Chapter 16>> Tasting The Rainbow

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"I know this sounds crazy, but I wanted to get all this out of my system. I think you are an awesome gentlecolt. I started to like you when we were both getting to know each other in Ponyville a few days ago. There is something about you that I can't put my hoof on, that seems different about you that I like. I know this all sounds a little silly and kinda stupid for me to admit all that to you. Especially, out in the open, here," Rainbow Dash scratched her mane with her hoof. "But I hope that things aren't weird between us. I hope that we can still be friends, regardless of how you see me as a pony. Because I really enjoy our laid-back friendship, Anthony."

Rainbow started crying, "I really don't want to lose any of that to you at all. I'm so sorry!" She began sobbing. "Go ahead and do whatever you want with me. Reject me or fly away from me. I don't care. Just...please give me an answer, that is worth waiting for."

"Rainbow Dash?" Anthony Padilla put his hoof around Rainbow's neck. "I don't think your feelings for me are stupid for you to get the courage to tell me about them. And, I really appreciate my friendship with you too. Don't worry, things don't have to be weird with us. I like how we have so much in common. I never told you this. But back where I'm from, you and your friends actually have a large fandom. And I'm one of the fans that has you as my favorite character. I always admired you, because I always watched you from the sidelines. I always thought you were so amazing, such a dash of fresh air. I thought you were really cool and how you were brave enough, to not let others stop you from doing what you wanted to do. I liked your sense of freedom. I felt like we both understood each other from different worlds, even though you weren't aware about my existence. Since, I would see your adventures on TV. Because in my world, Equestria doesn't exist...Your whole world is in an animated series that is about you and your friends' friendship adventures. But that didn't stop me from admiring you so much. To the point where at home, I have a plush of you because that's the only thing of you that I have. I always wished that you were real. I always craved your presence so much that I would hug your plush."

"I would sleep with it, every single night in my room as I hugged it. I wished to be by your side. I would even talk with it and spend time with it. Even, give affection to it. I would also imagine meeting you if you were real, because I really liked your character." He hugged Rainbow. "Being your fan, made me yearn to want to meet you. I thought that I would never get the chance to. That was until I accidentally stumbled into your world with mine, where it made it happen. It made it truly possible for me to see you. I felt so happy that I actually got to meet you for real." His eyes got watery as he was crying tears of joy.

"Because now that I know that you, your friends, and your world. That all of it is real. And that it's not my imagination this time. It is such an exciting-happy feeling, coming out of this world. Rainbow, I am your number one fan. You are my comfort character. I had a crush on you when we first met. But I wanted to hide how I felt for you secretly, because I thought you wouldn't ever like a guy like me. Not in a cloudy chance. Or in a million of chances!" Anthony wiped his tears away.

"I already know you so well. I know that you don't like lovey-dovey stuff. But..I have always had these feelings for you, for so long. I have always loved you so much. I love you, Rainbow Dash." He kissed Rainbow on her lips, making her feel butterflies in her stomach.

He then ended the kiss. "Sorry, I always wanted to kiss you for so long. You're just so beautiful to me. You shine in my eyes so much, Rainbow. You're so colorful. You will always be my favorite."

Rainbow blushed on her cheeks. "It's okay. I'm not really mushy, myself. Or into romance. But for you, I'll make an exception for this time. 'Cause, you're really awesome. And I like you so much too." She kissed Anthony on his cheek. "I..." She felt shy, expressing affection. "Love you, too."

"I feel so happy that you feel the same way about me. I thought this would never happen to me in my reality. Or in real life, for that matter." Anthony said.

"Ooh!" Pinkie Pie came near the balcony. "Did you hear that? Rainbow and Anthony were just confessing their love to each other! That's so cute!" She jumped up and down. "EEEEE!" She squealed in excitement. "I'm so excited!"

"I never thought I would see the light of day when Rainbow has feelings for somepony." Rarity said. "I had no idea that she and Anthony were a thing."

"Serves them right." Applejack said.

"Anthony! You sly dog." Ian Hecox appeared. "That's what you were doing? I didn't know that you were out here? Tasting the Rainbow." He lightly chuckled. "Get it? Because it's like the slogan of the candy Skittles, where they say, 'TASTE THE RAINBOW!'....Man, I just wanted an excuse to say this joke, just for once. I didn't want to pass up on this opportunity, that comes once in a life-time. Or here?...I think it would be considered as, 'once in a thousand moons?'. The moon language in this world is all new to me. And is confusing for me to try to understand the measurements of days or time."

"Yes, I get it. Ian." Anthony said in a sarcastic tone.

Pinkie giggled. "Ian. I have no idea what kind of candy this Skittles is? But, that joke here that you made with tasting rainbow, sure sounds funny. Because it's like Anthony was tasting Rainbow Dash. 'Cause, her name is Rainbow! Only, with their lips." She laughed. "Get it? Because we saw them kissing. Heh! I really love it when ponies make some hilarious puns. That I'm glad, that I luckily happen to be around for, to hear them myself."

"You all heard that!?" Rainbow face-palmed with her hoof on her face in annoyance.

"We sure did, Rainbow." Twilight Sparkle said.

"OH NO!....Ohhh!~" Rainbow covered her face with her hooves. "Stop it! You're embarrassing me!" She yelled. "Don't speak of this to anypony that is outside this castle!"

She uncovered her face and pointed a hoof to Twilight and the others. "Anything that you saw that happened in this castle, today. Stays in this castle! And that is, final!"

"Okay, Rainbow. We got it." Starlight Glimmer entered the scene. "Our mouths are zipped. Now, let's step off of this balcony and head back into the main room inside. To have a word about what Anthony was about to tell us about the world that he is from."

"Hey, everypony. What did I miss?" Spike walked to the balcony with Fluttershy. "What's all the chitter-chatter for? Me and Fluttershy just got back with running errands."

"Hey, don't forget about me as well!" Discord chimed in the conversation.

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