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I've been thinking about how much I love these two together so here we go.
This takes place during their first year starting from the first time Agatha sneaks into the evil school to see Sophie.
Agatha's plan would have been simple. cross halfway bridge, find Sophie, and convince her that they needed to go home. She'd get her happily ever after with her friend, and Sophie would hopefully be happy as her friend.
Except for the fact that there was a barrier in the middle of the bridge.
After that, her plan just went to shambles.
Where were we? Right the barrier.
Agatha was walking across the bridge she'd just found in a hurry. It'd taken her all day to sneak away to the roof and find the pond again, so she had the nagging constant fear she'd be caught.
As she hurried along, she ran face first into the invisible barrier.
To Agatha's shock, her own figure moved out in-front of her.
    "Good with good, evil with evil. Go back to your tower, or they'll be Upheaval."
     "Who, who are you?" Agatha stammered.
    "I'm you. Good with good, evil with evil. Go back to your tower, or they'll be serious upheaval."
Agatha thought.
(Maybe  if I just ask it to pass? No that won't work dimwit. The whole point of it is so that you can't pass.
Maybe if she talked fast, she could trick herself into thinking she was evil.
Think Agatha, you know yourself better than anyone.)
She decided to start with a riddle of sorts. If she could make herself say that she was evil,  then she could make the point that she was herself.
This was so confusing!!!
    "So you must feel kind of useless just standing out here huh?" Real Agatha asked.
Reflection agatha's smile wavered.
    "N no? I have a job to do. Even though hardly anyone tries to cross." She mumbled the last part under her breath.
    "Ya know, contradicting sounds like an evil  thing to do." Real Agatha tried.
    "Who said I was good?"
    "So you're not good?"
    "I'm not anything. I'm a reflection." These were the words Agatha needed.
    "So if you're my reflection, that means you're me right now right?"
    "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss?" The reflection said slowly.
    "So if you're me and you're not anything, but you can be both...?" Fake Agatha snarled.
    "Uuuuuugggggghhhhhhhh! I'm so getting terminated."  But she moved aside all the same. Agatha made a vow to herself that before she got home she'd try to help this reflection as much as she could.

Anadil stood at the window of room 66, her eyes glued to halfway bridge. There was a girl standing in the very center  about where the two motes were smashed together. Also, where the barrier stood. She seemed to be talking to someone. Maybe the barrier?
Anadil wondered how she even made it onto the bridge without being caught. She'd heard that good's guards, while not as ruthless as evil's, were a lot more observant.
Anadil was snapped out of her thoughts when the girl walked over the break in the two motes and into the School for Evil. NO ONE made it past the barrier unless they were a teacher, or Merlon, but Merlon hadn't come in years. So how did this greasy haired girl do it?
Next to her, Sophie looked down.
"Oh no! It's Agatha! I have to go!" She screeched before running out the door.
Anadil wondered how SOPHIE knew THIS girl. They were nothing alike based on what she could see.
This girl obviously didn't visible visibly care about her appearance, where as Sophie spent LITERALLY HOURS on it.
This girl walked with a purpose, like Hester, where as Sophie just walked dreamily through life. This girl was smart and could make her own plans, where as Sophie clung to hester and the hope of being "Good. like a lost puppy.
Needless to say, Anadil admired this girl who she didn't know, and she was going to meet her sooner than she thought.

AGATHA HATED AIR VENTS! This was the second time sense she got here that she ended up ping-ponging through one to find something! In this case, something was Sophie's room.
After she gotten past the barrier,  she snuck through the gates and into the foyer. She then started to deliberate ways of getting to Sophie. She realized that she had no clue where her friend's room even was. And she couldn't just go around looking for it in plane sight!
That's when she thought of the ventilation system. She could look for Sophie out of sight, and not make a lot of noticeable noise.
However, this plan obviously went to shambles just like everything else that day. As Agatha was peering through a grate to try to spot Sophie, the grate suddenly dropped from beneath her. Her arms windmilled as she fell, but she couldn't save herself.

Anadil was still staring out the window to at the spot the girl had been just minutes before, when the very girl she was thinking about plopped on the bed beside her.
She turned in surprise,  but before she could say anything,  the girl's hand was on her mouth.
    "Please don't say anything! I'm just looking for Sophie. Have you seen her?"
The girl removed her hand so that Anadil could speak.
"Ok first of all, who the heck are you? And second of all, why do you want to see that prissy little thing in pink?" She asks with a role of her eyes.
     "Because she's my friend! And we need to get out of here before one of us dies!" Agatha says fiercely.
Anadil looks at her puzzled.
    "What do you mean,  dies?" She asks.
Agatha, with a sigh explains  what she saw in the gallery of good.  Anadil looks at her in awe.
really  good at piecing things together." She says slowly. She couldn't figure this girl out.
She thought she was evil, but she wanted to get her friend out. Anadil admired that. She was also really good at problem solving.
Anadil also thought she was good at problem solving too, but Hester never gave Anadil credit. Even though she was the one who came up with most of the plans, the logistics,  the scripts...
No, she needed to stop. Hester was to be her leader. She could feel it.
She could also however feel the desire to be this girls friend, and that was worse.
Nevers couldn't have many friends. They attached themselves to the most powerful people they could find, and that was who they stuck with.
The girl snaps her out of her thoughts.
    "So, have you seen Sophie?" She says.
    "She just ran out. Are you Agatha?"
    "Y yes? She talks about me?"
The girl looked shocked that Sophie actually said her name. Anadil new the feeling.
She didn't want to tell the girl that Sophie had only said her name to squeal that she needed to run away, so she just said,
    "Yes. she ran out the door with our roommate Hester."
    "Oh ok. Well erm,  thanks. Oh and yes, I'm Agatha."
     "No problem Agatha."
    "Well  erm, I should go before I get caught." Agatha said.
Anadil didn't know why, but she felt the desire to make this girl stay. She seemed intelligent. Maybe they liked some of the same things.
    "Wait!" Anadil said before she could stop herself.
Agatha turned back to her. "Uh I was just wondering, uhhhhhhhh....
How you got here." Anadil said after a slight delay.
    "Oh, I used Merlon's Menagerie on the good roof. The pond's actually a portal."
Anadil was baffled. How'd she figure that out?
This girl definitely was smart.
    Wow." Was all that Anadil said out loud.
After this, neither of the two girls knew what to say, so Agatha continued making her way to the door.
Before she made it, she turned around.
Do you uhh, maybe wanna talk about school er something tomorrow at lunch?"
    "Uhh sure. I'll try to sneak away." Anadil said.
Agatha smiled a little as she walked toward the vent. Maybe she could wait a little while to go home.
And she could. Because as I Professor Clarissa Dovey write this, I'm watching Agatha and Anadil discuss if Snow white or Cinderella had the worse parents. They got together a month ago, and Agatha now thrives as one of my best students.
Hester was mad at first, but Lady Lesso used her and I being together as an example as to why she shouldn't be mad, and she was fine.
So a girl's plan to retrieve her friend, lead to her receiving more than a friend.

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