20: How could you?

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Suri's POV:

It's my birthday today! Yippeeee~~ I wonder what Luhan will do to surprise meㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Luhan told me that he will come pick me up at 9am. But I was so nervous that I was ready at 8am. It's 8.45am now. I rubbed my hands together, anticipating his arrival.

5 minutes passed.

15 minutes passed.

It's 9am!!

20 minutes passed.

I'm sure that something is wrong. Luhan is never late. Even if he will be, he will always inform me if he wil be late. Furthermore, he promised that he will come by earlier today. But it's already 9.05am. Where is he??

I dialed Luhan's phone number. However, he did not answer. Usually, he would answer with a "HEY JAGIYA" in less than 5 seconds. Why isn't he answering??

Out of worry, I rushed out of the house and drove my car to Luhan's house. (P.S. Suri has her own car^^)

I arrived at EXO's dorm in 10 minutes. The dorm was quiet. Apparently, there was no one at home. Where did Luhan go then??

Not giving up, I knocked on the dorm's door. "Hello? Anyone home?"I asked. Suddenly, I heard noises inside. Feeling hope, I asked,"Luhan? Is that you?"


The door opened. I pushed it open further and got the shock of my life. The scene in front of me shattered my heart into million pieces. I could literally hear the pieces falling apart.

"Luhan.....how could you do this to me......"I whispered, warm tears beginning to feel my eyes. Before they dropped and I start to sob out of control, I turned around. And fled.

While I was running, I distinctly heard someone calling me to come back. I ignored the call and continued running. I ran blindly, not caring where I was running into. After a while, I stopped running.

Very dramatically, it started raining. I turned into a small alley and stood under a tattered signboard that read"Birthday gifts". I laughed bitterly to myself. I got a gift today. The most horrifying gift ever. Even the sky is crying with me. I looked up at the greyish sky.

I just had the worst birthday of my life. Ever. All thanks to you, Luhan.

It hurts now even to think of his name. He promised he wouldn't make me cry. He
promised he would never break my heart. He promised he will not let me get hurt.

I guess those were all. Lies.

Lies that made me cry. Lies that broke my heart. Lies that got me hurt. Badly. Promises are meant to be kept. Aren't they? He broke all of them.

How could you, Luhan?


Eh. How's that?

Comments will help me to improve! Pls vote if you liked this chappie~~^^

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