Chapter 5>> In Ponyville

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"Dude..Where are we?" Ian noticed that the surroundings looked different as he and Anthony walked out of the bush and into the small town that was up ahead.

Anthony shaked himself lightly, so that the leaves would fall out of his hair. "Oh my gosh." He looked shocked. "No way!" A cheerful smile appeared onto his face.

"What? What is it?" Ian asked.

"We are in Ponyville, just like the show."

"Ponyville?" Ian was confused.

"Yes. It's a small town filled with ponies, it's also where the main characters of the show of My Little Pony live at."

"Oh. I guess we should head there now?" Ian said. "Since we have no other choice, it's better than staying around here in this spooky forest."

"Yeah. Sure. Come on, let's go." Anthony said. "I'm not exactly sure where we should go to yet. But we will figure that out, soon enough." He began walking next to Ian, as they both walked further into Ponyville. They both then reached a sweet-filled building.

Ian sniffed his nose. "Man, I'm starving." He licked his lips. "But that smell of those sweets, sure smells nice." He followed the aroma to the sugary-building. "Hey, what place is this?"

"Wow. We are at Sugarcube Corner." Anthony said. "They sell some delicious sweets here."

A pink pony was then walking by and spotted them. She darted towards them quickly, like a fast roadrunner. "HI! I have never seen you both around here before in Ponyville. You two, are new here right?" She bounced up and down, making a bouncy-jumping noise. "RIIIGHT!?" She stared at both of them.

"Uh, yeah. You got us," Ian chuckled lightly in a nervous tone.

"Yeah, we are new here to Ponyville." Anthony said.

"Ah! Perfect! My name is Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie Pie said. "I am a party-pony that loves making sweets. I--"

Ian cut her off on accident, because his stomach growled loudly. He blushed in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you. I'm just really hungry, that's why my stomach growled."

"Well, I work at Sugarcube Corner here. I can get you both some sweets to eat." Pinkie offered. "If you don't mind?"

"Really? But we don't have any bits. I mean, we don't have any money to pay for any of it, since we seriously just got here to Ponyville." Anthony said to her.

"It's okay. It's no big deal. They will be on the house! It's on me." Pinkie smiled at them. "Now come on, inside with me. We don't have any customers right now, so it will just be the three of us for today. With no disturbances."

"Wow, that sounds great. We may as well, accept your offer Pinkie." Anthony said, walking inside. "Come on. Let's go."

"Right." Ian agreed.

Anthony and Ian were sitting at a table while Pinkie was standing next to them. "Oh, silly me~!" She giggled in a cute way. "I forgot to ask for your names, silly. So, what are your names?"

"Oh. My name is Anthony Padilla. Call me, Anthony for short."

"And I'm Ian Hecox. I go by Ian."

"Wow, I have never heard those names before." Pinkie said, raising a hoof up in question. "Say? So, you two are new here, right?"

"Uh, yeah." Ian and Anthony said at the same time.

"We most definitely are." Anthony assured the pink party pony.

"Well. In that case, do you mind if I show you a little quick tour around Ponyville? If you don't mind?" Pinkie smiled.

Ian then looked up at Pinkie and back at Anthony. "Well, Anthony?"

"Hmmm. Yeah, sure. That would be great!" Anthony said.

"Okey-dokey, then! Then, let's get right to it! Follow me!" Pinkie went out the door of Sugarcube Corner and started casually bouncing her normal way.

"Psst." Ian whispered to Anthony, as Pinkie wasn't paying any attention to them. "Are you sure that we can trust this pink pony, enough to follow her around?"

"Come on, Ian. She was nice enough to give us free cupcakes, since we didn't have any money--any bits to pay them off." Anthony said."Don't worry, she is very friendly."

"Hmm, right?" Ian rolled his eyes.

"I'm being serious." Anthony said. "Look man, it's okay we can trust her. Since she is actually a very nice and friendly pink pony that there ever is in Ponyville. And I already knew her, because she is actually one of the main characters of this cartoon that we are still in."

"What!? Really!? She actually is!?" Ian said. "She's a main character in My Little Pony? Hmm, who knew?"

"Yes. She is Pinkie Pie." Anthony said. "In this show, the main characters are a group of 6 ponies, called 'The Mane Six'. And they also have a new friend, who is a pony, so that should be 7 of them. And, they have a friend that is a male baby dragon. They are all very good friends."

"Wait. So, you're telling me that we are looking for 7 ponies, and 1 dragon? As the most important main characters of this show?"

"Yes." Anthony said. "It is best that we find them, if we want to find a way to go back home. They are our best hope we got, since one of them is a smart alicorn, who knows a lot about magic. So, we do need all the help that we can get."

"Wow. You sure know a lot about this place. And those characters, for example!" Ian looked interested in the subject that Anthony was talking about. "Please do tell me more about these main characters, so that I can know what we are looking for."

"Fine, if you say so. If it helps you in some way." Anthony said. "But you better listen, because I am only going to tell you all this once."

"Sure, got it."

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