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Socks part two
Tagatha Week Day Five
    "I present to you..."
Tedros opened the door to a new and magnificent library.
There were shelves everywhere from floor to ceiling. Agatha gasped.    "Oh Tedros it's amazing!" Agatha said claping her hands.
     "And that's not all." Tedros said leading her to the back of the room. There, Agatha layed her eyes on a huge reading room. There was a crackling fireplace with two armchairs on one side and a couch on the other side. There were blankets on everything and Agatha couldn't contain herself. She ran to the couch and jumped on it. Tedros, never one to miss jumping on fernature quickly followed suit and soon they were in a tangle of limbs and blankets. Agatha disentangled herself from Tedros and kissed him.
    "Ihhhhhh!" Merlon said. "Get a room you two."
     "Meeeeerrrrrrrrrrlllllllllooooooooonnnnnnnnnn!" The two said in unison.
    "What." Merlon said smiling.
Tedros sighed and took Agatha by the hand.
    "Come on. There's still one more thing."
    "What else could you've possibly gotten me?" Agatha asked genuinely perplexed.
Tedros just smiled as he dragged her toward their room.
This was the part that Tedros had asked his mother for help with. At first she'd said no because Agatha was such a good person and didn't deserve a prank. However, after Tedros had promised to give her the real gift first, Guinevere grudgingly agreed. Now she followed the pare, all the while trying not to laugh. This was gonna be good.

When Agatha opened the door to her room, her eyes got huge, but not because she liked what she saw. The reason was quite the opposite. Everything was covered in huge pink socks and glitter.
She turned to Tedros who was laughing his head off.
    "Who's gonna clean this up? And what are we gonna do with all these socks?"
    "Well... Erm... You're cleaning them up, and Sophie said she could use them for a prank on Hort. She also told me to tell you that she expected a visite from you and you alone in the next two months or she wouldn't be your friend any more." Tedros said in a rush.
Agatha just sighed and pulled the first huge sock off the floor. She then threw it over Tedros's head and slammed the door. Let him find his own way out of there. She still had to fix a last minute detail of his gift.
Ok guys so I'm lazy. I'm not putting Agatha's gift to Tedros because I kind of ran out of ideas.
Also, if I have time today, I'm posting a proposal oneshot as a bonus sense it's actually Tagatha day today. If something happened in book 6 that should happen in the proposal, I won't know it because... well...
I still haven't read it.
*dodges a sock being thrown at my head*
okeeeeeeyyyyy i'm gonna go start the proposal now...

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