28: And she comes along

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"Luhan hyung...you okay?" Sehun asked.

"You think?" he replied bitterly. Now, whenever Luhan sees a couple being lovey-dovey, he gets jealous. It reminds him of the short but memorable time that he used to spend together with Suri.

"Sehun-ah...what would you do...if someone you loved dearly left you?" Luhan asked out of the blue.

"I'll go after her. And get her back." Sehun answered with absolutely no hesitation. And that was what you should've done...he thought.

"Sehun-ah...if you love someone too much...you will accept her decision of leaving you...and that's why I let....her...go..."Luhan sighed, looking down.

"I love her too much. Love, and being able to love is a gift...it is freely given but it can also be taken back. Trying to get back love that has been partially lost...is like refusing to accept reality." Luhan said, pain visible on his face.

"Hyung...I..."Sehun started, but before he could finish, Luhan walked away from him towards Suho's car, to wait for the others.

And that's why...Sehun-ah go and try to get her back...I know you like her...Luhan thought, bitter.


"Sehun...what's wrong? Why are you reacting so strongly? Could it be....?"Kai said as his eyes widened. Sehun looked at Kai straight in the eyes and said,"Yes, hyung. I'm in love with her. I'm so pathetic, right? Just a stupid one-sided love,"he said with tears threatening to fall.

Kai sighed and put his hand on Sehun' shoulders. "Sehun-ah, you need to know and remember this: You don't choose love. Love chooses you. You can only embrace it if it comes to you." "But hyung, that's what I've been trying to tell myself. I'm trying. So hard. It's so hard." he could not control his tears further, and Sehun fell to the ground, in a total mess.

Kai knelt down and held him up while he cried his heart out. "Just know that I will be here for you. EXO will be here for you."he said. "Sehun nodded weakly. "Now, let's go home. The others are waiting."

Quickly, Luhan hid himself behind the wall. He went to the toilet and came out accidentally overhearing Kai and Sehun's conversation. Hearing all that made Luhan shocked. His dongsaeng, in love with Suri? How did he never noticed that?

He felt extremely awful. As a hyung, as Sehun's favourite hyung, he should've known. How had Sehun felt when he saw himself and Suri together? How had he thought of himself?

End of flashback


It has been 2 weeks since Sura left. Suho and her message and call each other everyday. Sura told him that Suri was fine, and she was getting happier. Luhan was glad to know that. So was everyone else.

Today, Sehun was sent by his hyungs to go out and buy some snacks for them, to which the manager agreed, but told him to cover up. Groaning, Sehun had no choice but drag himself to the nearest convenience store.

Coke for Kris hyung...(I MISS THIS)Coffee for Xiumin and Luhan hyung..."Sehun muttered as he threw those in the basket. He met some fans on the way and he needed to get out of here fast before they catch up with him.

(PAUSE. I need to say something about this. Idols nowdays really don't have their own personal lives...:( They can't even go out for 2 seconds without being chased, disturbed or something! If I was an idol, I wouldn't want people to go after me everyday and every second, I would want privacy too:( So if anyone you know or if you areXD doing this...please (tell them) to stop...or at least do it only when they aren't living their own personal lives...okay enough of blabbering leme continueXD)

Walking out in a hurry, he saw the fans waiting right outside and immediately ran.

"Oppa wait!!!"

"Don't run!!!"

He could hear them scream at him as they chased him. Luckily, Sehun had lots of stamina from dance practices everyday and he kept a distance between himself and the sassengs.

Sehun loved his fans; now just wasn't the time. Quickly, he turned into a small alley and rushed in. When he reached the other end, a girl suddenly walked in front of him. Startled, he grabbed the girl's hand and pulled her inside a shop.

Who is this weird guy who is holding my hand and just pulled me in here?! The girl thought. She shrugged his hand off her and glared at him. "What the hell? What was that all about?"

Sehun was still looking outside, checkinf if any of the fangirls followed him. Upon confirming that there were no more, he sighed in relief and turned towards the girl. She's pretty...he thought unconciously.

"Yah! What was that about?"the girl repeated her question sensing that Sehun was not listening to her.

Wait...she doesn't know who I am?

"You don't know me?"he asked with disbelief. "Should I?"the girl questioned, both annoyed and puzzled. Sehun took his face mask off and pointed at himself,"You don't know me?"

The girl huffed out a breath in irritation and shook her head. Jinja daebak...Sehun thought.

"I'm Oh Sehun of EXO! Still don't know me?"he asked. The girl shrugged and replied,"Ah well, I've heard of EXO, but I don't know your names so...NOT MY FAULT. Oh and so those were your fans? Next time, tell them to stay AWAY. See you when I see you again, Oh Sehun of EXO~"the girl mimicked Sehun's way of calling himself before walking out of the shop.

She's cool...Sehun thought unconciously again. Wait what. Immediately, Sehun smacked himself on the head and reminded himself that he was still not over Suri.

But Sehun could not deny that this girl, who was just a random stranger whose name he doesn't know, has caught his attention.



Votes and comments help me a lot^_^

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