Chapter 6

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While that was happening, back at Witch Lezah's office, Daffy was in the mist of his hypnotic state.

It began with a simple go to phrase for the therapist to enter the mind at best.

"You're going on a journey. A journey similar to your everyday life...." Witch Lezah announced smoothly like before.

Daffy then slowly starts to smile warmly.

Lezah took good note of it and nodded her head at this process. 

"Ah. I see that already you're somewhere. Tell me, is it back at your home?" Witch Lezah asked to see where she was now with his thoughts and memories.

Daffy's response became only a nod

"Is Bugs there with you?" Witch Lezah asked.

"Mhmm." Daffy concurred softly.

"Good. Now tell me what's happening right now?" Witch Lezah asked as if they were on a trail to something bigger.

"We're in the car." Daffy mumbled but was clear enough for her to hear his reply.

"Okay, where are you two heading?" Witch Lezah asked.

"To the pizzaribba." Daffy answered.

"Is that the restaurant that you guys go to a lot?" Witch Lezah asked, rhetorically.

"mhmm." Daffy affirmed.

"What else?" Witch Lezah asked.

"We were walking on the sidewalks..." Daffy said in a pause, indicating that he's rewatching his memory to understand it better.

"Yeah and?" Witch Lezah added.

"We went inside the restaurant and ordered some pizza. We...were talking for hours....ha ha." Daffy explained until something else popped in his mind to make him laugh.

"What?" Witch Lezah said, confused.

"Oh nothing. It was just Bugs having his usual knockout for jokes. He always knew how to make me laugh." Daffy said in an unexpected sweet tone, his cheeks blooming slowly red.

Lezah, who was watching all of it, simply laughed herself.

There was so much that Daffy never realized that it would have to take a real person to tell him straight up with what he was feeling.

The poor thing was just too oblivious to his own dream.

But, that was never in her place to say it.

The last thing she wants to do is to get involved.

So, she nodded her head and smiled brightly at the smitten duck.

"I see." Witch Lezah said with a small giggle escaping her mouth.

The sweet memory continues to put him at ease for a while until all of a sudden, he hears a voice in an echo.

This is all my fault. I should have been the one to get hit.

His mind then begins to push further away from the happy moment and into something much more darker.

Possibly, the scene of the accident itself.

But it wasn't much too specified to tell whether it was the whole incident or the pain that he was feeling from it.

"Uugh." Daffy groaned, painfully.

Lezah then looks up at him, alarmed.

"Daffy what's wrong?" Witch Lezah asked, worriedly.

She knew she couldn't do much about it but needed to see where his memory is heading before he 'crashes' permanently.

"I...." Daffy tried to say but was cut off by the spinning motion of his thoughts.

Soon, flashes of light begin blindside his vision.

He couldn't see at this point because it was so bright.

Then suddenly, an enormous blare sound echoed through like a train that was about to hit him!

He forced himself to move away and opened his eyes, quick.

He felt like he was sweating and his heart or connecting heart, was pounding hard.

"Ha...ha." He panted breathlessly.

"Daffy! Are you okay? What happened?" Witch Lezah asked.

"I.... I heard his voice echoing in my head.... and then I panicked. There were lights blinding me. I....I couldn't see. I didn't know where I was going and I hear this awful sound. Like it was honking me to move but I wasn't able to..." His shaky breath recited, painfully in a pause.

"The lights that you are describing me. Were they like headlights of a car?" Witch Lezah asked.

"Y...yes." Daffy replied, nodding his head.

"I knew something that was gonna happen." Witch Lezah said, disappointed.

"What?" Daffy asked, confused.

"When you're in a trance state..." Witch Lezah explained until she was interrupted.

"A what?" Daffy asked, puzzled.

"A sleeping state! .....sorry. What I meant to say was, when you're in a coma, you can feel and hear everything because even though your spiritual form is out of your body, you are somehow still connected to it. So everything that happens can be felt by your pain. your injuries and sore spots. To the words that you hear to..." Witch Lezah explained until she was cut off.

"Hands." Daffy added.

"Hm?" Witch Lezah asked, now interested.

"I...I can feel his hands. Every day and I guess I didn't see it" Daffy said while trying to feel his translucent hands.

Although, he can't physically touch them, the radiating warmth from them, said otherwise.

"I see. I suppose now, you understand that you're somehow still alive and not just from your body." Which Lezah concluded.

"L...let me try again" Daffy blurted out, frantically.

"No. You need time to rest. When you're fully ready and comfortable enough, come and see me, and we can start all over again." Witch Lezah suggested.

"But I have to..." Daffy said until he was interrupted.

"Look, if you think you can handle your memories without panicking about them so much, then by all means we'll recover your accident. But it looks to me from what I'm seeing here, its best to leave this alone for a little while." Witch Lezah advised.

"For how long?" Daffy asked.

"As much time as your mind needs. Take a deep breath and go home. Even if he can't see you, there are other ways to show him that you're here. You can still reach out to him somehow." Witch Lezah explained with a small smile.

"Okay." Daffy said as he got up from his chair, disappointed.

"I'm sorry, but this is for your own good. You'll just have to wait. Let your body take time for these things to adjust." Witch Lezah suggested as Daffy nods his head and teleports himself back home.

No matter how long it's going to take him to get his memories back.

Until he is able to get the full picture of it all.

He was more than willing to spend time with Bugs and at every chance he gets.

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