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The Warmth A Cold Can bring,
Tagatha week (last day😭)
Modern hi school  AU
Tedros POV
Uuuuuugggggghhhhhhh! I feel so achy! I feel hot and sick and oh₦ no. I think I have a cold!
I reach over and pick up my phone from the nightstand beside my bed and text my mom.
Tedros-mom... I think I have a cold.
Guin-I'll be up in a sec hon.
I sigh and put my phone back. I hope she let's me stay home today.
Today. I feel like there's something important happening today but I can't remember what it is.
Before I can think about it too much my mom comes in.
    "How ya feelin sweetie?"  She asks putting a hand on my forehead. I guess I feel hot to her too because she runs to the bathroom and grabs  a thermometer.
     "102. I think you better stay home today. Do you want me to call Agatha?"
That's what today was! Agatha and I were supposed to go on a date after school! I'd just met her a month ago on the first day of school, and we'd started as friends, but quickly realized we were meant to be more. We'd started dating two weeks ago and I've honestly never felt happier.
It's ironic that I just told you that because I completely forgot about our date. Hey! Give me a break. I'm siiiiicccccckkkkkk.
Agatha POV
    "Hello?" I say into the phone. I'm greeted with the calming voice of my boyfriend's mother on the other end of the line.
    "Hi sweetie.  It's Guin. Tedros won't be at school today, he woke up with a cold."
    "Aww! I feel so bad for him! Is he feeling ok?" I ask immediately worried.
Guin laughs, "Oh yes honey, it's just a cold. He actually might feel ok to talk to you if your not at school or anything."
    "I don't wanna bother him, but umm, will you be home after school?" I ask feeling awkward.
    "Yes actually. And you know that you're always welcome here sweetie."  I love Guin so much!
    "Ok. Thank you so much."
    "Have a good day sweetheart."
    "You too. By."
Ever sense Tedros and I met, Guin had been so welcoming to me. She was like the parent I never had. My dad left my mom when she was pregnant, and then my mom died when I was three. I don't remember her much. Anyway, when Tedros and I started dating, Guin was even more welcoming if that was even possible. She made jokes, cooked for me, and had even picked me up from school a few times. So yeah, I love the woman.
*after school*
Still Agatha POV
My last class is almost over and I'm so excited! I have a plan for after school. I'm gonna run home, make some food because, be real we both love it, get some blankets and pillows and then go over to Tedros's.
I hope he likes it. I hope it's not too awkward. I mean we've only known each other for a month. What if it's too much?
No. I can't let myself think like that! Class is almost over, I'm gonna run home, take the stuff over, and maybe hang out. It's gonna be FINE.
Tedros POV
Ever sense my mom told me that Agatha might be coming over after school, I've been watching the window. I know we've only known each other for a month but it's been the happiest month of my life. She's so caring and sweet. She thinks my feelings are valid and she doesn't talk about me like I'm some shining god. Before he died, my father was an actor.  He wasn't very well known, but he got a LOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTT of money for it. So in our small town, every girl in school just chases me for that. But not Agatha. She will always be here and I know that with all my heart.
I look at the clock, 2-45. School just let out! I can't wait!
Agatha POV
Ugggghhhhhh! I can't believe how fricken bad I am at cooking! I tried to cook soup, but I somehow managed to burn  it, and let half of it boil over. Then, I tried making a sort of breakfast for dinner of  eggs, cheese, and sausage in burritos, and that just turned out terrible. So after an hour and a half of trying, I'm just bringing chips, popcorn, and soda, and hoping that's enough.
Guinevere POV
At about 4-15 I here who I presume is Agatha ring the doorbell. I can barely contain my excitement as I run to open it! Ever sense Tedros met Agatha he's been so happy. He's getting better grades in classes, he talks to me a lot more than he used to, and is a lot nicer to people. And Agatha is just such a sweet girl. She'd do anything for anyone, yet she's so shy. I don't know how Tedros got her to open up, but I'm so glad he did because they're perfect for each other.
When I open the door, I see Agatha carrying in chips, popcorn, and a huge can of Tedros's favorite soda.
    "Oh my gosh! Come in!" I say excitedly.
    "Thank you so much for letting me come over Mrs. Pendragon." She says.
    "Please dear call me Guin. Tedros is in his room."
    "Ok thank you so much... Guin. Oh also, I don't know if it's ok, but I uh, brought  snacks." She says motioning to the chips and popcorn.
    "Oh that's fine. I'm sure Tedros will be GLAD to have them." At this she cracks a genuine smile and after thanking me once more carries the snacks to Tedros's room.
Tedros POV
I don't know how I fell asleep, but when I woke up I saw Agatha standing in the doorway of my room just about to walk in. She hadn't seen me yet to know that I'd just woken up, but she was still quiet. When she walks into my full view, I see that she's carrying popcorn, chips, and doctor  Pepper! She also looks Beautiful in a sweater and leggings.
    "Hey!" I say happily.
    "Hi! I uh, don't know if you'll want them, but I brought  snacks." She walks over to me. How do you feel?"
    "I actually feel ok. I think I'll be back at school tomorrow. Do you wanna sit down or anything?"
She smiles shyly and comes to sit on the bed. I take her hand and we start talking. We do this for about 15 minutes before cracking open the chips and turning on a movie.
    About halfway through the movie I notice Agatha is shivering. I put an arm around her and draw her under the covers. She squeezes my free hand and nuzzles into me. I gently pull her head onto my shoulder and when she falls asleep, I wrap her into a tighter half hug.

*an hour later*
Guinevere POV
I found both Agatha and Tedros asleep when I came in to check on them later that night. I smile at the adorable position I found them in, and hurry downstairs as to not disturb them.
It's nice, the warmth that a cold brought them.
OMG this is SO  bad.
If anyone has suggestions on how to improve my writing please comment them.
Also, I can't believe it's the last day of Tagatha week 2020.
Thank you all so much for reading these  oneshots and putting up with my annoyingly long A/Ns.
That being said I have one more thing to say. I have a Tagatha fanfic planned and it should be out either this month or next.
Ok now I'm done lol.

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