Chapter 12>> Anthony And Ian's Weird Names

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"Hello, girls." Fluttershy entered the main room in Twilight's crystal-like castle. Discord was by her side.

"Hello, there," Rarity said.

"Hey, Fluttershy!" Pinkie Pie said.

"And don't forget about Discord." Rainbow Dash said. "He's here too, you know?" She crossed her hooves together.

"Say, what brings ya two here? At this time of day?" Applejack said.

"Actually Applejack." Twilight Sparkle said. "Fluttershy told me earlier, how Discord wanted to meet our two new friends. You know? Ian and Anthony?"

"Oh, really!?" Rarity said. "That sounds just perfect!"

"And great, too." Spike said.

"I think that's a splendid idea," Starlight Glimmer walked next to Twilight. "I feel like they all can hit it off just naturally, with their conversations. I don't know how to explain this. Or put it into words, but the two of those ponies give me like strange energy vibes?" She waved her hoof around. "Not in a bad way. But I mean, in an awfully-really 'suuuper-DUPER' weird way!"

Everyone else stared at Starlight, not understanding what she meant. So, she quickly finished her sentence at the end. "In-in... A good way, of course! You know, like Discord is?"

"OHHH." Everypony else said in unison. Afterwards, it was followed by Fluttershy and Rainbow saying next, "Yes, that actually makes sense."

"Hey! Don't pin this on me!" Discord said.

"I'm not pinning this on you, Discord." Starlight said.

"Yeah, she was just using you as an example for what she was saying about Anthony and Ian's personality." Spike said.

"Which was a good one, if I may say so, here," Twilight said. "I mean, Starlight ain't wrong about it."

"And, you do act like that." Fluttershy said. "But we all really like that about you, Discord." She looked up to Discord's eyes. She had a grin on her face. "So, it's nothing bad to worry about. It's a compliment. So, just take it, you big softie."

"Sure. If it's for you and your friends, Fluttershy," Discord said. "Then, I will."

"I think it's time for me to get Anthony and Ian now, to meet you." Starlight said. She walked towards the door, using her magic to open the door knob. "I'll be right back." She closed the door behind her.

She went to the guest room and knocked on the door with her hoof. "Hello, Ian? Anthony? It's Starlight! I need to speak to the both of you now."

Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla both opened the door and closed it behind them as they stepped out into the hallway to speak to the lavender unicorn. "Hey," Ian said.

"So, what's up?" Anthony said, speaking to Starlight. "That you want to speak to us, about?"

"Well," Starlight said. "Fluttershy has a friend, well he's all our friend. Who would very much, like to meet you two now. He is in the main room of the castle. I'll take you there, now. If you don't mind?"

"It's cool. We don't mind." Ian said. "You can lead the way, Star."

"Right." Starlight agreed and began marching down the hallway, while Ian and Anthony both followed behind her.
The doors bursted opened. Inside the main room of the castle, entered Starlight, along with Ian and Anthony. "Here, they are." She announced.

"Hello, there. Allow me to kindly introduce myself first," Discord said. He put his paw out. "I'm Discord. I'm the spirit of chaos. And I used to be  evil too, but I'm not anymore." He made muscles appear on his arms so that he could flex them. "Long story short, I'm a good guy now! Because Fluttershy helped change my ways." His muscles then disappeared, as his body went back to normal.

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