Chapter 14>> Rainbow In Tears

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Rainbow Dash walked up to Anthony Padilla. "Anthony," she said.

"Rainbow Dash?" Anthony asked. "Yes? What is it?"

"Please, tell me." Rainbow had a serious tone in her voice. "That it can't be true? About what you're saying just now? You and Ian, being from another it?" She then chuckled with a fake smile on her face, "It sure sounds silly, right?"

"Right?" Rainbow repeated herself, but this time it was different as she had a genuine concern of look, which lit up in her magenta-red eyes. "Anthony. Please?" I--"

Everypony else had frowns on their faces, as they gazed back towards Rainbow, since they could tell that she was upset and in denial of what was going on.

Anthony felt very guilty, hearing Rainbow's broken voice. "Rainbow." He called her name. "I hate to tell you this, but it is true. Me and Ian, we're not actually ponies. We're both.. people. Well, we're both men. Uh--humans." Anthony said. "From another world."

He put his head down in shame. "I'm sorry, you have to find out this way."

"What? Then, it's true?" Rainbow said. "I don't know what to say.. But that means that you lied to me. You told me that you and Ian, were from Las Pegasus. Now, you tell me that you're not even from any part of Equestria!? And, after all those times we have been hanging out, spending time together." her eyes became watery. "I felt like we knew each other, since like forever."

"Rainbow. I wanted to tell you the truth about it eventually. I just didn't know how to." Anthony said. "I--"

"Now, I feel like I don't even know you at all, anymore!" Rainbow said. Tears streamed down her face. "And, it doesn't matter anymore. Because you're not even gonna be here, permanently in Equestria. Since you're not from this world. I hate you!" Rainbow shouted at Anthony in anger. "And, I never want to see you again!" She stormed out of the castle's room by flying out towards the open balcony.

"Rainbow!" Anthony saw Rainbow leave since she flew away. He felt so regretful. Then, back in the castle, everyone else looked back at him.

"Dude, that wasn't cool." Ian Hecox said. "What you just did, right now..with Rainbow."

"I have to say that fella is right," Applejack said, agreeing with Ian's statement.

"I've never seen Rainbow like that before." Fluttershy said. "I've been friends with her since I was a filly. She is usually a tough fighter. But, she rarely shows this type of emotion--usually when something really upsets her. Or in this case, really hurts her feelings."

"I can't believe you would do this to Rainbow, Anthony." Rarity said.

"Ohh." Anthony said in a sad tone. "What do I do? I didn't mean to make her feel upset and lie to her. I had my own reasons for it. I have to apologize to Rainbow right away." He said. "But I don't think that I can just run after her, now? Because you know how she is?...with her stubborn self."

"It's good that you have easily recognized your faults with this situation," Twilight Sparkle said. "As for Rainbow, I think it is best that before you apologize to her..." She spoke to Anthony. "That you should let her cool down, first. And give it some time, before you come forward to her."

"Thank you, Twilight. I will wait until she has calmed down first, before I go apologize to her." Anthony said. "But, I want someone to go check up on her now. To see how she's doing. She could use some support from a friend of her's."

"He is right. She needs someone to talk to." Starlight Glimmer said. "And, I think it would be great if that friend was Fluttershy. Since she grew up with her."

"Me, check on Rainbow?" Fluttershy said. "I don't mind it. I was just feeling very worried about her now. I will go talk to her at her home." She opened her yellow wings up. "To see how she's holding up about this whole thing to do with Anthony." She walked towards the open balcony. "See you later, everypony!"

"Bye Fluttershy." Discord waved back to Fluttershy, seeing her fly off into the sky. "We will see you again soon."
Fluttershy went inside Rainbow's house. "Rainbow?" She walked around. "Hello? It's me, Fluttershy?" She tried looking for her in regular rooms.

She then heard a loud sobbing that came from a bedroom. "Rainbow Dash?" She said, opening the door with her hoof.

"Oh goodness!" She saw Rainbow laying down on her bed, crying. "Rainbow. What's wrong?"

"Fluttershy?" Rainbow said, with tears pouring out of her eyes. "W-what...are you doing here?" She covered her face with her pillow. "I don't want you to see me  like this! It's too embarrassing!"

"Rainbow." Fluttershy said. "It's okay. You can show me your true colors when you are around me. Since I am your best friend. I came here to see how you were doing with that situation to do with Anthony. Also, because everypony else is worried about you. Please, talk to me."

"Ohhhh!" Rainbow shouted, getting frustrated. "Fine! I can't to you, Fluttershy."

"Good. So, what is it that you are upset about? If, I may ask you about it?" Fluttershy stated.

"Um, about that," Rainbow wiped her tears away and removed the pillow from her face.

She sat up on top of her bed. "I'm upset about Anthony."

"You are? I'm not surprised, because it was very noticeable. But, why? What is it from your perspective, that makes you feel that way?" Asked Fluttershy.

Rainbow blushed when she heard Fluttershy say the word, 'feel'. It triggered something inside of her. "Feel? It has to do with how I feel about Anthony."

"How you feel about him?" Fluttershy was confused. "What do you mean?"

"It's because I have feelings for him." Rainbow covered her face with her two hooves. "Please don't laugh at me! And don't make fun of me! I don't like saying mushy stuff. It's not my fault, it just happened out of nowhere."

"You have romantic feelings for Anthony? I won't make fun of you for it. It's normal." Fluttershy said. "I think it's alright, since he is a good pegasi..from what I can tell."

"Yeah." Rainbow uncovered her face. "Thanks."

"But, what is it about him...that makes you feel sad?" Fluttershy asked. "Since you like him?"

"I'm sad about it because he lied to me and was holding who he was, as a secret from me. That made me feel like, I can't trust him anymore." Rainbow said. "What makes me more upset is that since I like him, and since he isn't from our world of Equestria. Then that means that I probably won't see him ever again," She bursted into tears. "That's why I feel so heartbroken about it."

"Rainbow," Fluttershy hugged Rainbow. "Sweetie. It will be alright. I understand how you feel. I think that you should tell Anthony about how you feel. Trust me, he feels sorry about the whole thing. I heard him say that he was. He wants to apologize to you. You both you should go reconcile your differences."

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