27: You too?

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Hey guys from now on I won't be writing POVs anymore as they are kinda messy and all...so~

Oh and author-nim is becoming more and more lazy(^_^")

If you hate me for not updating I'll understand


Happy reading!~


It has been 1 month since Luhan regained his memory. And 3 months since Sura came to live with EXO as their manager. Suri still keeps contact with Sura everyday, but no one else knows. And there's still that fact that Sura is only the temporary manager.

And today Sura has some bad news to tell the members. She herself was devastated, but she had no choice. It was SM's choice, not hers. She could only listen and agree silently.

Sura gathered the EXO members, calling them to the living room. They looked expectantly at her, waiting for her to talk.

"I....I'm sorry guys.....your previous manager is coming back...-"she began, but without waiting for her to finish, Suho said,"What? You too?"

Sura nodded sadly. "I'm going to go find Suri." At the mention of Suri, Sehun stood up so suddenly he almost toppled his chair. "Can-" Before Sehun completed his sentence, Kai gave him a look, and pulled him back down on the couch by his arm.

"I'll keep all of you updated about her, I promise." Sura said.

"....Alright then. Leave." Suho sighed and left the room. "What's with him?" Kris murmured, while following Suho out to check on him.

"Hey...you ok?"Kris asked awkwardly, as Suho was facing away from him. His standing posture was rigid as though he wanted to run back into the room, but was holding himself back, trying not to.

"I'm....fine." Suho said, not convincing Kris one bit at all. "Don't you want to come in and say goodbye to Sura? Before she leaves for Australia?" Kris said.

Suho did not respond. There can only be one possibility...Kris thought. "Do you....possibly....like Sura....?" He said.

"No! No of course not! I-I why-would you think like that-"Before Suho could finish, Kris shut him up by saying,"So you do like her. Seeing how frantic you are. Ha. Gotcha."

Suho sighed in defeat. "OK I like her!" "Then why won't you go say goodbye to her?" Kris asked carefully. "Because I...because I don't want her to go."Suho admitted.

Kris smiled lightly at Suho's sturbbonness. "Think of it as...not goodbye...but say 'see you soon' instead. Why don't you tell her what you feel before she leaves?" he advised. Suho's eyes widened at Kris's second sentence.

"I'll leave you to think about your confession."Kris teased as he walked back inside.

Suho thought long and hard. He admits: he wants to confess. But there was just one problem. He didn't know how.

What if she rejected him? What if she decided that she didn't want a long distance relationship? Lots of 'what if' questions popped into his mind.

Just then, Sura came outside. She looked bewildered, as Kris was pushing her towards Suho. "Don't hesitate," he winked at Suho, smirking.

Uh-oh. Suho gulped, feeling tongue-tied, seeing the beautiful girl in front of him. "Oh and Suho? Thank me later,"Kris chuckled before going back in, leaving the 2 alone.

I hate you Kris, Suho thought. "Hey,"he said awkwardly to Sura. "Erm...hey...? What's up? Kris said there was something bothering you," Sura asked, concerned.

What the hell Kris why did you tell her I am SO going to kill you later, Suho thought. "Suho? Are you listening?" Sura asked, waving her hand in front of him, as Suho was looking at the ground, not at her.

"I'm going to go pack my luggage if you don't talk...tell me later, ok?" Sura said after waiting for 3 minutes for Suho to speak.

"Wa--wait!" Suho splurted out frantically. Sura spun around. "Yes?"

"I...I...you...I..."Suho stuttered, not able to choose his words and form a proper sentence. "Can you turn around...?"he finally said.

Confused, Sura turned around so her back faced Suho. Now she was not facing him, Suho felt less distracted by her face. Taking a deep breath, he started talking.

"Sura-ah...I...I like...you. Ever since you became our manager, I've liked you. When Suri left and you were upset, I had the urge to hold you in my arms, to comfort you. But I held back, I was afraid that you would not accept me. I came out here because...I didn't want to say goodbye to you and I--"

Before he finished, Sura turned around and walked to him with teary eyes. "Shut up grandpa." Suho smiled softly as he embraced her, stroking her hair. Sura said,"I like you too grandpa," she murmured.

Clap clap clap clap clap

Kris came out from behind the bush he was hiding in, along with the 10 other members. They were all clapping along while grinning. Xiumin let out a whoop as he slapped Suho's back, congratulating him.

The others were teasing Suho about his speech earlier. Wherelse Luhan...he was smiling, but with a hint of bitterness. Sehun too.

If only...Suri and I...were still like them...Luhan thought.

If only...Suri and I...were like that...Sehun thought.

Later on, Suho helped Sura pack and together, EXO went to the airport to sent Sura off.

"See you soon,"Suho smiled.

Smiling back, Sura replied,"See you soon, grandpa." "Don't call me grandpa, I'm not that old!" Suho whined. "Aw, grandpa's upset," Sura teased.

Suho gave a frown and Sura said,"Arrasso. See you soon, dear." she said cheekily before saying goodbye to the others and walking to the departure terminal.

"See you soon, dear~"Baekhyun mimicked Sura, smirking while the others howled with laughter. Suho, on the other hand, blushed a deep red and smacker the younger's head, muttering,"Shut up."

"Oohhh~~so only Sura noona can call you 'dear', right hyung? Oh wait, I meant 'Right dear?~~"Kai teased.

"Come back here you punk!" Suho shouted as he ran after Kai, who was laughing hard while running away. D.O. shook his head in disapproval at Kai's actions, sighing.

"At least he's happy," Luhan sighed, walking away from the group who were still happily laughing away. Sehun, seeing his hyung, followed after behind him.

Kai and Suho stopped running when they saw the both of them walking away. Sighing with worry, Kai watched the both of them go, while the others became silent.


I ended awkwardly...hahas

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