Chapter 6>> Flutters And Butterflies

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"So, let me get this straight. Pinkie Pie is the fun-happy pink pony? Rarity, is a white unicorn that is a fashion designer? Fluttershy, is a shy-quiet yellow pegasus that loves animals? Rainbow Dash, is a blue pegasus with a rainbow-colored mane? Applejack is a country pony that lives on a farm land of acres? Twilight Sparkle, is a princess of friendship that lives in a crystal castle, who lives with a baby dragon and with her apprentice named Starlight Glimmer?" Ian asked Anthony.

"Yes. That's all correct." Anthony said.

"Good, I was just double checking to make sure." Ian said. "That's good to know."

"Here, is Sweet Apple Acres." Pinkie put her hoof up. "My friend Applejack and her family works here. They make some really good apple cider!"

"Hey, Pinkie Pie." Applejack said. "What are ya' doing all out here? And, who are these two ponies that are here with ya'? Are they by any chance, some new travelers?"

"Travelers? Well, uh. Sorta? These ponies are Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla. They are new here to Ponyville. I am just giving them a tour around these parts. I hope you don't mind, Applejack. That we aren't bothering you. We are just passing by here."

"It's okay, Pinkie. Hello, y'all I'm Applejack. My family here owns this Sweet Apple Acres land that we are all standing on." she lifted her hat up in respect. "Good luck to your travels! Have a safe trip and nice stay here in Ponyville."

"Sure, we will." Anthony said to her.

"Yes, thanks," Ian said. "Now come on, Pinkie. To our next stop."

"Hehe! Sure! I'm right on it!" Pinkie smiled. "Next stop is Fluttershy's!" She began bouncing up and down towards a cottage outside that she entered.

Ian and Anthony both followed the bouncing pink pony. They saw a yellow pegasus outside at the front, petting her pet bunny. "Now-now, Angel. You have to remember to play nice with your friends and everyone else. Here, we all respect everypony. Treat someone how you would like to be treated, with kindness." She gave him some carrots.

Angel made an annoyed-grumpy face back at her, being annoyed at listening to her lecture.

"What? Don't you make that face at me, mister!" Fluttershy got a little mad at Angel Bunny. "That's it! You aren't having dessert today." She scolded him.

Angel angrily bit his carrot. "I mean it, Angel. Seriously. Now, go on and eat the rest of your carrots!" She pushed the bowl of carrots towards him and walked away. "Meanwhile in your alone time, I expect you to think about what you have done with your rude behavior, so that you learn from it. And never learn to do it ever again."

"Hey, Fluttershy." Pinkie waved her hoof at the yellow pegasus. "I can see that you are feeding Angel."

"Yeah, I am. But he's being cranky today. I caught him being rude to the other animals for no reason." Fluttershy said. She sighed. "Oh, the nerve." she rolled her eyes to the side.

Pinkie giggled. "Wow, that does sound like something Angel would do. He is a bit of a jokester, if you know what I mean by that."

"Pinkie? Who are these ponies with you? Are these your new friends?"

"Oh yeah." Pinkie chuckled. "You could say that. They are both newcomers here in Ponyville."

"Ohh. Hello, there," Fluttershy lit up a heartwarming smile on her face. "I'm Fluttershy. It is a pleasure to meet you two. Welcome to Ponyville."

"Hello there, I am Anthony Padilla." Anthony said. He pointed to his friend. "And this is my friend, Ian Hecox. Please call us Ian and Anthony for short."

"Hey," Ian smiled at Fluttershy, waving to her with his hoof. "There, Flutters." He then whispered to Anthony. "I need to talk with you alone, Anthony."

"Will you please excuse the both of us, Pinkie and Fluttershy? Me and Ian have to talk about something in private. You two can go ahead and talk to each other, while we are gone. We will be right back." Anthony and Ian both walked to the side at a distance from them to talk privately.

"What did you want to talk about with me, Ian?" Anthony said.

"Well... Is that yellow pegasus, really Fluttershy?" Ian asked.

"Yes, it really is." Anthony assured him.

"Oh really? So, it is."

"Why do you ask, by the way?"

"Well," Ian said. He moved his bread-like hair to the side with his hoof. "It's just that she seems like a really sweet girl."

"Oh my gosh. No freaking way. You have a crush on Fluttershy!?" Anthony said outloud.

"Fine. I do." Ian blushed. "I know that I don't really know her much. But I am attracted to her shy nature. It makes my heart melt in the inside. And, I think she is just the cutest."

"Hmmm, well from what I know, she is genuinely a good girl. She is very kind and gets along easily with anypony." Anthony said. "So, was that all you wanted to talk about with me? Or, is that just it?"

"Oh, right." Ian suddenly remembered something. "I have one more question to ask you."

"One more question? And, that would be?..." Anthony raised an eyebrow.

"What the FUCK are these things that are plastered on our asses!?" Ian looked down at his black arrow cutie mark that was on his plank. "What are these? Weird butt tattoos? And, why does everypony have them? I have no idea, man. I'm so confused."

Anthony shushed him with covering his mouth with his hoof, "Shh....Dude, you have to keep it down. No swearing while we are here in this My Little Pony world. You don't want everyone else to hear you say something like that. This is a kids show, so nopony here curses. All of the ponies and characters here are pure, full of 'happy' life. We don't want to take their sweet innocence away."

"Ohhh. Yeah, right." Ian spoke after Anthony took his hoof away from covering his mouth.

"This also goes for your lame jokes. No inappropriate humor, while we are here. We don't want to corrupt their minds. And, we don't want to disrupt this world either. You got that, Ian? Are you even listening to me!?"

"Yes, got that. And, I was listening."

"Great. That's good. Meanwhile, I will be teaching you some pony-terms of words to say. That way, you know how to blend into this world like everypony else. And so, you don't accidentally slip up with a swear or anything."

"Uh-huh. Sure." Ian agreed. "That's a good idea."

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