Chapter 17>> Anthony's Impressive Knowledge

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"Oh. Hi, Spike! Hey, Fluttershy! And Discord," Starlight Glimmer said. "You three missed out on some pretty interesting stuff. Which, I'll fill you all.. in on," she quickly whispered to them about how Anthony Padilla and Rainbow Dash both confessed their love to each other and kissed.

"What! No way!" Spike said.

"She did what? You mean, our Rainbow Dash?" Discord said. "Oh my, oh my. What a breaking astonishment for me to hear! That is worthy of me hearing."

"Rainbow did that? Oh my sweetness." Fluttershy said. "I feel so happy that she finally took my advice on what I told her yesterday about how I think she should tell Anthony how she feels about him, before she will regret not telling him about it."

She went to go hug Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow! I heard what you did! I heard it from Starlight." Her closed eyes gave off an expression that smiled on the outside. "I'm so proud of you." She hugged Rainbow.

"Ohh." Rainbow blushed, from being the center of attention since she felt awkward that Fluttershy was hugging her. "Thanks. I guess?"

"Anthony. What do you mean that we are part of an animated series?" Asked Twilight Sparkle. "Care to elaborate on that part?"

"Yeah, that part sounds super weird." Spike said. He guffawed. "Only super heroes would have their own show."

"Yeah, about that--" Anthony said.

"Well, without a show or not. We all are technically...super heroes, you know?" Rainbow said. "Since we've practically saved Equestria so many times from all of ponykind."

Pinkie Pie and Discord both nodded their heads. "That is true." said Pinkie.

"Back to the point of explaining things, Anthony." Ian Hecox said. "Go ahead, dude."

"Really? Ian? You mean it?" Anthony questioned back.

"Yeah, sure. I mean, we've come this far. Why try hiding things now?" Ian said. "And try denying it even more? It won't get us nowhere. That's for sure."

Anthony felt calm enough to start talking. "Okay, so." He said. "The truth is that.. the reason your world doesn't exist in my world. Is because, it is a cartoon where I am from. All of you have a really large fan base in real life, filled with kids, teenagers, and adults as fans since we all love watching the friendship between you and your friends. We loved watching all of you grow together as ponies, seeing each of you overcome obstacles, help others, save the world, go on exciting adventures, and solve friendship problems, and develop yourselves individually as a person in the inside. Your show is called 'My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic', where each of you in the Mane Six, plus Spike. Discord, Starlight, and everypony else were main characters. All of you played your roles and had your own backgrounds. Your own stories. Watching all that as a fan, it has filled up the empty void in my heart with love. Your show has helped so much people from my world through love and positivity." he put his hoof close to his chest. "In many ways, it has influenced others around the world, even with creating new everlasting friendships with each other, cheering others up when they are down in the dumps, learning life lessons, and having inspiration for any work of creative art. It has done so much. Really, it's thanks to you, Twilight and your friends. Each of you have made a wonderful impact on me and others. That's why it feel like such a honor to meet all of you here. And be standing here now, experiencing this. Your whole fandom has so much love for every single one of you, including me. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for any of you."

"Really, Anthony?" Twilight Sparkle said. "Wow. That sure is something. I have no idea what to say to that. But, you're most welcome."

"Hearing about that sure makes me happy. To have influenced more ponies--uh..." said Fluttershy. "Other beings from your world with our friendship and love for each other. That is so heartwarming that it makes me want to cry." she grinned. "All that love, helped so many broken hearts."

"It also means that we made them smile and laugh too!" said Pinkie Pie. "That makes me happy too." happy tears poured out of her blue eyes.

"And that we helped others get through their hardships." said Applejack.

"I can't believe it. That our whole life is a show." said Spike. "I mean, a cartoon. I don't hear that everyday. Even though, I used to read my daily dose of comic books back in the day."

"My Little Pony: Friendship IS Magic!?" said Discord. "Of course, it would obviously be called that! How strange? But I am not surprised, at least. Since I have had my fair share of weird shenanigans. Hopping off to one world to another."

"I know that sounds really weird of you to say Anthony." said Starlight. "But how can I--" she corrected her statement. "I mean, we be sure that you are actually telling us the truth about this too? I just want to be sure." she approached Anthony close-up, eyeing him.

"This should be good." said Discord, observing what was going on.

"Okay, Starlight. I will double check it, by proving it of course." said Anthony. "With my knowledge."

"Your knowledge?" Starlight asked. "Heh. Let's see what you got!"

"Gladly." Anthony said. "There is the elements of harmony. Rainbow is the element of loyalty. Fluttershy is kindness. Pinkie is laughter. Applejack is honesty. Rarity is generosity. And Twilight is magic. Which together, they all make the magic of friendship."

Twilight gasped. "No way! Anthony knew that we were the bearers of the elements. Even though, we never mentioned it to him?"

"I didn't know that he knew that much." said Rarity.

"But that is just random and somewhat obvious. Ha! Lucky guess." Starlight said. "Try again. Go ahead. Surprise me, Anthony."

"Yeah, dude." said Ian to Anthony. "Try to say something more specific in detail. Then, she will believe you."

"Okay. I know that Spike is adopted and was raised by Twilight and her family, like a little brother to them. Twilight found him in a dragon egg during a magic test of her's. And Spike never knew who his real parents were." said Anthony.

"Woah! That's quite impressive! That was really spot on, Anthony!"

"And you, Starlight," Anthony pointed his hoof to Starlight.

"Me? What about me?" asked Starlight, being confused.

"I know about your past and background. How you once took over an entire village, by taking their cutie marks away with your magic. And brainwashing them about your old statements to do with equality, which really wasn't equality. How you and your friend Sunburst separated in the past. Then, reconciled recently. I also know about your redemption arc where you wanted to destroy the world by preventing Twilight and her friends from meeting up in the past. You used time traveling magic with Star Swirl's spell. Twilight became your friend and teacher, as she took you under her wing as a student to learn friendship." Anthony finished speaking. "That's what I know about you."

Starlight made a shocked face towards Anthony, from hearing him be correct about what he said about her. "I can't believe that you know about all that? Even though, I never said a single word about it to you. That's it. You got me there. I am really amazed by your knowledge. Alright then, I believe you now. Anthony. You most definitely are from another world. Since you seem to know so much about us in one."

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