21: Trust me, I'm your hero

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Sehun's POV:

"Na eureureong eureureong eureureong dae~~"Oh. Luhan hyung's calling. I wonder what for? Shouldn't he be with Suri now? It's her birthday, I thought as I picked up the phone.


Normally, I would have been screaming back at him for hurting my ears. But this time,it is different. Suri is missing. The girl that I love with all my life is missing.

I hung up and ran out of the cafe where I was having bubble tea with the other members. They ran out after me, overhearing Luhan hyung's incredibly loud shouting.

"Everyone go separate ways! She might be in danger, so pair up and search!" Suho hyung ordered. He looked calm on the outside but I know he was actually frantic inside. After all, he treats Suri as his younger sister.

Baekhyun went with Chanyeol, Kai with Kyungsoo, Xiumin with Chen, Kris with Tao and Suho with Lay. I was on my own as Luhan hyung was searching by himself.
(MY FEELLLLZZZZ~~~~Baekyeol, Kaisoo, Xiuchen, Taoris, Sulay~~HUNHAN!!! Wait....this is no time to be happy.....let's get back to the main point.....mian....^^")

I went to search the small alleys near our dorm. If I don't find Suri, I will definitely kill myself, I thought. I turned into another alley and saw a group of guys surrounding a girl who was sitting in the middle.

The girl in the middle was Suri.

Her hair was wild, her eyes were wide opened with obvious fear. Her hands were wrapped around herself as she whimpered for help, while the guys surrounding moved closer, as if Suri was a prey that they were trying to pounce on.

My blood boiled as I witnessed the scene in front of me. I ran straight at them and punched the first guy I saw.

"Suri! Gwenchana?? What did they do to you? Did they hurt you?"I asked worriedly as I helped her up from the ground. I swept her behind me against the alley wall in one quick move, forming a barrier between her and those weird guys. Between them was me. And I wasn't planning for them to get pass me.

I punched the other guy who was trying to help his fallen friend up. There were about 10 of them. Surely, I will not be able to defeat them. But I have to try. I'm not going to let Suri get hurt.

Author's POV:

"Look who's here to be the hero! Aren't you Sehun from that shitty poor band EXO? I wonder what your fans will think of their poor Sehun's destroyed face!" One of the guys, which was supposedly their leader, said while chuckling evilly.

"Shut up. It's none of your business. It's nice of you to say, coming from someone who needs 10 guys to bully a girl." Sehun said calmly while Suri hid behind him.

The leader's eyes and expression darkened as he said,"I'll show you how 10 guys can defeat 1 guy and rape 1 girl." He lunged for Sehun who threw his hands up to block his fist. He returned a fierce kick back at the leader who flew back a few metres.

Sehun actually practised a bit of takewendo before, so he was slightly more prepared as the other guys went at him. However, he was still badly outnumbered. After a while, the "bad guys" managed to pin Sehun down. All this while, Suri was secretly calling Baekhyun for him and the other guys to come help Sehun. Please come quickly, she prayed as she saw Sehun being pinned down.

"Not so tough now, are you?" The leader dragged Suri in front of Sehun, who was looking horrified as he struggled to break out of 4 men's grasp. The leader chuckled as he whispered beside Sehun's ear,"Now you get to see how she suffers." He turned around and walked back to Suri who was being held down by 4 other guys. The ine remaining guy was standing guard, on the lookout of others.

Sehun thrashed and kicked with all his might as he saw the leader's fingers trailed down Suri's shirt collar. He whispered loudly to her,"Don't worry. I'll be gentle." He unbuttoned the first button, and Sehun's blood boiled. He has never felt so angry before.

The leader unbuttoned all the buttons on her shirt and took one sleeve off her. Sehun roared with rage and he bit one of the hands of his captors. The latter shouted in pain and let go of Sehun for one instant.

That was enough for Sehun to break lose. And go wild.

He lunged at the leader of the guys and raked his fingernails along the latter's face. The leader screamt out in pain and punched Sehun back.

"What do you think you're doing, wrecking our maknae's face with your dirty hands??!!"someone shouted. The person who shouted was dragging the guard by the collar on the floor. Suri's devastated eyes lit up. The voice was Suho's! EXO is here! At last!

Tao ran at the 4 guys holding Suri and whacked at all of them with his wushu stick. Baekhyun, Kai and Kyungsoo took care of them. While Suri lost balance and fell.

Straight into Luhan's arms.

Suho and Kris was calming Sehun who was still seeing red and trying to break free and punch that leader guy. However, he did not use as much force as he recognised his hyungs. But just thinking about the scene just now irked him so much he just wanted to destroy that wretched leader, rip out all his organs and bury his bones, and then throw his meat to the wolves.

Chanyeol, Lay, Xiumin and Chen took care of the other 5 guys, including the leader. However, the leader broke lose ans lunged at Suri. With a knife whipped out of nowhere.

This time, Luhan was ready.

Suri's POV:

It all happened so fast. One moment that pervert was lunging at me, the next moment Luhan was hugging me from the front. Facing me. With a shocked expression. He became limp and fell against me. Suho and Kris pulled the crazy leader back and knocked him unconcious with one hard blow on the head. I stared at Luhan in shock. Has he just blocked a knife for me?

I thought he was happy with his new girl?


I couldn't believe what I saw. Luhan was lying under another girl and was kissing her. Right on my birthday. Right in front of my eyes. I willed myself not to let my tears fall and rushed out of there. How could he do this to me?

End of flashback

"Luhan!! Don't close your eyes! Don't leave me!" I cried as I felt warm tears flowing down my cheeks. Luhan smiled weakly and held up his fingers against the corners of my eyes, catching the tears that fell.

"Hey. Don't cry. You trust me, right?" Luhan asked. There was a desperation that was alarmingly new in his eyes. "What do you mean?"I asked back, barely able to contain my tears. But I had to. For Luhan. "You trust me right? I really had nothing to do with that girl you saw, please believe me...."he breathed weakly and held my hand tight.

"Luhan.....don't exert yourself....lo..ok...I believe you why don't you just rest....and wai...wait for the ambulance to come...."I stuttered as I called the ambulance. "It's alright now that you believe me......for once......I saved you......I love you so much Suri......you have to believe me......"Luhan said, his voice getting weaker by the second.

"Luhan! Don't talk! Just ho...hold...on, rest! I love you too!" I whimpered as I stroked his hair. "I was your hero for once......my dear heroine......"Luhan breathed out before he lost conciousness.

"Luhan!!No!!"You screamt in agony and pain. I felt those little pieces of your heart which was broken just now burn. It hurts like hell.

Seeing someone hurt, the gang of 10 ran away, leaving threats about coming back. The other guys ran to me, Kris and Tao carrying Luhan up and rushing out of the place, while Sehun and Baekhyun held me up steady as I cried my heart out.

Luhan, please don't leave me. I don't want to live anymore, if you're gone.


This chappie is longer and more detailed, so I hope you enjoyed it!^^

So....Luhan became the hero and risked his life for Suri! What do you think will happen next?? TT^TT

I hope this chapter answered your questions from the last chapter! Feel free to ask if you have any more questions!^^

Pls vote and comment if you liked this chapter, or have suggestions to make my story better!^^

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