Chapter 13>> Spilling The Tea

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Anthony Padilla spoke, "So yeah, as me and Ian were both saying. It is completely normal for other people to make puns on our last names. It's common to us, since it happens a lot. So, we are used to it, from back home, from our fans."

"People?" Applejack asked. "What is that?"

"Fans? You have an ENTIRE fanbase!? How!?" Rainbow Dash said. "WHAT!? I don't understand. I--"

"Sure, you do. Just like a good rainbow-maned pegasi we know that does have one." Applejack eyed Rainbow, referring to her. "Doesn't it ring a bell to you, Dash? That you have a fan club that Scootaloo owns?...dedicated to you and your awesomeness. Don't you? Or not?"

"Heh, yeah. Of course, I do." Rainbow giggled. "I can never forget about that. But that's not what I mean. I mean--them!" She pointed her blue hoof to Anthony and Ian. "My question is, 'How do they have a fanbase?' What do they exactly do, for entertainment? That gets them their so-called 'fans'? That's what I'm wondering, Applejack."

"Come to think of it. You must be right. You are onto something, Dash." Applejack said. "Something is weird and fishy about 'em."

"And can someone tell us what people are... Already!" Pinkie Pie said. "Come on, I'm waiting for your answers! I'm tired of waiting in long suspense!"

"Yeah. Seriously, darlings. What are they? I've never heard of that word." Rarity said. "Something here, ain't adding up. I sense that something strange is going on." She walked in front of Anthony and Ian. "What is it, that you're both hiding from all of us!? Whatever it is! You..." She glared at them really closely, "Both better.. SPILL IT! Spill the tea! And this better be good!" She declared in her British accent. "Because we don't like it when ponies hide secrets from us, that are bad."

'Oh no. I accidentally slipped up and said the word 'people', which is a human word that ponies never use in this cartoon. Now they know that something is up with me and Ian. Sh*t! I basically just snitched on our asses!' Anthony thought to himself.

'Anthony. What do we do?' Ian thought to himself as he spoke telepathically to Anthony, while looking at him.

'I don't know Ian! This is all my fault! I'm so sorry, bro!' Anthony said.

'Hey! I can hear you!' Ian said.

'Wait we can read each other's thoughts now?' Anthony asked. 'Huh? Cool.'

'I had no idea we could read each other's minds telepathically. This is so cool. We can hear each other's inner thoughts, instead of talking. This could of came in handy earlier.' Ian thought to himself, mind-speaking with Anthony.

'Yeah. I didn't know that we could do that either. I think it's really cool too.'  Anthony replied back.

'Hahaha! Yeah! It sure is!' Ian said. 'Damn it! I need to stop getting distracted. Anyways, what are we gonna do?'

'F*CK! I don't know! I didn't mean to bring us into this Ian! SH*T! What the crap should we do!?' Anthony said in his mind.

'This does not look good, whatever this is.' Ian replied back in his thoughts.

'Well yeah, no SH*T! F*CKING SHERLOCK HOLMES!' Anthony yelled at him in his mind. 'You're not helping!'

After they were done speaking in each other's minds, Anthony and Ian both sweatdropped. They were both nervous since it looked like they were becoming suspicious in character. "Uh--" They said in unison, while looking at each other awkwardly.

"Wait!" Starlight Glimmer's eyes lit up in awe. "Did you just say people?"

"Yes? We just did?" Ian asked. "Why do you want to know?"

"I know that word!" Starlight said. "I know what people are!" She said. "It's not a bad thing."

"You know that word? But how, Starlight?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"I learned it from Sunset Shimmer when I went to her world in the magical mirror. That world is populated with people, not ponies like us." Starlight replied.

"Wait really? That's amazing." Twilight said. "You don't suppose that they're from--"

"Another world!" Discord cut Twilight off. "Is what I would say! Don't you, think?"

"Well, I was thinking maybe they're from the world in the mirror where my friend Sunset Shimmer is from? Maybe?" Twilight asked.

"Sunset Shimmer?" Anthony asked. "I know who she is. To explain how I know, is far-too complicated for me to try to get into. But we've never met her. And we're not from that world."

"Anthony." Ian said. "You've said too much. Please stop talking, man."

"Man? What is that?" Spike asked.

"It's another word to do with people. That word, isn't in our Equestrian vocabulary here in Equestria. It's only in the same-based world that Sunset is from." Starlight said.

"I can't do this anymore, Ian." Anthony said. "Fine. All of you win." He said in defeat. "I am going to come clean with every detail."

"Anthony! No. You don't have to--" Ian said.

"It's okay. Ian. This is a safe place. We won't be harmed by these ponies and gentle creatures, as long as we tell them the truth." Anthony said.

"The truth? On, where you're from?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Yes. That." Anthony said. "You see. The truth is that me and Ian are both not from this world."

"What!? You're not from Ponyville?" Applejack asked.

"You're from another world!?" Starlight grinned.

"Ha! I knew it! I knew that the moment I heard about you two, from Fluttershy. That you both were from a different dimension." Discord said. "It was your names and your vibes that easily gave it away." A tea cup appeared in his hand. "Now, you may spill the tea," He spilled the brown tea onto the floor.

"Say what?" Spike said. "You somehow knew all this time? And are barely telling us this now?"

"Well..." Discord took a pause to think to himself. He then looked back at the little purple dragon. "Yes, Spike. I did. I sensed it with my own body, with using my own intuition... And my magic, indeed." He said. "I just wanted to be sure if what I thought was true, that's why I didn't bring this up earlier. I wanted to see if this was real for myself first."

"Hmm," Spike put his finger up to his chin. "I see. That makes sense." He chuckled. "Honestly, I would of done the same. Just to be sure about it. You know?"

"See. Now, you are starting to get me." said Discord to Spike.

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