19: Caught

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Luhan's POV:

It has been 1 week since the last time Suri and I had a date. Today EXO has no schedule. So, I decided to bring Suri out. Eagerly, I dialed Suri's phone number.

"Hello, my heroine.(Remember?? She saved him.)Let's go out today!" "Sure!! Where are we going?"Suri replied with her cute voice.

"It's a suprise."I chuckled as I heard a sigh from Suri. I can literally imagine her pouting.XD "Get ready,ok?I'm coming in 30."I said as I hung up, not forgeting to give her a 'muah'.(kissing soundXD)

Suri's POV:

We are going out again!!! Shooo happy...XD Oh shit, I have 30 minutes to prepare only. WHAT THE HECK SHOULD I WEAR???!!!Even though we've already been dating for 1 week+, I still can't believe that I.AM.DATING.LUHAN.

"Shower, change, prepare....argh!!!!" I screamed. As quick as my jelly legs would let me, I dashed into the shower. I washed myself as fast as I could and finished in less than 10 minutes. My new record!! (Normally, I will take about half an hour.....XD)

I dried my hair and combed through it in another 10 minutes(ANOTHER NEW RECORD:3). Then I started to get the 'choosing clothes disaster'. In the end, I grabbed a random dress that is pink in colour and put it on. 30 minutes uppp!!!

"Ding dong~"the doorbell rang right on time.

"COMING!!!!" I shrieked as I rushed down the stairs and flung open the door. Luhan stood in front of me, looking amused. "Did I just heard a elephant in your house or something?" he joked.

"Oppaaaa!!! Don't tease me!!" I pouted. "Arasso, I'll 'try' not to,"he smiled while ruffling my hair. He's mean.....-_-

"Kaja! We're going to the park!!" he said. No wonder he is wearing his diguise.....I thought.

There was not many people at the park. I held hands with Luhan and we strolled slowly along. The cool morning breeze sweeped past us and I shivered. "Are you cold? Come closer to me then," Luhan said.

Galdly, I stepped closer to Luhan and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I feel warmer than I should tho.....•////• "Why is your face all red...?" Luhan asked with curiosity. "Eh......nothing........"I replied.

Luhan's POV:

I made her blush~~I mentally celebrated. You might ask why? Well, my answer is: Have I mentioned that she is the cutest when she is blushing? Haha.

We bought and ate ice cream. As usual, vanilla for both of us^^ After ice cream, I saw some couples riding bikes, so I wanted to try that too!!^_^

"Jagiya, let's ride bicycles!!" I said to Suri excitedly. "I.....I don't.....know how to......mianhe......" Suri said while looking down. "Yah, look at me," I said as I lifted her chin to face me. "I never said I wanted you to ride a bike. Even if you wanted to, I won't let you. Because I won't want you falling down and hurting yourself. So, I will give you a ride~~" I said.

"Jinja??"Suri said with her eyes sparkling. "Ne,kaja!!" I said. We rented a bicycle for 1 hour. I told Suri to sit behind me and wrapped her arms TIGHTLY around meXD. Suri sat down but did not wrap her arms tightly around me.....she just held slightly.....T3T

"Let's gooooooo!" I said. Suri suddenly tightened her grip around me. Is she scared? Still, I like this closenessXD I turned slightly around to see her shutting her eyes and hiding her head behind my back.

"Jagiya, are you scared?"I asked. "LOOK IN FRONT DON'T LOOK AT ME LATER THE BICYCLE CRASH"she half-screamed. "Nothing will happen, don't worry.....I promised that I would never let you get hurt, right? Open your eyes. It feels better that way."I comforted her.

Suri's POV:

Fine......lemme try to open my eyes......

"AHHHHHH!!!!WHY ARE YOU GOING SO FAST??!!" I screamed the moment I opened my eyes. "Okok calm down my dear don't freak out I'll go slower......there! Better?" Luhan said while going slower.

"Thanks for accomodating me.....don't you find me annoying being so fussy?" I said, feeling a little embarassed.

"Nahhhhhh not at all! Anything for my jagiya!" Luhan said. I blushed and laid my head gently on his back. He smiled, and we stayed quiet throughout the whole ride, feeling each other's warmth.^^

Someone's POV:

Suri, be happy while you still can.....I WON'T LET YOU HAVE HIM.


Well....that's it!! I have not updated for that long.........mian.....^^"

Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!

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