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Dances and Doorbells
Dort modern AU
"Ouch! you're pulling!" Anadil shouted at me.
We had a school dance tonight, and I was doing Hester and her hare. I didn't even know why I was going to this dance with them because ever sense they became a couple last month, i've felt like such a third wheel. But I didn't really have anything else to do, so I kind of have to go with them because if I didn't, I'd go insane.
So here I was trying to curl Anadil's hare and getting yelled at every five seconds.
Hort POV
Eight, nine, ten. I slam the weight down firmly. I'm trying to do a big workout routine before the school dance tonight just incase Sophie looks at me. I don't even know if she has a date, but I know she'll be there, and I'm gonna try to get her.
I've been trying to make it happen sense like first grade, but first she was interested in Tedros, and then it was Triston, and then it was Chadic, etc etc. But now that she's exhausted almost every boy in our grade, I think I have a better chance tonight. So I have to make it count.
After TWO HOURS of getting yelled at, putting on makeup, and curling hare, the three of us are finally ready to go! We all grab our things, and race out the door.
Once in the car, it's third wheel time for me. Hes and Ani are in the backseat of my car and I'm driving.
I turn around to ask them which way they want to go to get to school, only to see them with their arms entangled and lips locked.
"Ehehm!" I clear my throat loudly. "If you two don't mind, I'd rather you not do this in MY CAR. Anyway, which way am I supposed to go?"
They pull apart quickly and blush.
"Uh, just take the back roads." Hester says. I sigh but do as I'm told, and before long we're at the school.
As soon as we walk into the gym, Hester and Anadil leave me and run off to the other side of the gym. I sigh and look around for anyone else that I know. I spot Agatha in a corner with a book and race over.
"Hey!" I say practically throwing myself at her.
"Oh hey Dot." She says quickly trying to shove her book aside to accommodate my hug. "Are you having fun?" She asks.
I sigh and tell her the story of how my night's going so far. By the end, I'm crying into Agatha's shoulder and she's glaring at Hes and Ani across the gym.
    "I'mmonna kill them! They're the ones that wanted you to come in the first place, so they should at least TALK to you!" She fumes.
     "Thanks Agatha, but I don't really care at this point. I can just hide in the hall and maybe take a few pictures." I say only half meaning it.
Agatha sadly smiles and asks, "Do you want to hang out with me and Tedros? I could use the company." Agatha says with a role of her eyes and a glance at Tedros.
I sigh knowing I can't say yes, but feeling bad for saying no.
I finally decide on, "If I can't find anyone single in like 10 minutes, I might be open to it." Agatha laughs and nods before running off to dance with her boyfriend.
Hort POV
After a strenuous workout routine, I'm ready to go to impress Sophie!
sense I don't really have anyone to go with, I figure I can make a quick stop to buy a corsage. Yes, I'm going ALL OUT. I don't want to get there and find her with another better boy.
After getting the corsages I see that I'm running late! The dance started 5 minutes ago. I peel out of the parking lot and speed to the school getting dirty looks and gestures from every driver that I pass.
When I finally make it to the gym, I look around for Sophie but she's nowhere to be seen. I sigh and "Not so inconspicuously" go to watch the door but the refreshments.
I've been watching for about 15 minutes when I finally see Sophie, but...
She's with WILLAM!
She hadn't even KNOWN Willam for more than two months! He'd just come to the school this year, and it was only October. Ok no matter. if I just go up and charm her like I planned, I'll have a dancing partner in no time.
I march up to her and with a big smile I nudge Willam aside.
    "Hey Sophie." I say nonchalantly.
Sophie looks uncomfortable as she answers, "Oh uhh, hey, Hort. How, uhhhhhhhh, How are you? And uhh, what, uhh, what are you doing?"
    "Well I was wondering if you wanted to maybe dance?"
She smiles, but I can't help but notice it looks more like a smirk. She answers all the same with,
    "Ohh, uhh, with, you?"
I smile. "Yes!"
Sophie takes a breath as if she's about to give me the best news ever and says,
    "Nnnnnoooooooooooooooooo! You've been creeping  on me sense like first grade. I've told you no about a MILLION times, but you still can't get it."
I feel my face heat up and I run before they all see me cry.
I blindly run for about 5 minutes before I stop to look around. I'm in a corner of the library that looks perfect for crying.
I hug my knees to my chest and am just about to get a tissue when I hear a sniffle from the corner across from me.
I go over quietly and see Dot. I'm so surprised because I thought she had friends who came with her. So why would she be crying?
All I know is, when I saw her shaking shoulders and red face, my heart broke for her.
     "Hey. Are you ok?" I say gently touching her shoulder.
She looks up startled and sniffs a few times to try and stop crying.
Seeing that it's no use, she looks at me and says, "Please go!"
When I don't move she cries  harder and grabs my hand.
    "De-deou wanna sit down?" She asks.
I feel my heart swell and sit down next to her.
    "So what are you doing here?" She asks once I'm settled.
    "Ohh uhh, I'm just trying to cool off. I uhh, just got rejected." I tell her.
     "Oh. I'm sorry. I hope you feel better. And I'm sure you'll find someone. I mean you're you."
She clamped her hand over her mouth like she hadn't meant to say that. I blush and laugh a little.
    "So what are you doing here?" I ask. Her face falls and she tells me about how she's third wheeled all night and when she tried to talk to her friends they'd yelled at her.
watching her tears fall and her face sag, my heart just broke. For as much as I've watched Sophie so much for the past 11 years, I haven't really noticed anyone else. But now that I actually thought about it, Dot had been so nice to everyone. She'd been an underdog, but she was also a social butterfly. Even though most people thought of her as annoying, they always went to her for comfort.
Not to mention, she gave great hugs as I was now finding out.
I suddenly remember  the corsage in my pocket and smile.
It was pretty obvious that Sophie didn't want it, and it might make Dot smile. I squirm out of her hug and reach into my pocket.
    "What are you doing?" She asks.
"Hold out your hand." I answer, and she does.
   "Ok noooooowwww... look down!" I say after putting it on her.
Oh my goodness! Hort gave me a corsage!!! And it's beautiful! I can't believe he's talking to me let alone giving me a corsage.
I'm so busy thinking this that I forget that Hort's waiting for my reaction.
I look up with possibly the biggest smile ever on my face and quietly say, "It's beautiful! Thank you." He looks at me with a smile that's even bigger than mine if possible and takes my hand.
    "Hey... emm, Dot? I know we've only been talking for like 20 minutes, but I feel like I'd really like to get to know you. So would you maybe, emm, wanna dance?"
Oh. My. Gosh!
My heart is breaking out of my chest! I was just thinking about asking him the same thing, but I didn't wanna seem weird. But he asked! I'm so happy.
I squeeze Hort's hand and with a small, hesitant smile, I drag him toward the door.
OMG I'm sorry this took me so long. Thank you for waiting so long and putting up with me. Also, sense Wattpad  updated, my screenreader won't let me reply to comments or write my own. But I can use the message boards and PMS. So if you have any ideas, feedback, or just want to talk use that.
Thank you guys so much for voting and commenting. It means the world.

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