Chapter 10

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I think you're more than ready to find it by yourself. 

Just remember, don't hold it back.

 Let it all flow.

 Even if it gives you pain, let your mind play it through like a film and you'll find all of the answers that you need....

Those few good words were still coursing through Daffy's mind over and over again like a record as him and Lola walk on a long stroll into town while Lola goes through the main points of the book, looking for answers. 

The Witch was of great help to them, but basically told both of them that the key to all of this comes within the mind and spirit itself. 

Which meant that Daffy has to find his own way back home. 

Even if it takes his utter most breaking points to get him there. 

He continued to ponder over it while Lola gives out a few suggestions. 

"So, I was thinking, maybe we should start off with talking about your fears and how to overcome them or maybe we can remind you of a couple good memories that can relax your mind enough to open a gateway back into your body. But, I don't know, what do you think?" Lola asked, turning to Daffy, who was too preoccupied to respond. 

"Daffy?" Lola called out, but when he doesn't hear her, she repeated. 

"Daffy!" Lola screamed out that finally not only caused him to look at her but also attracted attention from other people nearby as well, who all looked at her odd. 

She looked at them with a too big grin smile, hoping to wave them away.  

"he he, my bad. I just thought I saw my lost puppy named Daffy" Lola announced to them who looked at her for a moment before shrugging their shoulders and carried on. 

When no one was watching her, she sighed in relief. 

"Phew. That was close." Lola said to herself as she turned back to Daffy, who now has her full attention.  

"Were you even listening to me back there?" Lola asked, with a frown. 

"I'm sorry. I just....*sigh. I just wish that I could remember everything." Daffy said looking down. 

Lola felt bad and tried to make him feel better. 

"That's okay, we'll figure it out soon, I promise. We just have to keep trying." Lola said, trying to reassure him. 

"Well, there's also something else that's been bothering me lately. Why exactly are you helping me anyways. Didn't you ever know...jealous when you learned my feelings for him?" Daffy asked, wondering. 

"Nope, not really." Lola said, shrugging her shoulders. 

"What do you mean? Aren't you his girlfriend? Daffy asked, confused. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention about our breakup, earlier." Lola informed as Daffy immediately whipped his head around in shock.

"What?! Why?" Daffy asked, confused. 

"Because I have short-term memory loss." Lola explained wrongly. 

"No, I didn't ask why did you forget. I meant, why did he break up with you?" Daffy asked. 

"He didn't break up with me, I broke up with him." Lola corrected. 

"I don't get it." Daffy said, confused. 

"5 months ago, when you were at the hospital, I didn't know exactly what happened to you that day. All I knew at the time was that Bugs was really upset and would end up spending so much time at either the Pizzaribba or at the hospital. I tried to talk to him about it but he wouldn't even open up to me. I had almost thought that he was cheating on me until Tina told me that he had been keeping an eye on you and was waiting at every moment that he could take so that he would be there for you when you're able to wake up and come home. I may not remember much about the accident itself but I did realize that he cared enough about you. So, one day, I spoke to him and he finally admitted that he needed time. And I gave him that chance by letting him go." Lola explained, sweetly. 

Daffy couldn't believe it. 

All this time, he had always been wondering what was so special about him that Bugs had to see him every single day. 

Its like his whole world wouldn't be able to function without having a little chaos in it. 

His chaos. 

"He... misses me that much?" Daffy asked, sadly.

"I thought you already knew." Lola said, confused. 

"How would I have known that?! I was in a coma for Pete's sake!" Daffy yelled out, irritated. 

"Right. Sorry, my bad." Lola said with a nervous grin. 

"Ugh. Well, maybe the hospital might be my only chance at finding the truth. If I see my body for myself, it might help jog a few memories." Daffy suggested. 

"Do you think Bugs will be there too?" Lola asked, curiously. 

"I don't know, maybe." Daffy said, looking away blushing a little at the thought of him. 

"You want me to go in with you?" Lola offered. 

"They might kick you out. I heard in the movies that only relatives or close friends can stay in there." Daffy informed. 

"Well, maybe I can pretend to be your sister. Will that work?" Lola suggested. 

"Pfft. If you do, then people are gonna think that you are some kind of alien. We don't even look alike." Daffy said, laughing. 

"I guess so. Wait, does this mean that I'm an alien?" Lola asked, cluelessly. 

"Haha. No, I wish that was the case though. You would be really cool as one." Daffy joked. 

"Yeah I would. I already have all of the special techniques and qualifications to be an alien" Lola said playfully as the two talked on until they were able to find the nearest hospital which also happens to be the only one in the area and stopped by the front entrance. 

Luckily for them, there was nobody nearby to see them communicate as they part ways for now. 

"Are you sure that you don't need me there?" Lola offered again. 

"I think I'll be alright." Daffy said with a smile, reassuring her. 

"Okay then, good luck. If you ever need my assistance, call me." Lola said in a dramatic advertising voice. 

"I can't call you. Remember? I'm a ghost" Daffy reminded her. 

"Oh right. Well in that case, then pop magically to my room if you are ever in need." Lola improvised in another acting like voice. 

"Haha, will do. I'll see you later, then." Daffy said with a small chuckle as he waved goodbye to her and heads inside the hospital building to find his ICU room.

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