18: Worry

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Luhan's POV:

Well, Taemin's problem was he could not protect Suri. Sure, he followed the rules of the company, but he hurt Suri. I'm not going to do that. I will try my best not to let Suri down. I will never leave her.

Right now, there is just one problem. How am I supposed to hide the fact that I had a girlfriend from the public? Sura will surely not say that her sister and I were dating in front of the public, that's one thing solved. But what about the sasaeng fans? Scratch that. What about all the fans? Very creepily, they seem to know everything about us. In fact, they seem to know things that WE OURSELVES don't know.

And there's one more thing. What about all the media? The reporters will surely not let us off the hook. Still, I have to find a way to hide Suri from the public. Good thing she is a stylist, so when she is around us, she would not look supicious.

I guess the best way is when Suri and I are out on a date, she has to wear a disguise....so do I. That way, we will try our best not to let the public know about our relationship.

No matter what, I will never leave her.

Suri's POV:

Luhan seems to be deep in thought....I wonder what he is thinking about?? The other EXO and SHINee members(the shinee members came to join usXP)were busy eating chicken....or at least Kai, Taemin and Onew were doing that. The others were snatching chicken from one another...=_= Funny thing is, they didn't dare to snatch Onew's chicken...XD

I picked at my own chicken and looked at Luhan again. His plate was still full and he only ate one bite. He seems to be off in his own space. Maybe in the galaxy. Oh, scratch that. Galaxy is Kris's. Luhan is off in DEER WORLD.XD

Shaking his arm, I asked Luhan,"You ok??Hello, why aren't you eating??" Luhan seems to snap out of his daze and smiled at me. "I'm waiting for you to feed me." He says.

The other people around the table choked on their chicken. "Get a room, guys!!!" They shouted together. I blushed deeply and smacked Luhan's arm. He chuckled and opened his mouth,"Ahhh..."

I took a huge piece of chicken and stuffed it into his mouth. Luhan choked on it and the other members laughed out loud. Luhan drank some water and playfully glared at me. I returned a innocent-looking face and asked,"What? You don't want me to feed you?"

"Being naughty eh,jagiya?"Luhan said evily. As quick as a flash, he pecked me on the lips and pulled back. I blushed really deeply and the other members started to laugh at ME. Even Sura laughed at me....=_=

I shot an annoyed look at Luhan who gave me his cutest deer face. FINE. I. GIVE. UP. YOU. WIN. I sighed and patted his head. He smiled in victory and patted my head too.

Sehun's POV:

When the other members were laughing at their cheesiness, I was not laughing. In fact, I cringed at the feeling of my heart. If's bleeding. Why must Suri have this kind of effect on me? I feel really guilty for Luhan hyung. Still, I respect hyung and will not do anything to Suri. At least, for now.....

"Sehun-ah, what are you thinking about?" Suri snapped me out of my daze. "Uhm.....nothing......"I said. Suri gave me her signature smile and turned back to Luhan hyung. Her smile is amazing. It lights up my whole world. Wait. Scratch that. SHE is amazing. SHE lights up my whole world.

I guess this is what you call falling hard in love.....and in my case.....there's no turning back.

Luhan's POV:

After we finished our meal, we bud goodbye to Shinee as they had practice.

We went back to the EXO dorm. Sura went back to her office as she had extra work to do. Ye know.....managers are busy......especially Sura who strive to make sure that everything is perfect for EXO....

Before Sura left, she dragged me to the balcony to talk. "Luhan, are you serious with my sister?I really don't want her getting hurt again after Taemin...."She said. "Don't worry. I love her too much. She is my everything now. Leaving her is same as suicide."I replied.

"I'm glad to hear that....somehow though....I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen.....please protect her no matter what happens."Sura said.

"I will. I promise you, whenever she falls....I will catch her." I said. "You two are really good sisters, I guess."I said while smiling at her.

"Of course. We are each other's pillar since our parents died....bye I'm going! See you later! Oh and no monkey business with Suri!! I will ask her later and you will die if you do anything!!"Sura said as she ran off.

Someone's POV:

"Yes.....I saw them.....Luhan even kissed her!!!Urgh.....you promised me that......okok I will trust you on this. You better make sure that it happens. LUHAN.....IS MINE..."


I'm sure you think that that 'someone' is a crazy demented sasaeng fan.XD Trust me, it's not. In fact, it's much worse.XD


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P.S.Thanks for 400 reads anyway!!!Love all my readers!!!You all are JJANG!!!^_^

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