Chapter 10>> Spending The Night At Twilight's!

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Everypony and Spike the baby dragon were all done with eating food at the picnic. Rarity wrapped up the picnic blanket, with a magic flicker from her horn. Using her magic, she neatly folded it and placed it in the basket. "There, everything is all tidy up, now."

"Oh my," Fluttershy said, her eyes gazed up to the sky. "It's already sundown. We should all be going."

"Yes, the same goes for you, sugarcubes." Applejack said to Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox.

"My, oh my." Rarity said. "It's halfway to becoming nightfall. I should really go and get my beauty sleep right away. I have to get up early, because I have about a dozen new dresses that I have to make for a customer."

"Since you're both new to Ponyville, do you have anywhere to stay for the night? I'm just wondering?" Spike asked Ian and Anthony.

"Yeah, about that." Ian said.

Anthony added into the conversation. "Our situation is complicated to explain. So, we both don't have anywhere to stay for the night. We didn't really think things through. We didn't think that we would get this far, due to our certain circumstances."

"Oh." Spike said. "I had no idea. Maybe--" He got cut off.

Starlight Glimmer's eyes lit up. "Hey! Maybe you should stay with me and Twilight? Uh--Princess Twilight! In her castle of friendship. She sure has a lot of rooms and space. I'm sure that she won't mind at all. You two would just be guests there, until you find a house to live in at Ponyville. And, she would just be coming back soon from her duties."

"Wow! That's an excellent idea, Starlight!" Spike said. "That I was, just about to say."

"That sounds good with us." Anthony said. "We will accept your offer on that. Thank you." He thanked Starlight and Spike.

"Yeah, really.. thanks." Ian said.

"Heh, it's no problem. Really." Starlight said. She gestured with her hoof to them, "Come on, and follow me around then. To the castle, of course."

Anthony and Ian followed the purple unicorn that continued strolling.

"This is goodbye, then. We will see all of you, later!" Spike said to the Mane Five, that was Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash.

"Goodbye!" Pinkie waved with her pink pony hoof.

"See ya, later. My Spikey-Wikey," Rarity saw Spike running off to join Starlight, Anthony, and Ian.

Starlight opened the door to the castle front door. "It's okay. I will take you both to our guest room." She walked into the long hallway.

"Wow. This castle sure is big." Anthony said.

Him and Ian both looked up and around in complete awe, at how Princess Twilight Sparkle's castle looked so fancy and beautiful.

"What a cool castle, for this princess-friend of your's to live in, Starlight and Spike." Ian said.

"Yeah, and we got for free, too." Spike said. "It magically sprouted from the ground!"

"Cool!" Ian said, being intrigued. "Please do, tell me more."
"Well, here we are." Starlight used her magic to open a random door to a guest room. "I hope you two don't mind, sharing a guest room together. Since you're both friends. If not, you can both have separate rooms. Really, I don't mind. Either way." Anthony and Ian's pony ears both raised up, hearing what she said.

"No. Really." Ian said. "It's actually fine."

"Yeah, we both don't mind sharing. There is no trouble with this." said Anthony.

Starlight smiled. "Great! Great! I'll just," she backed out of the room. "Tell Twilight about this, once she gets back tonight. So that, it will be out of the way. Have a good night. Sweet dreams." She closed the door, giving the two male ponies some privacy to speak alone.

Anthony and Ian both looked around in the room. There was a twin bed. And a sofa, that was to the side of the wall. "What a nice room." Anthony said.

"It's great that we at least have a place to stay at." Ian said. "But we have to find a way to get back home. First thing, tomorrow morning." Ian layed down on the couch.

"What!?" Anthony said. "But I'm not ready to leave Ponyville here, just yet. I don't want to. We just got here, today!"

"But, dude. We're both humans!" Ian said. "You know that we both don't truly belong here. This isn't our place to fit in. And, we have to continue Smosh."

"Yes..I know. But, I've always wanted to go here. It's always been my dream. Just please," Anthony said. "At least for one more day?"

Ian took a deep sigh of defeat. "Fiiine. But it's just because the ponies are really cute and so kind! It's so, not because I like Rarity! Geez!"

"Anyways, let's get some sleep." Anthony blew out the candle that was on top of the desk. He then layed down in the twin bed and tucked himself in with the blanket, using his hooves. "Goodnight, Ian." He closed his eyes.

"Night, Anthony." Ian closed his eyes, as he was sleeping on the sofa.
Starlight Glimmer was waiting in the royal throne room in the castle. She kept walking back and forth. "Oh, when is she going to come back? She said, tonight? That she was very sure? Come on, get it together, Starlight." She sighed in relief, to calm herself down. "I'm positive that she will be back. I--"

She stopped speaking to herself, when she heard the loud noise of somepony opening the door behind her. "I'm so sorry, I'm late." A alicorn princess said.

"I was caught up with a lot of confusing stuff that I had to deal with." Twilight Sparkle put her head down, as she walked up to Starlight.

"It's okay. No worries." Starlight smiled back. But then, looked back at her, with worry on her face. "Say, you don't look so good. You look--"

"I'm just so tired," Twilight's eyes had bags underneath her eyelids. It was really noticeable. "I want to go sleep now."

Starlight stopped her from leaving the room, by blocking her way with the open door in the front. "Wait. Before you do. There's one thing that I have to tell you."

"Okay. Just make it quick. 'Cause I'm sleepy." Twilight's voice was getting lower, due to her exhaustion. She could barely keep up. She had no energy to speak.

"Me and the others, plus Spike. We all met these two boy ponies. One is a pegasi. Another is an Earth pony. They are both new here. We all had a picnic together earlier. I wanted to invite you to it, but I couldn't since you were super busy, that you couldn't show up to it. Me and Spike invited them to stay here at the castle as guests, since they don't have anywhere else to stay at Ponyville..which is due to their complicated circumstances. It's just temporary, until they can both get a new house in Ponyville. I hope you don't mind." Starlight smiled back at Twilight.

"Mmm..." Twilight's eyes began to close. "Sure. I don't mind. At all." She dozed off and began snoring.

Starlight grinned, while looking at her. She used her unicorn magic to pick up Twilight to take her to her bedroom. "There." She tucked her in bed. "Now, have a good night, Twilight."

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