Chapter 15>> Something To Tell You

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"Rainbow Dash. You like Anthony, don't you?" Fluttershy said to Rainbow Dash.

"Yes." Rainbow made a face of disgust, "But it's not my fault that he's so awesome and such a great kind of colt. Not to mention that I admire his style, since it's quite similar to mines." She blew a raspberry with her tongue. "I don't like this!" She made an angry face with her eyebrows.

"Then, you need to tell him how you feel." Fluttershy offered up her advice.

"No! NEVER! You can't make me!" Rainbow shouted, still having her hooves holding the top part of the blanket.

Fluttershy pulled the blanket out of her bed with her teeth and threw it across the floor of the bedroom. "Rainbow Dash! But you have nothing to lose here. Please listen to me. As your friend, I'm trying to help you out here on this."

"That's the point. That I actually do. More specifically, my friendship with Anthony." Rainbow said. "Is much more important to me. If I tell him how I feel, it will..all be over!" She flapped her wings up as she flew above her bed. "All that effort wasted! Gone down the drain!" She was panicking out of fear and anxiety.

She scoffed. "Plus, he's way too cool for me. He's so much more, than any simple-minded pegasi that I have ever faced before. He is totally 20% more cooler than me. I don't think I could even be up to his level. And, how would I even tell him that I have these gross things you call, 'feelings'?" She began ranting her thoughts about Anthony. "I just can't, Fluttershy! It's such a huge risk for me to take."

Fluttershy replied back to her, "Rainbow. Oh, you must tell Anthony how you feel. If you don't, the whole thought of it is going to stay at the back of your head for a very long time. And, you will eventually regret not telling him how you feel." She put her hoof around her neck to assure her. "You are the most coolest pegasi that I know in Equestria. Don't be insecure about yourself with Anthony's standards. You never know that he might like you or not? If he doesn't, and you get rejected. Then, that's okay. I will be here to support you emotionally, regardless of what happens. Though, it is a chance and a huge risk that you have to be willing to take. The Rainbow that I know, loves taking risks and being a complete Daring-Do! Not a Daring...don't!"

She took her hoof off of Rainbow's neck and walked near the front door to the bedroom. She had her hoof on top of the door knob. "Just consider it. Think about it, Rainbow. Pretty please." She looked back at the blue pegasus.
It was night time. Anthony Padilla was standing alone outside on the open balcony of Princess Twilight's castle. He gazed up at the beautiful starry sky. "I hope Rainbow is okay."

"Spike. Is Anthony, still at the balcony? At this time of night?" Starlight Glimmer asked. She yawned, "It sure is late."

"Yeah, he still is." Spike said. "He is still worried about Rainbow Dash. Well, I'm exhausted. I'm going to go to bed now." He began walking. "Night, Starlight."

"Goodnight, Spike." Starlight watched Spike leave the main room. "I'll just take it from here."

She made her way towards Anthony. "Anthony."

"Starlight?" Anthony turned around to look at Starlight.

"Hey. It's getting really late. It's way past your bedtime. Is everything okay? Are you alright, here?" Starlight asked out of concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Anthony said. "I'm just thinking about Rainbow, that's all. I'll go to bed in just a second. Just give me a few minutes, here."

"Sure. Just hurry it up, everyone else is already sleeping." Starlight said, leaving the balcony. She walked back inside the castle.

As Anthony was still out at the balcony, he looked up at the sky once more, thinking to himself, 'Rainbow Dash. I'm sorry. I hope that I can get a chance to see you again, so that I can apologize to you for what happened. Goodnight, my Rainbow.'

He stood up late waiting for Rainbow, so he fell asleep outside outside of the balcony. Starlight saw that he was sleeping, so she got a blanket and covered him with it.
It became early morning, with the sun beginning to rise up into the sky. The bright sunlight woke up Anthony from his sleep since it shined onto his face. His eyes immediately shot open, while seeing below him that his lower body was covered in the blanket that Starlight had given him.

He picked up the blanket with his hooves, moving to the side by dropping it off to the floor. "Huh? It's morning, already?" He looked around.

He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw a shining goddess-like pegasus flying up into the sky towards him. The sunlight shined, making her look like she was surrounded by a golden sunlit color. The sunlight then shone the other way, revealing a cloudy-blue pegasus.

Anthony blushed when he saw Rainbow Dash flying towards him. "Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here?" He shot his questions quickly. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Anthony." Rainbow blushed. "Listen, I have to tell you something." She rubbed her blue hoof side to side on the balcony floor, showing that she was nervous.

"That's good to know." Anthony then processed that Rainbow wanted to tell him something that he most likely doesn't know of. "Wait? Tell me something? What for?" He asked. "I'm guessing that it's something that I probably don't even know about."

"Yes." Rainbow giggled, "Heh, yeah! Of course, you don't know. That's why I'm about to tell you it."

"Does it by any chance, have anything to do with yesterday's events? How I may of created a scene with you, on accident?" Anthony asked. "That I'm not too proud of."

"Yes, it actually does." Rainbow said.

"Can I go first? With speaking, that is?" Anthony wanted to be the first to apologize first.

"Sure, just make it snappy." Rainbow was in a rush, for she knew that after he spoke. That...she would have to make some sort of love confession to Anthony.

"Rainbow Dash." Anthony Padilla said. "I just want to say that I'm really sorry for what I put you through yesterday. With lying to you about where I'm from, and not telling you that I'm from another world. But mostly," He kneeled down his head in defeat. "I am truly sorry for hurting you and making you cry yesterday. I really regret, how much of a jerk that I was acting. You don't deserve any of that. I didn't tell you anything about where I was from, because I thought and felt that you wouldn't be ready for that."

"I didn't want to make things complicated between us." He put his head back up and opened up his eyes to look at Rainbow Dash. "Will you please, forgive me? Can we please go back to the way that things, used to be? Before that mistake of mines?"

"Ohh." Rainbow smiled. "I had no idea that you were gonna say sorry to me. I'm sorry, I over reacted. And flew off the other day." Her face became serious. "I actually have some reasons for doing that. Which is what I am about to get into." She nervously bit her lip.

"I've never done this before." Rainbow took a deep breath and let it all out. "Here goes. The reasons I felt upset with what you did to me--what you told me. Is because," She blurted out her confession. "All of a sudden, I like you now. I have feelings for you, that I never thought that I would get myself. I'm not really the gooey-mushy romance type of girl. I'm not used to expressing this into words and actions."

She walked up to Anthony closer. "Since I like you, I felt really sad and heartbroken when you told me that you weren't from Equestria...from another world. 'Cause, I felt sad, knowing that I may not ever get to see you ever again. Also, I didn't like your lying because I felt like I really knew you all my life. Even if, we met and hit it off as friends in such a short amount of time. I didn't like the fact that you were not being completely honest with me. And that, you were keeping the 'where you are from'?....a secret from me. I also felt like we were best friends, automatically...when we came across with each other for the first time."

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