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In honor of Tagatha week, I'm gonna try to write a oneshot every day for them! I doubt  they'll be my best work but ya know...
Hold me while you wait
(tagatha obviously)
This is set in an alternate book three ending where Lance died in the battle. Tedros and Agatha are respected rulers. Tedros is king, and Agatha is technically princess, but everybody knows Tedros is gonna ask her to marry him.

Agatha was so exhausted. She'd been sleeping happily in her bedroom in Camelot when she'd been woken up by a nightmare.
*in the dream*
agatha ran. She had to run because she had no other option. Tedros was  in-front of her, sophie was next to her, and a person shrouded in shadow was behind her chasing  them with a knife. Then suddenly she stoped running and turned around only to see that the shadowy figure was Tedros.
    "I thought you were in-front of me?" Agatha said. Tedros laughed evilly.
    "Oh Agatha. You're so naïve. I'm not you're boyfriend. You thought I loved you? You told me things you've never told anyone else. Pathetic!"
Agatha gasped. Her bottom  lip quivered and her eyes welled. She loved Tedros and couldn't live without him.
Then, Tedros's face changed, he looked unsure. As Agatha turned around to run, he screamed, "Agatha WAIT! I..." She woke up before dream Tedros could finish. She was covered in sweat and shaking violently. She hated crying, and yet here she was with hot tears running down her face.
She loved Tedros so much that hearing him basically say he hated her, to build her up and rip her to shreds, even in a dream, split her chest into two.
She was so vulnerable in this moment. She could be broken by the wind right now.
She wanted to see Tedros, but not like this. She had to make sure he didn't hate her and that she'd never have to live without him, but it would have to wait until tomorrow.

     Tedros felt so terrible. He'd been so busy this week that he hadn't seen Agatha all week. He missed the gentle wait of her warm body in his arms. He missed her raspy, lively laugh. And now he was sitting awake in his room at midnight silently trying not to cry over his princess.
At once, he made a split second decision to go hold her.
Tedros crept through the dark hallways of Camelot's castle toward his  princess's room. The closer he got to the door, he heard a curious sound. It sounded like... crying? It sounded like Agatha.
Agatha was crying! He ran toward the door. He had to fix it asap.
    Agatha was so consumed in her sadness and terror that she didn't notice Tedros walk in until she felt the other side of her bed sink slightly with his wait.
    "Hey, babygirl are you ok?" He asked softly.
    "Did, did I wa-wake you up?" Agatha sniffled. She hated waking other people up. She always felt so bad for it.
    "No no no! I just wanted to come see you. So are you ok?" He asked again.
    "N-n-n-nno." She sobbed. "I had a N-nightmare." She softly, trying to get her crying under control. 
    "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. Agatha wondered how she ever thought he could hate her. Even so, there was still this tiny shred of doubt  in her head. She couldn't bother Tedros with this. And what if he got mad at her for thinking he hated her.
    "Nooooooooo." Agatha sobbed.
Tedros scooted closer.
    "Are you sure? It might make it better."
After a few more minutes of Agatha trying and failing to stop crying, she finally gave in, and in the arms of Tedros she started to describe what happened.
    "And, and, and I'm sc-sc-scaaaaarrrrreeeeeedddddd!" She finished. "De-de-deou hate me?" Agatha asked.
    "Oh baby I'm so sorry!" He said rocking her back and forth gently. While she'd been talking, he'd rearranged her to be on his lap, and she'd nestled  her head in the crook of his shoulder.
"I could never hate you. You're so beautiful inside and out, you're so kind, you're so loving, and I couldn't live without you. I love you more than words could describe." Agatha smiled and moved her mouth to his.
They kissed tenderly and fell asleep shortly after.
    Guinevere smiled as she walked back to her chambers. She may have lost one of the loves of her life, but her son still had his, and she was amazing. Guinevere was sure that she'd be an amazing queen, and an amazing daughter in law (when Tedros got around to making that happen.)
She tucked herself into bed safe in the knowledge that her son was in good hands.

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