Chapter 9>> A Dash Of Rainbow

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As soon as Rarity said the words 'drop by', a certain blue pegasus had crash-landed on top of Anthony, tackling him onto the grass on accident. "Oof!" Anthony shouted, falling down.

Anthony opened up his eyes. His eyes were met with a pair of beautiful magenta-red eyes he had ever seen. Right there, staring back at him. And his nose was touching Rainbow Dash's too, since they were both too close up to each other.

Anthony blushed, from being so close to her face.

"I'm so sorry about crash landing onto you, like that," Rainbow backed away from him, giving him space. "It's just that I had a lot on my mind, that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. So, that's my mistake." She touched the top of her head with her blue hoof.

"Oh." Anthony said. "That's okay. It's not a big deal."

Rainbow pulled her hoof out to him, to help him up. "I believe we haven't met, yet."

"Thanks." Anthony said, taking a good look at her. "I'm Anthony Padilla." He said.

Ian Hecox raised his hoof out to himself, "And I'm his friend, Ian. Hecox."

"Cool. I'm Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow Dash said. "If you couldn't tell, right away."

"Yeah, me and Ian are both new here." Anthony said. "To Ponyville. If you hadn't noticed."

"You mean this is Rainbow?" Ian said. "The one that you go on and on about all the time and that you have a--"  Anthony cut off Ian by covering his mouth with his hoof so that Rainbow wouldn't hear what he had tried to say.

"Shhhh!" Anthony brushed off the conversation. He faked a smile, hiding his nervous body language towards Rainbow, "What are you talking about? Ian!? I don't know Rainbow Dash, since I just met her now. You silly, pony."

The truth was that Anthony had a secret crush on Rainbow. He has always had, considering that she was his most favorite character in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Heck, he even had a plush of her that he liked cuddling and hugging with in his room..and that he would sleep with in his bed for comfort.

Rainbow Dash was Anthony's comfort character that he loved so much. And that he would vent his problems out to her in her plush-pegasi form back at his home in Sacramento, California.

Anthony had gotten into an argument with Ian, which led to him storming off. He ran into his room quickly and slammed the door. "No one understands me!" He threw himself on top of his bed.

He started sobbing alone. He layed his face on top of his pillow. "I don't like fighting with Ian. I enjoy my friendship with him, since he is my best friend." He wiped his tears away with his hands.

As he was still laying down, he saw his Rainbow Dash plush and hugged it in his arms. "I wish I could actually talk to you in person and actually go to Ponyville to see you. At least you are the only one who understands me, Rainbow Dash. And listens to my problems. And never argues with me. Unlike that idiot, Ian! But I like how you never leave me when I need you the most. You always stay by my side. Since you are the element of loyalty. I love you, Rainbow Dash." Anthony kissed the top of the head of the blue pegasi plush.

"Thank you for always being there for me. I will never let you go. We will always be together, forever." He closed his eyes and hugged the plush-pegasus more in a loving way as he drifted off to sleep with it.

Since then..since that day,
he couldn't live a day without her! Rainbow just made him feel safe, loved, and listened to..even if she couldn't talk back to him since she was a stuffed animal and wasn't an actual living-breathing creature in real life.

To put it into short terms, he would treat her as if she was a real pet of his, that he took care of in his own home. She was very special to him. It's kind of like, how that one time in the past how Ian was best friends with the Star Wars character Darth Vader.

That is how Anthony's relationship with his Rainbow-plush was like in a way. Except that Rainbow never expires and doesn't die of old age, like Vader since she isn't a person. But just a blue plush-pegasi.

So, Anthony never thought he would get the chance to meet Rainbow Dash in real life! He was still shocked about the whole thing. He didn't think it was a good idea if she heard him talking about how he knows her, because he knew it would make her be suspicious about where him and Ian came from.

He didn't want to ruin this. He also would feel very embarrassed and shy if she ever found out that he had feelings for her. So, he preferred to keep it quiet and for him and Ian to stay low for now. "Don't worry, Rainbow. This is nothing. It's not important for you to know." said Anthony, giving a shy smile.

"Huh?" Rainbow said, in confusion. "Okay? Then?" She raised her eyebrow up. "I guess that is something that isn't important for me to know. Oh, whatever." She blew a strand of her rainbow mane out of her face. "Anyways, we should go ahead and start eating at this picnic. While, we're at it." She started walking off.

"Right," Anthony said, seeing Rainbow go ahead of them.

Ian whispered in Anthony's ear. "Anthony. What's wrong with you? Why did you?--"

"Dude. I don't want you bringing that up to Rainbow. Hello? We don't want them to know that we know a lot about them, since they would get suspicious of us. It would be too hard for us to explain how we got here to Ponyville on accident. Since, we are both humans. Plus, I may have a huge crush on her. But, I don't want her to know about it, since she is the coolest pegasus in all of Equestria. And, she's so pretty and is such a loyal catch too. She is my type, since she is a tomboy. Not to mention, that she is awesome."

Ian stared at Anthony. "Oh okay then. I understand. I will keep quiet about it, dude. Your secret is safe with me. Just like mines is with you, about my admiration for Rarity."

"Sure. Whatever you say, pal." Anthony said back to Ian. They then both went off to join the other ponies and dragon for the gathering of the picnic.

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