willing to entertain. She only wished that the other evers shared the sentiment. That was not to be however as one of the most vocal boys of her year, Tedros, stepped up right in front of her and started talking.
    "Going to ball etiquette princess? We're dancing today. Not that you'll be using the lesson anyways. No one's gonna take you to the ball."
Agatha hoped he was right. She hoped her and Sophie would be well away from this wretched school before the ball happened, but the way Tedros said it sparked up a fire inside of her.
    "Oh yes. I am perfectly fine dancing on my own. I've mastered a pretty great kick and step. Although maybe I am as bad as you say I am and i'll miss the count and kick you, by mistake?"
Tedros turned away disgusted and Agatha smiled to herself. One down, 98 more to go.
Camelot, between The Last Ever-after and Quests For Glory
    "No one's gonna take you to a ball." Agatha mocked quietly to her partner during the waltz. In honor of the league of thirteen making it home... mostly all unharmed, the remaining heros convinced Tedros to throw a celebration ball. Agatha thought it was a total fairytale cliché, but stoped remarking so after catching a few of Tedros's advisors discussing possible monarch replacements if anything... unfortunate were to happen.
    "Oh hush!" Said Tedros. "It wasn't my proudest moment and you know it."
     "Weeeelllllllll, it's not like you'll be using this lesson any time soon. You and your big ego can't admit that my kick step is  actually quite good."
    "That it is Agatha, that it is."
Like I said, i'm in a rush writing this. I apologize for the lackluster ending. I was just trying to find a good place to stop and if I would have kept going, it would have gotten boring.

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