Three Part Two

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Here's the part two to the Hestadil chapter.
Hester POV
Sophie struts in and plops herself on Anadil's empty bed.
     "I'm gonna help you get that girl.
I sigh but realize, I want this.
    "I'm in." I say.
Sophie smiles and claps her hands.
"Ok here's what I'm thinking!
You write to Ani saying that you got seriously hurt in training, and need her to come home immediately."
"Ok there's two major flaws in this plan princess." I say.
"Oh yeah? What's that?" Sophie says in a mocking tone. Gosh that girl is on my last nerve!
"Well first of all, Anadil would never believe that. She's too smart."
"We'll make her. And second of all?"
"Pollux would never just let her come home from a quest because I got "An oucheeeeeeeyyyyyyy.""
Sophie roles her eyes.
"Ok you just said she's really smart, so she'll figure out a way to geeeetttt home." She sighs.
Wow. Sophie actually had a smart idea for once.
After a few minutes of trying to argue, I realize that I see no more flaws in this plan.
"I'm in." I say to Sophie.
"Yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she squeals. The guard bangs on our door and she hides under the bed. Now I have to think of a lie that'll probably get me introuble.
Thanks a lot Sophie.
Anadil POV
Oh no! Oh no!
Oh no oh no oh no!!!
I just got a letter from Hester. She writes...
I AM SO MAD!!! One day during training, Sophie was being her usual, idiotic self, and cut in-front of me during sprints. I tried stoping, (okay maybe I tried a little less hard than I want to admit) and ran into her which made her fall which made me trip over her which made me twist my knee, break my ankle, and need 13 stitches in my cheek. I wish you could be here to one, chat while i'm stuck in bed, and two come up with a plan to kill Sophie.
Anyway, yeah
Wish you were here,
miss you,
Oh my gosh! I wish I could be there so bad. To kill Sophie of course. Certainly not because I want to support Hester, and maybe hold her hand when she falls asleep. That idea'd be crazy.
Third Person POV
After about five hours of pacing, Anadil finally decides she has to come up with a way to sneak out and get back to the training camp.
The first order of business is finding people she can trust to help her pull off her slowly forming plan. Her second issue of business was to find out why the teachers didn't tell anyone else on the squaud that Hester was hurt.
As a part of a squad, you're supposed to know who's down and who's not incase something happens.
Anadil POV
my plan is simple.
1. Fake getting hurt (preferably by another member of the squad on this quest so it looks believable) and get sent back to training camp.
2. Try to get a bed next to Hester in the hospital wing.
The flaw in this is that I have to ask other people for help and trust that they'll actually do their job right. i don't trust anyone but Agatha,  Nicola,  and Hester. Hester's hurt, either Agatha or Nicola can help me with the getting hurt part, but the third part, I have no idea who back at camp I can manipulate into getting me a bed next to Hes. I'll have to talk to Agatha and Nicola.
     "So this is your plan?" Nicola asks from the other side of the table.
We're at dinner, and I've decided to lay my plan out to Nicola.
    "Yes. So do you know if there's anyone back at camp who can help me with the bed placement?"
     "Actually, Beatrix is in the hospital wing for training if you wanted her help. I know she's nearly impossible to work with but if your serious about this..."
    "Yes! I am!" I cut her off.
She laughs.
    "I think I can answer my own question, but why do you even want to do this?" she asks.
    "Uh. Uuuuuuhhhhhhh. Just go!" I stutter out. She walks away nodding and laughing to herself. Gosh I hate people!
Hester POV
I just got notice from our substitute trainer that Anadil got hurt while on enemy lines and is coming home. Now Sophie says I actually have to get hurt and into the hospital wing. I ask her if I can just fake it like Ani did, but she's not for that.
    "They won't believe it twice!" She says one day at lunch.
     "Well they'll believe Ani! I don't see how this is any different."
Sophie sighs. "Because Ani can make it look believable darling." she drawls. She's got a point there.
So I'll twist my ankle today during sprints.
*time skip cause I'm lazy*
Anadil POV
After writing to Beatrix, getting hurt from Nicola, and getting flown halfway across the endless woods, I'm finally about to go into the hospital wing. I hope Beatrix didn't let me down, and I get placed next to Hester.
The injury that I'm faking is a brain Tumor. I just have to jump at loud noises,  and Beatrix will fake the rest. Hes has a hurt ankle, so technically we're not supposed to be next to each other, but Beatrix said she'd make it work. So all I have to do is wait for the medical staff to open the doors and wheel me in.
Hester POV
Oh My Gosh! My ankle hurts soooooooo bad! I'm so mad! I tried to twist it on a rock yesterday during sprints, but ended up breaking it completely. So I've been in here for almost two days without Anadil. I'm almost starting to think it's not worth it.
Wait, the doors are opening. They're wheeling someone in. Oh my gosh it's Ani!
It's finally Ani.
Anadil POV
*another slight time skip to after they'vesaid hello to each other because idk how I want to write that*
I'm looking at Hes, and I'm confused. Her letter to me said she twisted her knee, ankle, and had 13 stitches in her cheek. I only see a twisted ankle. Maybe it got her knee and cheek healed in the two weeks sense she wrote to me? But she'd have a scar on her cheek at least. I'll ask her.
Hester POV
     "Hey Hes?" Anadil says.
    "Didn't you tell me you had stitches in your cheek and a twisted knee?"
Oh no! Sophie and I forgot to fake the other injuries I told Ani about!
I can either come clean and hope she doesn't completely ditch me, or I can come up with a stupid lie that she probablly won't believe because she's so frickin smart! I'll try to lie first. We all know I'll be coming clean soon either way.
    "Oh yeah they used some potion on my cheek to heal it fast so there's no scar." I say too quickly.
     "What potion?" She asks Suspiciously.
     "Just come clean already!" Beatrix shouts from the other side of the wing.
I glare daggers at her and then look at Ani who's glaring daggers at me.
     "Um Ani? I have something to tell you.
For the past three months, I can't stop thinking about you. I know we're just best friends, but I think of you as more than that. I fantasize about us being together. I write in my diary about us all the time and I I,  I love you Ani. I'm sorry but I do. So I faked this stupid injury because Sophie had a plan and I don't even know any more." I shut my mouth before I can ramble any more.
Anadil looks shocked. Her expression turns from shock to anger, to hurt to happiness?
She roles over in her bed quickly to hide the last one,  but I think I saw happiness!
    "Hes, I am kinda mad at you, but I'm faking this injury too." She says.
Even though I expected this, I'm shocked. She faked a brain tumor just to be with me?
Wait how do we even have beds next to each other? Our injuries aren't related in any way.
Then it hits me, Ani actually talked to people she hates to pull this off. But why?
     "Ani why'd you fake this whole thing just to come home?"
A few minutes of silence go by. Just when I think she won't answer, she drops a bombshell.
    "Because I love you too." She mumbles into her pillo.
Omg I was so stressed out trying to finish this. It's 10-58 right now and I can't figure out a better way to end this. I wanted to end it with them both finding out and getting  definitely together, but without them being to sappy and out of character. I'll do another Hestadil in this book and try to make it better.
Also sorry for any bad grammar in this, it's 10 something.
Also, thank you so much for 107 reads on this!
Ok I'm done

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