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Young Kagatha
Idk if a lot of people ship this, but I do so here we go.
Kiko POV
Omg it's my first day of my first year of school! What do I where? I wonder if I'll have a best friend. I wonder what she'll be like!
Agatha POV
Oooooohhhhhhhh nooooooooooo. It's my first day of school today. I'm not exactly the type who can make friends easily, so I'm kinda scared. I won't make eye contact with anyone, I'll probably have to sit alone at lunch, and I'll tell my mom all about it after school. I throw on some shorts, and a T-shirt, and wait for my friend Sophie to pick me up.
Kiko POV
My mom is waiting downstairs, so I hurry up and choose an outfit. I decide on a sundress with some sandals.
I run downstairs and hop in my mom's car.
Agatha POV
The whole way to school, Sophie talks. She talks about boys, she talks about girls she hates, and girls she likes. Her dad finally turns around in his seat and gives her a look that says (shut up!) and she does.
I love Sophie's dad. Even though he can be mean to her, he wants the best for her. He's like the dad I never had.
And sophie's the first friend I've ever made.
Kiko POV
On the way to school, I ask my mom questions about her school experience. She tells me about lunch, classes, things like that. This goes on until we're almost at the big building.
My mom turns around in her seat and says,
"Kiko, I'm sure you'll have no trouble making friends, but please be nice to everyone. Try to be people's friends ok?."
"Ok mommy!" I say with a smile. I don't know why you wouldn't be nice to everyone, but ok. My mom smiles and turns back to the road.
Agatha POV
We make it to the big building, and I slowly follow Sophie out of the car.
She'd jumped out and was already running towards the door.
I smile at her dad and run after her.
As I'm scanning the crowds, I spot a girl in a sundress and sandals getting out of a car. She smiles and waves. I hesitate a second before waving back. I feel a serge of hope that I could be her friend, but quickly squish it Down. She'd never wanna be my friend.
Kiko POV
As I walk in to the building, I can't stop thinking about that girl I saw. She looks nice. Like someone who's beautiful,  but doesn't know it. And who frankly wouldn't care if she did.
I tell myself I'll sit with her at lunch. I walk through the halls toward my first class. I wave at everyone, but only a few people wave back.
Once I make it to my first class, I sit down next to a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. I smile and say hi to her.
     "Oh hi." She says unenthusiastically.
     "What's your name?" I ask.
     "Hey, I know it's the first day and everything, but I don't wanna be seen talking to such a baby, so can you shut up?" She asks.
Sorry for putting Sophie in such a bad light. I actually respect her as a character and person.
Anyway back to it.
I feel my bottom lip start quivering and turn away before I can start crying.
This sort of thing happens two more times with a girl named Beatrix and Anadil before class starts.
I didn't expect people to be so mean here. I thought I'd have a lot of friends by lunch.
Just as I feel myself start to cry, the bell rings and our teacher comes in. She's beautiful!
     "Hello class. I'm so excited to meet you! I'm your teacher Professor Dovey."
We all smile. I like this teacher.
As professor Dovey talks, one more girl comes hurrying in looking apologetic.
I realize it's the girl from earlier,  and my heart skips.
Agatha POV
I can't BELIEVE I'm late!!! I saw a boy in the hall struggling to carry his books. I stand off to the side not sure if I should help him or not.
After he drops his books, I decide to step in.
"Hi. I'm Agatha. Do you need help?" I say.
     "Hi. I'm Tedros, and I'm fine thanks."
I was so busy trying to hide my blush that I didn't notice that the crowds in the hall had thinned out and the bell had rung. I run into class and sit down near the back.
Sense I made it before The teacher took attendance, I am technically not late.
I look around, and realize I'm sitting right behind the girl from earlier. My heart skips a beat.
She seems so nice and welcoming. She was the only one who stoped for a second to wave at me.
I'll try to talk to her.
Kiko POV
I decide that I'll try to talk to the girl.
I turn around just as she looks at me.
"Hi." We both say in unison. We laugh.
"What's your name?" She asks me.
     "I'm Kiko. What's yours?"
     "Agatha. But my friend calls me Aggie."
I think she just called me her friend!!! I smile"
    "Well Aggie, do you want to sit with me at lunch?"
She smiles widely.
Her smile is beautiful.
Omg this this is the longest thing I've ever written  on Wattpad!  I know the beginning is terrible, and the POV changes are somewhat random, but I did it.
Do you guys like Kagatha? If so I'll do more romantic stuff than friendship.

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