Chapter 1

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The world was cold and hollow. 

And Daffy hated every bit of it.

He couldn't move or speak.

Almost as if his mouth was muted and he couldn't cry for help.

He was lost and all alone in his darkness.

It had been like this for days, possibly months if he was counting.

One day, however, felt like a miracle when a sudden beam of light flashed on in front of him and in his trance-like state.

Finally, he could feel something opening. 

Anything, to leave the rotten place that he was in now as his body begin to involuntary float and lean on towards this light.

But why was he floating? He thought. 

Somehow, that question never really crossed his mind any at the moment.

What matters more to him was leaving this haunting existence and going back to his own world from which he came from. 

One where he had a life and all of his friends was waiting for him there. 

Suddenly, something stopped and he started to fall back through this world again, only this time, he was transported to another place.

Bam! His body slammed as he hit the sinking ground in a matter of minutes before he blacks out.


After a while, he woke up and looks around at his surroundings, his eyes widen in surprise from intense shock of what had just happened.  

Was he back home?

Is this all just a dream? Daffy thought as observes the room that he is in and notices that the room was a girl's bedroom. 

"Since when do I like pink?" Daffy said to himself, weirded out as he looks at some of décor and then changes his opinion about it quick. 

"Oh, but it is nice thou." Daffy added while looking at the wallpaper with amusement. 

Then, all of a sudden, the bedroom door opened from behind him as he turns and sees Lola entering the room with her purse and shopping bags in her hand. 

She had just gotten back from the mall when she sees Daffy's alarming arrival. 

"Daffy? what are you doing here? How did you get into my room?" Lola asked, confused. 

"This isn't your room! This is my....." Daffy was going to say until he stopped himself from arguing any further. 

He remembers now that his room back home had a dark gray wallpaper with a brown bed and disco ball hanging like a chandelier. 

"...This is not my room. Weird, I could've sworn that I was in my own room back home, but I guess I got lost again. Maybe I can call Bugs to pick me up then." Daffy said, confused as he was going to leave the area until Lola said something. 

"Oh, well since you're here, maybe I can show you around my room for a bit." Lola offered. 

"Eh, that's okay I need to get home anyways if I want to see my St. Steve James: Off Duty Cop marathon. They're playing all of their showings this weekend." Daffy explained. 

"Are you sure? It won't take, but just a moment. See, this is all of my ragdoll collection and look! My new line set of clothes and... ooh these are my personal baby bells. Come here listen." Lola persuaded as she shakes her small wristlet bells. 

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