Chapter 7>> At Rarity's Boutique

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"Anyways, about your question," Anthony said. "No, these aren't tattoos on our butts. These are called cutie marks."

"Cutie marks?" Ian asked.

"Yeah. And everypony gets one. It is completely normal in this cartoon. So, basically it is important because it is a representation of yourself, with who you are. Also, since it is like a symbol of your destiny/talent that you have. Everypony has different cutie marks. They are all unique. You have to do something to gain it, to find out about what your talent is."

"Ohh. I see. So, it is like our own personal trademark?"

"In a way, yes." Anthony said. "For instance, you can see how both of our's are very similar, but just with different colors."

"Mines is a black arrow, while your's is a green arrow, Anthony. So, why is that?" Ian asked.

"Well, you see. There are some ponies that have similarities in their talents, that can end up having alike cutie marks, but with small differences in them. It happens to some siblings too. It really depends." Anthony explained.

"In our case, our's is similar because we both created our channel Smosh together. So, that was our shared-talent, since we are both the creators to it. It explains why me and you both have different variations of the Smosh logo. 'Cause remember how our first design to the logo used to be black first? But then later on, we changed it to our trademark of the green logo that we now use today."

"Yes, I do. That would make sense." Ian was beginning to put two-and-two together.

"So, do you see where I am getting at here, Ian? Do you completely understand?"

"Of course, I do."

"Good." Anthony began walking. "Now, let's go. Pinkie and Fluttershy have been talking for about half an hour here. And, we still haven't found a way to get back home yet. Come on, Ian. Let's go."

"Right. I'm coming." Ian said, following him.

"Are you two ponies, okay?" Fluttershy asked Ian and Anthony, seeing them both return.

"Yes. Everything is fine." Ian said to Fluttershy. "There's nothing to worry about."

"Anyway, where should I show you next?" Pinkie asked herself, putting her hoof to her cheek. "Hmmm?"

"Pinkie. Maybe, you should them Rarity's boutique? I mean, she does make the best fashion-clothing that there is." Fluttershy said. "I think it would be nice. Kinda like a tourist attraction. And, she doesn't get that much visitors."

"You do make a good point there, Fluttershy." Pinkie said. "Okay! Off to Rarity's, it is then!" She happily exclaimed. "Come on, Ian and Anthony."

"Sure." Ian said.

"Right." Anthony said.

"Well, goodbye Fluttershy! I will see you, later!" Pinkie said to the shy pegasus.
"So like, Rarity is my unicorn friend. She is a great fashion designer, known around Equestria. She so, makes the best dresses and whatnot. She has a very great fashion sense. Sometimes, she will even put real gems in her clothing designs. Also, she is very generous. Although, she is very clean and neat. There is one thing that she doesn't like, and that is getting her hooves dirty. She can't stand the dirt or the mess of that." Pinkie explained as she led her and the others to the boutique. "Also, she has a pet cat named Opal."

"Wow, Pinkie Pie. Rarity, she sure sounds like she is fancy." Ian said.

Pinkie turned her head to him. "Oh, she TOTALLY is! Just you watch and see!" she turned the other way. "Oh, we are here."

My Little Smosher: Friendship Always Wins! >> (SMOSH/MLPFIM Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now